It appears to me that everything that I was told 2 years ago is coming to fruition. I read about all of the goodness happening, I read about the gooroos insight into a wealthy future for us all, I read about the immenent arrest of the Cabal, the lightworkers helping our cause, yet the collapse of the worlds economies are right on track. We have been told over and over that something we can put our eyes on will surface at any moment, but nothing yet. I find this entire journey facinating. We know that evil is around every corner, we know the light is visable for us to see, we know the battle wages, but is it being waged to uphold balance? Hmmm to that....I sat with the dark side and even they are scared, scared of the destruction that Im told is near.....Massive destruction....Even they do not know where to hide. They admitted that no place is a safe haven. Dont be within 150 miles of any coast I was told. Interesting that the data coming out is telling us what is coming. Hollywood always gives us a sneak preview and those who have sold their souls enjoy their short lived fame by flaunting their knowledge of our future with us. The dark side is very very squirrely..Also.....just an FYI...Camalot appears to be a misinformation site.....So take theirs and all associated info with a grain of salt.......and this includes quite a few "insiders".......Beware of disingenuous LWers....Beware of misguided souls as the price Lucifer is paying for their souls is very tempting to many, to good for the weak to refuse.....