July 23, 2015 Ines Radman Uncategorized
We got it all wrong. I will share it with you and I would gladly hear your comments on this. This occurred a few hours ago, after the power went out across the island and I started thinking about US and what happens when we unplug from the Matrix.
Stating I AM is only confirming our individuality rather than the desired outcome of Unity Consciousness. Are we not only confirming that I AM means just standing alone? Could that be the reason why things are not moving as fast as we want them to or expect them to, because we are all focused on I rather than WE?
So, I AM this, I AM that, I AM Sovereign, I AM eternal, I AM immortal, I AM Soul with purpose and now what? What has changed other than my perception or belief about who I want to be? I have been saying these things for the last 30 years and nothing has changed other than I now know who I am.
Do I dare stand alone against Goliath? By confirming I AM, am I not actually causing separation? Is this not about humanity waking up? How do we wake each other up if we insist on being in the I AM state?
Are we not all here for the same purpose? Do we not create our own realities through our thoughts? So, if we think I AM, are we not creating our I AM reality as individuals and not as Unity Consciousness?
Let me explain. There are those and most likely a majority of humanity that is still asleep. Up to now, we have believed that in order for them to wake up they must “wake up” in different ways by epiphanies, NDE’s, information, various other means of learning. If we are our thoughts, would it not make sense for us to think WE ARE ONE, WE are ALL, WE are Souls with purpose by thinking/saying this, are we not tapping into the Unity consciousness energy that we are all connected to? Are we not activating the charge into the Universal Battery and by doing so, helping those that are asleep?
We ALL have telepathic abilities, we just don’t recognize them and as a result don’t work on enhancing them. We usually refer to them as “strange feelings, strange vibrations, premonitions, gut feelings, synchronicity, coincidences etc.” We are telepathic because we all share the same energy and God Force therefore, if we are confirming I AM, that’s being transmitted as I AM and only services ME; but if I think and believe WE ARE then my thoughts tap into the Unity Consciousness of ALL THAT IS.
So, I tried going about my day by changing I AM to WE ARE and within the first few minutes came across another challenge. Because of my injury, I experience pain. How do I reflect that thought without sending it off to the battery? In other words, I can’t say WE HURT, so I realized that we are actually 2 beings. The first and foremost we are I AM, but we were WE ARE before we were created. In other words, WE ARE ALL THAT IS existed before we were created. Therefore, our individual feelings or negative thoughts should be referred to as I AM but at the same time trying to stop even thinking anything negative. I AM IN PAIN is an individual negative energy which lowers my own personal frequency, but we should not even be acknowledging that, I am trying to now just think “This is painful”, rather than adopting it as MY pain. At the same time, I have again separated myself from the collective, so this is where we have to really practice removing negative thoughts and seeing these issues as observers.
If we are what we think, then isn’t it easier to become a Plural being and to speak in behalf of all of us? If we are ALL ONE, doesn’t it make sense to think as a group rather than individual and by doing so will force us to stop having negative thoughts and feelings knowing that each thought negative or positive goes directly to the collective battery.
Instead of planning and attending large gatherings to mediate for world peace or whatever, isn’t it more logical to just think WE ARE?
In our personal space when working on ourselves, we can think of I AM, as Ying and Yang. I AM and WE ARE exist together, are part of ONE and can’t exist without the other; but when we switch to wanting a better world and waking up others we must BE unified and plugged into the Collective Battery.
Let’s visualize this collective battery. This battery powers our Essences, all loving, positive and actions charge this battery cell. The battery is the Collective Consciousness of ALL THAT IS when we think of being part of it. If I say or think “We’re all doomed”, i have now discharged some energy from the battery. I AM does not charge the collective battery, it only confirms our individual existences as Souls, but we didn’t come here alone. WE, as a collective made agreements with each other before incarnating, each one of us has a significant role to change our collective reality.
By living as I AM; we’re not plugged into the Collective Battery of Consciousness, we are simply affirming our Soulful existence. Through that knowledge that we are Souls having a human experience, we confirm that knowledge by knowing that I AM ALL THAT IS.
As individuals, as Souls we may recognize our purpose for being here but if WE ARE not connected to the collective battery and powering it through WE ARE, we can’t help others.
Every living being is plugged into the battery. Those that are not aware are draining the battery and life force of others, so those of us that are aware and awakened must start thinking WE ARE souls. WE ARE powerful, WE ARE eternal, WE ARE love; in order to charge the Collective Battery and that energy slowly transmits to those that are asleep but plugged in and don’t know they are.
Could this be why we are feeling that we’re on a wild roller-coaster ride? Each negative event causes a human to think of I AM afraid, I lost everything, I AM going to die, WE ARE doomed, WE ARE suffering thus draining the Collective Battery, while those that are awake and charging it with positive thoughts and like a flat tire, not getting very good results because the air keeps flowing right back out until we plug the hole.
Could the I AM paradigm be another trick to keep us from charging the collective battery?
I can’t answer that because I’m not yet 100% sure who I am, but it sure makes sense that we can’t seem to make much progress and when we do think we have made progress, another negative event simply discharges what little progress was made.
We can call it the Collective Battery, the God Force, Unity Consciousness or whatever else you want but the fact remains that every creation, created with love is connected to this Force through the umbilical cord, I see it as a blue cord that gives us life but is also plugged into the Collective Battery. We are responsible for each other, we agreed to watch each others back and we promised each other we would try and wake up those that forgot. This is what we are doing. We are trying to wake those up and remind them why they came here. The battery meter will show us if we over charging or undercharging.
How we charge this collective battery is how we create our reality. More positive charges and humanity awakens and grows, starts recognizing their true nature. The more negative thoughts and intent through WE ARE thoughts, the battery drains and I believe we have been doing this for millions of years now because somewhere along the line, it was communicated to us that I AM is what it takes to awaken.
Do we have it all wrong?
Your reality is created through your thoughts. Next time you step outside and tell yourself it’s cold outside, you have remained neutral, you’re simply an observer, but if you think “I hate this cold”., you have created a negative energy that affects all of us. I hate the cold statement is a negative discharge.
By understanding your negative thoughts affect others, would you not be willing to change?
I sure as hell am because if I say I hate you, all of humanity will feel it, not just you.
I am willing to try, next time I start sweating from the heat, instead of thinking “I hate this weather”, I will think “it’s hot”; or not think anything at all because my negative thoughts discharge the collective battery.
Now Unity Consciousness begins to make sense if we see it that way. Whatever we think, whether negative or positive will travel to the battery and affect it either by charging or discharging.
I AM statement is our identity as a Soul with purpose. All I AM statements simply identify us as individuals, but WE ARE statements or thoughts tap into the collective. We can choose to fill it with a positive charge or negative discharge.
WE ARE is our collective existence through which we create our collective reality and experiences.
I AM is recognition that as a Soul, WE ARE part of ALL THAT IS.
Together,knowing and not knowing we are charging or discharging and until the battery reaches a maximum positive charge, we can’t move forward. We can’t turn on the Engine of change until there is more positive charges, so that we can finally move forward and get out of this huge pothole we got stuck in.
This is what the message has been for me all along, I couldn’t make sense of it until this morning when the power went out and then it all came together.
We are plugged into the same collective battery and the key is to charge it positively in order for it to turn on, while the Controllers are creating more chaos for those affected to discharge.
We must all start thinking WE ARE to help those that are plugged in and are not aware of the damage they are causing by discharging our collective battery. We must help counterbalance and rather than focusing on the individual I AM, shift over to WE ARE so that we can charge what is being lost and try to start the engine. Once the wheels start turning, those asleep will start running to catch up for the ride.
Do you think we have been doing it all wrong? Can we try and see if it will work? What have we got to lose other than ourselves?
Thanks to Ines at: https://wearelightbeings.wordpress.com
July 23, 2015 Ines Radman Uncategorized
We got it all wrong. I will share it with you and I would gladly hear your comments on this. This occurred a few hours ago, after the power went out across the island and I started thinking about US and what happens when we unplug from the Matrix.
Stating I AM is only confirming our individuality rather than the desired outcome of Unity Consciousness. Are we not only confirming that I AM means just standing alone? Could that be the reason why things are not moving as fast as we want them to or expect them to, because we are all focused on I rather than WE?
So, I AM this, I AM that, I AM Sovereign, I AM eternal, I AM immortal, I AM Soul with purpose and now what? What has changed other than my perception or belief about who I want to be? I have been saying these things for the last 30 years and nothing has changed other than I now know who I am.
Do I dare stand alone against Goliath? By confirming I AM, am I not actually causing separation? Is this not about humanity waking up? How do we wake each other up if we insist on being in the I AM state?
Are we not all here for the same purpose? Do we not create our own realities through our thoughts? So, if we think I AM, are we not creating our I AM reality as individuals and not as Unity Consciousness?
Let me explain. There are those and most likely a majority of humanity that is still asleep. Up to now, we have believed that in order for them to wake up they must “wake up” in different ways by epiphanies, NDE’s, information, various other means of learning. If we are our thoughts, would it not make sense for us to think WE ARE ONE, WE are ALL, WE are Souls with purpose by thinking/saying this, are we not tapping into the Unity consciousness energy that we are all connected to? Are we not activating the charge into the Universal Battery and by doing so, helping those that are asleep?
We ALL have telepathic abilities, we just don’t recognize them and as a result don’t work on enhancing them. We usually refer to them as “strange feelings, strange vibrations, premonitions, gut feelings, synchronicity, coincidences etc.” We are telepathic because we all share the same energy and God Force therefore, if we are confirming I AM, that’s being transmitted as I AM and only services ME; but if I think and believe WE ARE then my thoughts tap into the Unity Consciousness of ALL THAT IS.
So, I tried going about my day by changing I AM to WE ARE and within the first few minutes came across another challenge. Because of my injury, I experience pain. How do I reflect that thought without sending it off to the battery? In other words, I can’t say WE HURT, so I realized that we are actually 2 beings. The first and foremost we are I AM, but we were WE ARE before we were created. In other words, WE ARE ALL THAT IS existed before we were created. Therefore, our individual feelings or negative thoughts should be referred to as I AM but at the same time trying to stop even thinking anything negative. I AM IN PAIN is an individual negative energy which lowers my own personal frequency, but we should not even be acknowledging that, I am trying to now just think “This is painful”, rather than adopting it as MY pain. At the same time, I have again separated myself from the collective, so this is where we have to really practice removing negative thoughts and seeing these issues as observers.
If we are what we think, then isn’t it easier to become a Plural being and to speak in behalf of all of us? If we are ALL ONE, doesn’t it make sense to think as a group rather than individual and by doing so will force us to stop having negative thoughts and feelings knowing that each thought negative or positive goes directly to the collective battery.
Instead of planning and attending large gatherings to mediate for world peace or whatever, isn’t it more logical to just think WE ARE?
In our personal space when working on ourselves, we can think of I AM, as Ying and Yang. I AM and WE ARE exist together, are part of ONE and can’t exist without the other; but when we switch to wanting a better world and waking up others we must BE unified and plugged into the Collective Battery.
Let’s visualize this collective battery. This battery powers our Essences, all loving, positive and actions charge this battery cell. The battery is the Collective Consciousness of ALL THAT IS when we think of being part of it. If I say or think “We’re all doomed”, i have now discharged some energy from the battery. I AM does not charge the collective battery, it only confirms our individual existences as Souls, but we didn’t come here alone. WE, as a collective made agreements with each other before incarnating, each one of us has a significant role to change our collective reality.
By living as I AM; we’re not plugged into the Collective Battery of Consciousness, we are simply affirming our Soulful existence. Through that knowledge that we are Souls having a human experience, we confirm that knowledge by knowing that I AM ALL THAT IS.
As individuals, as Souls we may recognize our purpose for being here but if WE ARE not connected to the collective battery and powering it through WE ARE, we can’t help others.
Every living being is plugged into the battery. Those that are not aware are draining the battery and life force of others, so those of us that are aware and awakened must start thinking WE ARE souls. WE ARE powerful, WE ARE eternal, WE ARE love; in order to charge the Collective Battery and that energy slowly transmits to those that are asleep but plugged in and don’t know they are.
Could this be why we are feeling that we’re on a wild roller-coaster ride? Each negative event causes a human to think of I AM afraid, I lost everything, I AM going to die, WE ARE doomed, WE ARE suffering thus draining the Collective Battery, while those that are awake and charging it with positive thoughts and like a flat tire, not getting very good results because the air keeps flowing right back out until we plug the hole.
Could the I AM paradigm be another trick to keep us from charging the collective battery?
I can’t answer that because I’m not yet 100% sure who I am, but it sure makes sense that we can’t seem to make much progress and when we do think we have made progress, another negative event simply discharges what little progress was made.
We can call it the Collective Battery, the God Force, Unity Consciousness or whatever else you want but the fact remains that every creation, created with love is connected to this Force through the umbilical cord, I see it as a blue cord that gives us life but is also plugged into the Collective Battery. We are responsible for each other, we agreed to watch each others back and we promised each other we would try and wake up those that forgot. This is what we are doing. We are trying to wake those up and remind them why they came here. The battery meter will show us if we over charging or undercharging.
How we charge this collective battery is how we create our reality. More positive charges and humanity awakens and grows, starts recognizing their true nature. The more negative thoughts and intent through WE ARE thoughts, the battery drains and I believe we have been doing this for millions of years now because somewhere along the line, it was communicated to us that I AM is what it takes to awaken.
Do we have it all wrong?
Your reality is created through your thoughts. Next time you step outside and tell yourself it’s cold outside, you have remained neutral, you’re simply an observer, but if you think “I hate this cold”., you have created a negative energy that affects all of us. I hate the cold statement is a negative discharge.
By understanding your negative thoughts affect others, would you not be willing to change?
I sure as hell am because if I say I hate you, all of humanity will feel it, not just you.
I am willing to try, next time I start sweating from the heat, instead of thinking “I hate this weather”, I will think “it’s hot”; or not think anything at all because my negative thoughts discharge the collective battery.
Now Unity Consciousness begins to make sense if we see it that way. Whatever we think, whether negative or positive will travel to the battery and affect it either by charging or discharging.
I AM statement is our identity as a Soul with purpose. All I AM statements simply identify us as individuals, but WE ARE statements or thoughts tap into the collective. We can choose to fill it with a positive charge or negative discharge.
WE ARE is our collective existence through which we create our collective reality and experiences.
I AM is recognition that as a Soul, WE ARE part of ALL THAT IS.
Together,knowing and not knowing we are charging or discharging and until the battery reaches a maximum positive charge, we can’t move forward. We can’t turn on the Engine of change until there is more positive charges, so that we can finally move forward and get out of this huge pothole we got stuck in.
This is what the message has been for me all along, I couldn’t make sense of it until this morning when the power went out and then it all came together.
We are plugged into the same collective battery and the key is to charge it positively in order for it to turn on, while the Controllers are creating more chaos for those affected to discharge.
We must all start thinking WE ARE to help those that are plugged in and are not aware of the damage they are causing by discharging our collective battery. We must help counterbalance and rather than focusing on the individual I AM, shift over to WE ARE so that we can charge what is being lost and try to start the engine. Once the wheels start turning, those asleep will start running to catch up for the ride.
Do you think we have been doing it all wrong? Can we try and see if it will work? What have we got to lose other than ourselves?
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Thanks to Ines at: https://wearelightbeings.wordpress.com