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On August 18, 2015 By BradleyIn Uncategorized

It has come to my attention that quietly, and from behind the scenes…, Corey Goode…, has been mounting a “character assassination” attempt against both myself and Shane, aka…, THE RUINER…, simply because I wrote a few articles saying that I had serious doubts about his BLUE AVIAN story.
I feel true pity for a man so wounded…, and with such low self esteem…, that instead of dealing with this issue like an adult…, he has taken to hiding in the cracks and the corners of the internet…, stalking  people from behind the scenes.
Instead of coming out from the protected walls of a television studio, and doing an open “INTERVIEW” with anyone besides David Wilcock…, a person who really can no longer be trusted as a viable source of good information…, he prefers to slink, and slither around in the background, creating rumors and false scenarios about any real person who opposes his fake story.
Have you seen his “new” buzz word?     It’s REACTIONARY! 
Trusted Researcher is now on the self…, and anyone who opposes him is: REACTIONARY!
I have nothing to hide!  The Ruiner has nothing to hide!  If in fact Corey has something to say about those who doubt his story…, I wonder if he would ever act  like an adult and come into the light of day, and stop playing these silly “behind the scenes” games of spreading rumor, lies, innuendo, accusation…, and distrust?
OH…, and I have just a few more words for all of those “other” bloggers…, who because they choose to support Corey…, are rushing to “spread” his rumors…, accusations, and other such personally “defaming” things as written by him, since none of these rumors have ever been “fact checked” or “substantiated” by those re-blogging them if they are even true!
I will hold these bloggers personally responsible for each defaming attack that Corey Goode places on any media outlet…, that they in turn rush to  re-print, or re-copy…, if indeed…, what is re-blogged, or re-posted by them is a total lie…, and NOT VERIFIED by them personally.
(See my contract of NON-CONSENT)
You all have mouths!  You are adults and must act like adults!  You can ask the very people that he is attacking, if what he is saying about them true, or NOT TRUE with one simple e-mail.  Stop being so lazy!
You are responsible for every word you print on your blog!  It’s time to grow up…, and it’s also time to take personal responsibility for what we as adults do, say, print and put out into the world. A LAZY BLOGGER is one who reprints anything and everything they can find…, with out actually TALKING TO HUMAN BEINGS to see if what has been written is even true.
 To all out there in the blogosphere…, please try to stay out of the PIG PEN…, because when you go into the pen,  to play with the pigs…, you always end up with MUD all over you.
Finally…, a last word of advice to all of the re-bloggers and re-posters…( you know who you are…)      Corey Goode is NOT GOD…, and to reprint every word that this unfortunate man says as GOSPEL, without checking into it first…,  is the most ludicrous and indecent act a CONSCIOUS HUMAN BEING can undertake.
Something to think about.

Thanks to: https://bradleyloves.wordpress.com



Disclosure Data from Corey 8-16-15… Facebook Comment… “Cobra Attacked, Someone has ‘Gone Rogue’, Reactionaries are ‘in Vogue’” (and “NOW IS THE TIME”)
Tue, August 18, 2015

Bradley Loves vs. Corey Goode? ~ A BLATANT CHARACTER ATTACK – BUT HIDDEN BEHIND THE SCENES Sphere_being_alliance_logo_7
I noticed this Corey comment today, on one of his FB postings. As many of us have experienced within our own lives, there is a lot of “reactionary” stuff going on right now. Fascinating reading.
Please use one’s own discernment always when reading any of the postings I make here, about this or anything else. You will know what fits for you.
[SSP = Secret Space Program; ICC = Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate; LOC = Lunar Operations Command; IE = Intuitive Empath; AI = Artificial Intelligence]
Facebook post comment
Cobra was attacked in one of the same blogs that I was. Alfred Webre has gone rogue in a major way. You should see the emails that he is sending to people who support myself or Cobra that are being forwarded to me. He is VERY nasty to them (Reactionary behavior once again) and always pushes his new book that has some conflicting info but also quite a lot of info to support both myself and Cobra… I am really spending a lot of time sitting back letting these people hang themselves.
David Sweet/Earth Sheriff has been taunting me in emails (Kept them all, he looks insane in them) while I have also been contacted by a couple people who he has trolled/stalked and they have given me the few aliases he uses (Sweet is not his real name) as well as his criminal and psychiatric records (Much of which are public and are shocking)…

I have received quite a lot of information on another blogger who “Loves” to attack me. Their information is also quite shocking and will quickly cause the people they have been working with to distance themselves from them… The list of communications/paper trails is vast and very ugly (Not to mention a mind control expert who is a “Former Illuminati” disinfo agent that Bill Ryan is calling an “Illuminati White Hat” who is the most mind controlled and mind controlling of them all, and soon to be given a larger stage by K.C. who has also been duped). There are two Private Investigators that I think will be distancing themselves from this situation as well that were talked into taking a case against me based on lies (Right Todd?).
When ever have you seen so many people so reactionary on such a large scale? There are dozens of people out there who claim to have been involved in the SSP’s and in contact with multiple ET’s… Why is this information being attacked so strongly? The AI Prophets and Cabal are very upset that is why!
As stated prior, much of this was info that was NEVER supposed to make it into the public mind. The cabal had done a good job of controlling researchers and those being interviewed up until this point… It is now time for some of those who know these same details to come forward, including former Camelot and other whistleblowers who walked right up to the line but didn’t cross it when it came to disclosing this info to humanity.


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