Below are Projected Redemption Rates for Each of the First Basket Currencies.All rates can and will change based on traditional market forces called "Floating". IN COUNTRY RATE:[size=32] [/size]The rate exists so local currency holders can easily redeem to new gold backed currencies within the borders of their country.This rate is intentionally lower than other rates,as it is meant to ease citizens and existing population back into trusting their national currency as legal tender. VND(in Vietnam) : $0.08 USD IQD(in Iraq) : $3.58 USD ZWR(in Zimbabwe): $0.00014USD INTERNATIONAL RATE: The international rate is determined by new global monetary authorities governned by BRICS Alliance members. Many would call this the "FOREX" rate,but in essence, it`s the currency`s pre-agreed upon price,consistent anywhere in the world with a monetary value pegged against the global gold standar.In the old banking system, the international rate was backed by the USD(petro dollar);whereas in the new banking system;this rate is backed in gold perBasel 3 compliance standards. VND(outside of Vietnam) :$0.46-$2.71 USD IQD(outside of Iraq) :$3.90- $8.49 USD ZWR(outside of Zimbabwe):$0.04- $0.14 USD IDR(outside of Indonesia) :$ 1.05 USD CONTRACT RATE: This rate require a new account contract be signed between the bank and its client. Generally, the redemption rates are higher due to length of principal holding term and additional restrictions placed upon movement of principal.NDA`s(non-disclosure agreement) will need to be signed to receive the higher contracted rates guaranteed. VND(signed NDA) :$2.72- $20.00 USD IQD(signed NDA) :$8.50- $38.00 USD ZWR(signed NDA) :$0.15- $0.22 USD IDR(signed NDA) : TBD (All in country, international and contract rates, are subject to change without notice). SOURCE: Preview attachment Global-Currency-Reset-Revaluation-of-Currencies-Historical-Overview.pdf |