Kp Message 9-13-15… “Being Attached to Nothing“
Posted on 2015/09/13 by kauilapeleThere’s been a lot of things recently (the last few months) that I’ve been “involved” in, but I’m finding that my kuleana (Sacred Path) appears to carry with it a necessity to be attached to nothing. Maybe this is not the case for many others, but it is the case for “the Kp”. Absolutely.
I’ve played through a few things here and there in my experiences during the past few years. Including ideas like, “moving to Kauai”, “living in Peru”, “moving back to Turtle Island”, “being involved with the return of the Kingdom of Hawai’i”, “playing music full time again”, bring “involved” in the local community, going on marches, holding protest signs for this cause or that cause (especially when “everyone else is doing it”), and so on.
None of them fit. Ever.
I’ve made my peace with the (seeming) “fact” that, energetically, I am an “independent contractor”. That I came to this planet to assist this planet to move through, perhaps, its most “messed up” times, and to open up the “energy portals” for the New Age… Whatever the Heaven that means.
I’ve tried on a variety of “clothes” (or “themes”) in my life, including the “being married”, having a “perfect house”, living the “dream American life” with the “high paying” job, expensive cars, expensive clothes, expensive other stuff, etc., and none of it, absolutely none of it, would “stick” to my BEingness.
I’m not here to “fit into paradigms”, of any type, particularly old ones, as well as “other peoples'” ones, that are not aligned with the idea of BEing and LIVing “one moment at a time”, on my “Sacred Path”.
So here I BE in the Kingdom of Hawai’i, living the life of joy I have chosen to follow, and BEing a caretaker of whatever “portals”, “Stargates”, etc., etc., that it seems I came here to help grow and shape into whatever is needed for this planet to “ascend” out of the morass in which it’s been stuck.
Maybe I’m really doing nothing. But it sure has been fun doing it.
Aloha Kp
Thanks to KP at: