Cosmic Disclosure Season 2 - Episode 8: Finding Life on Mars - Summary and Analysis | Corey Goode and David Wilcock
Corey Goode describes more of the early ventures of the German-led secret space program this week. Apparently the Germans used natural portals to transport materials directly to the surface of Mars. It is unlike what is depicted in popular works of fiction, in that, it is spherical or bubble shaped phenomenon that transports items within it to a desired destination.
Early German colonists contaminated the natural ecosystem of Mars by bringing some native Earth species with them, that have since that time, altered the ecology there.
The native life that exists on Mars is discussed, as well as, an insectoid group that has lived there for some time. Apparently that group has the ability to create biological technology and lifeforms tailor-made for specific purposes, including for battle and warfare.
For previous Cosmic Disclosure summaries with David Wilcock and Corey Goode click [url= Analysis]here[/url]. Episodes 1, 2, 4, 5 and 6 have yet to be analyzed, but a transcript of these episodes can be found here.
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Show Description:
The summarized notes will be in black, with my commentary in [green bolded brackets]. Alterations to the transcript for ease of reading will be in [brackets], but the original content of the dialog is always maintained. The images with black letter boxing were captured from this episode on Gaiam TV.Mars is rife with life! Corey Goode reveals previously undisclosed details of the habitable zones on Mars and the various forms of life that can be found there. Barren stretches of land swath the surface of the red planet, as evidenced by the plethora of official photos released by NASA. But does it have to be completely lifeless? More than just evidence of ancient life, the first human settlers encountered many other forms of life; strange creatures well suited for the electro-magnetic disruptions which added unforeseen complications to the building-out of burgeoning colonies.
This interview with David Wilcock was originally webcast November 17, 2015.
DW = David Wilcock, CG = Corey Goode
- DW - Welcome to Cosmic Disclosure, I'm your host, David Wilcock, and we're here because you need to know. We have Corey Goode here and even as I'm asking him questions, I'm learning many new things. We're describing the settlement of Mars, by originally the Germans, but the Germans were not the first ones to go there. There's been many, many different groups there, as we're going to talk about more in this episode, we're going to get into all the different types of life on Mars because [this] is a huge subject. Corey, thanks for being back on the show.
- CG - Sure.
- DW - First of all, you mentioned before, in [url= Analysis]previous episodes[/url] something about vegetation on Mars. Could you just briefly give us an overview of what you saw. What did [you actually see], did you walk around on the surface, did you see any types of plant life?
- CG - Personally, what I saw were a kind of colonies of shrubs that were in an area where we were building an outpost. These were very hearty, short and almost cactus-like shrubs that were purple and read [and] had thick stocks that went into the ground. They had sharp pointy leaves, that were very sharp.
- DW - What part was purple and what part was red?
- CG - The stock was purple and red. The leaves were also purple and red. And there were thorns on these stocks and branches of the plant. They were not something you [would want to] stick your hand in, they were very prickly, I guess you could say.
- DW - In the previous episode, we were talking about a possible indigenous Mars race.
- CG - Right.
- DW - You said they look similar to us. What type of race on Earth did they look similar to? What type of human?
- CG - The description was that they had a reddish tone, they wore robes, they were very skittish and kept to themselves. The ones that had been captured or interrogated, claimed to be indigenous - that they were always from Mars [and] that's where they had originated. But the people that interrogated them were unclear whether this was true [or not], because they had been deceived in the past by beings on Earth that had told us they were extraterrestrials when they had actually been ancient Earth civilization breakaway groups [i.e. the Agarthans described by CG here]. Some of these groups, since they had been spacefaring, obviously could have gone to Mars and set up colonies, and these [people claiming to be indigenous] could have been remnants of some of [these ancient breakaway civilizations from Earth].
- DW - Let's go back now to the Germans arriving there for a minute. You said that you personally [flew] over ancient pyramids that [are] still on Mars today.
- CG - Partially exposed pyramids, [yes].
- DW - Did [the Germans] take any interest in that kind of stuff when they got there? Did they want to land on it or explore it? I would think the interest was insatiable to want to excavate it, find out what it is and all that stuff.
- CG - The only interest that was shown was [in] looking for ancient technology. But again, you have to remember certain areas are very off-limits to people, especially back then, the races that were there are very territorial. So if they wanted to visit something interesting, they had to stop, take pictures, samples and the scoot [to] get out. That was part of the equation [for] them doing close research [like this] on a lot of areas of Mars as well. Because the area was considered [the] territory of another group.
- DW - Did you ever encounter any information specifically regarding the face on Mars, whether it was artificial, who built it, things like that? [In the previous episode, CG and DW discuss how Mars was once a moon of a much larger planet that used to occupy the orbital distance where the asteroid belt is now. According to another researcher, Tomas Van Flandern, the face aligns with the ancient magnetic north pole of Mars, which most likely dates this site to a time before the destruction of Maldek, the super-Earth sized planet that once orbited between the Earth and Jupiter.]
The Cydonia site, home to the infamous Face on Mars. See the previous episode of Cosmic Disclosure for a video presentation by Tomas Van Flandern discussing how the face was most likely a remnant of a building site when Mars was a satellite of the now destroyed planet once orbiting in place of the asteroid belt. |
- CG - No. During my time there, I was not aware of the face on Mars. So I'm not saying it doesn't exist. I [just] did not see it. I did not hear it talked about.
- DW - So we were starting to get into last time, that the Germans settled near the poles [of Mars] but more in sort of like a tiaga rather than a tundra type of land. They're not in the arctic area. But there in that sort of permafrost [zone].
- CG - More of a Goldilocks area between the very inhospitable equatorial region and the very harsh areas of the polar regions. [In the previous episode, CG reveals that the early German colonies were set up in the equatorial regions that apparently are incredibly electrically active. Many of these earlier colonies did not have the proper electromagnetic shielding needed and suffered great losses when dealing with the storms there.]
- DW - What are the temperature extremes in those areas? What's the low and what's the high [temperatures one would record there]?
- CG - Because of the atmospheric pressure - and it also depended on the season of where you were - the temperatures could change 40 or 50 degrees in a matter of hours. I don't remember exactly the temperatures that were on the surface of Mars. I just know, it's definitely warmer than the statistics on the internet are [claiming]. One of the things I wanted to mention were now, [in the] current era, the space programs are very careful about cross-contamination of germs, bacteria, that kind of thing going from one planetary sphere to another. Back in the 1930's, 40's and early 50's, [they were not as careful]. And especially the Germans, they were bringing crates and crates of supplies and instruments, all the different things they needed, to Mars. They brought some very annoying pests. They brought along cockroaches, rats, spiders and other earthly pests that have become a problem on Mars and have contaminated [it]. The rats have gotten a little bigger but survive just fine out on the surface. The cockroaches have become huge, like bigger than your hand huge.
- DW - Oh my gosh.
- CG - People joke around that cockroaches could survive a nuclear war, [well] surviving on the surface of Mars is not a problem for them.
- DW - Are there indigenous insects that the rats could eat? I mean what do you think their food supply was?
- CG - I don't know. I'm sure there are probably insects there because there were very large spiders. I just didn't read or experience any myself. This insectoid group, they use a biological kind of technology where they [can] create smaller bugs or insectoids to do certain tasks.
- DW - Like clones or something?
- CG - Yeah, but they'll create like smaller insect-like drones - if they're doing battle or if they're in a warfare type of situation, then they create [these other forms of life to service their ends]. It's kind of a biological technology.
- DW - Right, so they can control what these drones do, like remote control?
- CG - Yes, and these are more of a hive mind kind of, a true hive mind. A lot of people think they know what a hive mind is, but they really don't. But they have a hive mind and more of an insect, kind of colony structure. [Dan Winter discusses in his epic presentation on the galactic history of DNA how many of the aggressive and territorial races in the galaxy have a hive mind social structure. Also, the descriptions of symbiotic life forms created by these insectoid groups provided by CG also sound remarkably similar to many science fiction depictions of otherworldly beings. The film series Alien has several different types of alien 'bugs', a warrior class, a nursing class for the queen, a queen which laid eggs and finally the face huggers that impregnated hosts. Starship Troopers is another popular book and film depicting specialized insectiod beings, which again, had a warrior class as well as a 'brain bug' class that actually coordinated the hive mind in a type of 'remote control' mechanic.]
- DW - Did the Germans bring vehicles that used rubber tires and wheels?
- CG - Definitely.
- DW - Really? Like jeeps or tanks, what were they driving?
- CG - They developed special vehicles that were pretty much built on tank chassis that were pressurized and, of course, armored - always armored with the Germans - [which] they used for going on excursions.
- DW - [Did] they try to go into caves and look for technological artifacts?
- CG - I know that they were always going on expeditions, looking for technology, looking for different resources on the planet; constantly exploring looking for different resources, especially. The only time caves ever came up was when they tried to explore ways or routes into these lava tubes, to do reconnaissance missions to try to get an idea of how they could someday take over these lava tubes [occupied by other groups]. [In the previous episode, CG reveals that there are enormous lava tubes on Mars, much larger than what is found on Earth. Many of these tubes are ideal places for bases and colonies, but the Germans were not able to settle in many of them because they were already occupied by other groups, in some cases, by millions of beings. One of these groups is the insectoids mentioned by CG above.]
- DW - You said that raw materials were transported to Mars by the Germans using a primitive portal technology that was very hazardous to biological life. How big was this portal? Could they get those tank-type vehicles [in the portals]. Could they build them here [on Earth] and just portal them in?
- CG - Yes, this is in the beginning when they were exploiting the natural portal system that exists in our solar system [and beyond]. They didn't realize the calculations involved, the positions of certain planets, other bodies around - there are a lot of calculations involved. They ended up having a hyper-dimensional mathematics handed over to them by another race that helped with these calculations. I saw this math used quite often and there are very few numbers used in them. There were all kinds of weird symbols. But they were written out on boards just like math equations are.
- DW - But, just to answer the question, then, did they have the means to portal-in something the size of a tank?
- CG - Absolutely, they could do multiple tanks.
- DW - Really, so it was large enough to get multiple tanks in all at once?
- CG - Yeah, they could get a battleship up there if they wanted.
- DW - What does this portal look like? If we were going to see it on Earth where it starts, is it a ring like in the Stargate program? What are we looking at?
- CG - These portals are bubbles. And...
- DW - Like an energy bubble?
- CG - They look like an energy bubble. And on the outside of it - if you've ever looked at a hot highway, and you've got that mirage effect coming up of the heat of the highway, you have that [visual lighting effect] all around it.
Image showing mirage and heat distortion effect CG mentioned above. This effect is produced by a heat and pressure differential created by interactions between the hot surface and the cooler air above. |
- CG - It is not a flat wall, like a flat thing you walk into. You can walk into it from two different directions or 360 degrees [of ingress]. People could walk into it from those directions, and then on the other side, they'll be coming out in 360 degrees [of egress]. [The popularized concept of a wormhole is often represented as a two-dimensional surface, much like the infamous Stargate in the science fiction series. But these are depictions based on 2D space, which does not apply to a three-dimensional spatial reference system. In theorems describing wormholes are depicted as a three-dimensional bubble or 'white-hole' which was shown in the film Interstellar as a spherical portal.]
Wormhole or white-hole portal from the film Interstellar. |
- DW - Would you have to cross in? Like if you're going to walk into the bubble, would you walk in on, let's say, the 6 o'clock part and then walk out on the 12 o'clock part? Like you've got to walk through the bubble and come out the other side?
- CG - Your point of view is totally skewed once you walk in. So once you walk in, you have no idea, from your base of reference, when you come out. You just walk into this basic bubble, you walk in and then as you do, it's a strange sensation of - I don't know how to describe it. It's a strange sensation. And you're going in, and then you're being pulled in at the same time. And then you collapse into it. And then you pop out on the other side.
- DW - Is there a sense of duration as this takes place?
- CG - No
. Not like in [the] Stargate [series] where there's this you're going through this ring, this tube. There was none of [those] sensations.
[The following is a short clip from the film Stargate CG mentions above. He said this is NOT what a portal experience is like.]
- DW - It's a very rapid compression and expansion?
- CG - Right. And it does affect you. They give people shots and stuff to help them with the effects. But it's similar to if you put a very strong magnet close to your brain, how it gives you a really nauseated and confused feeling. You kind of have that [experience].
- DW - Yeah, Henry Deacon actually said they gave him something called Lorentzil [unsure of spelling here] as a supplement or drug that he took to try to ease off what he was calling Transdimensional Disorder. You called it, Temporal Dementia, but very similar terms. [See the previous episode for CG's descriptions of Temporal Dementia.]
- CG - When they transport a bunch of items they would put them in the area where the bubble would appear. And then the bubble would pop up and the bubble would be one side. And you'd see things kind of melting, going into the portal. And then they would pop out on the other side.
- DW - How fast would that motion look?
- CG - Very quick, depending on the density and size of what was there [in the portal bubble].
- DW - It's almost like something getting sucked into a bubble, like through a straw.
- CG - Or going down a drain.
- DW - Wow. Let's go into that room for a minute where the portal is. I'm assuming this is indoors. Your not going to do this out in the open.
- CG - No, a lot of the times it is out in the open.
- DW - Oh really?
- CG - Yeah. These natural portals, sometimes they appear in the upper atmosphere, sometimes they appear above the ground, underground, the jump all around the planet, along the grid system of the planet. Now there are some of the ancient [stargates] - people have talked the United States going into the middle east to secure some of this ancient technology, these portals. [In episode 12, Cosmic Web, CG discusses the natural portal system in great detail. I provided a possible explanation of how naturally occurring portal systems are a holistic mechanism of interconnection by way of electromagnetic field-lines of a planet and the location where a portal forms. It is a fractally embedded relationship, meaning that a portal tends to open at a location where fields from the Earth, sun and surrounding star systems align to form microcosmic representations of the respective planetary fields at each location. The point here being, in order to actually create a portal one must be unshielded and open to the environment. The Integratron was one such device that acted as a sort of focal point technology for these fields, which must be precisely calibrated using Telsa coils and a human being or beings as 'conductors' of consciousness. These type of devices enhance the naturally occurring portal system described by CG. But there are other devices which do not require fractal embedding with the natural portal system, instead they can tap into the 'Source Field' directly, most likely by` producing resonances in the technology that mimic the embedded fields of the naturally occurring portals.]
- DW - Like in Iraq.
- CG - Mmhmm. These are actual devices that have taken out all the guesswork out of using the natural portals. There is technology that uses point-to-point protocols to be able to send people and items safely. So that's a technology that exploits the natural portal system. There's a natural portal system that is occurring all around us right now. They used to use intuitive empaths to help figure out where these portals were going appear and for how long [See episode 11 from season one, Awakening The Pineal Gland, for a discussion of the Intuitive Empath training program]. But now they have artificial intelligence to help them with that.
- DW - The Germans were using natural portals, and they would know where the portal was going to be, and that it was going to go to Mars. And then they would line up all their tanks or whatever in that spot when it was going to appear?
- CG - Right. It wasn't always a lot of tanks, but they would utilize one area they knew was consistent. Through this mathematics model handed to them and with help provided to them through extraterrestrial allies, started using these natural portal systems in a very early and untechnical way, before we started developing out what we use now.
- DW - When we look at places like Stonehenge is that a natural stone means of harnessing and exploiting these natural stargates? Does that help to attract them?
Stonehenge outside of Glastonbury England. |
- CG - That's exploiting and harnessing the natural energy of the planet, but not necessarily having to do with portals - not necessarily having to do with portals. [As in, he is not claiming they definitely do not have anything to do with portals.]
- DW - Right. I'm curious about the Germans, though. Obviously there's some mystery in what you're telling us right now. Did they have some antennas or technical devices that maybe they put in a ring or something to help to stabilize this 'bubble.' Is there any technology they would build that was involved in making sure this thing works?
- CG - Not in the very beginning.
- DW - Really? Nothing in the beginning.
- CG - In the very beginning, they were using the raw, natural portal systems. This was the very beginning. Then they started using mathematic models to use electromagnetic fields and torsion to create point-to-point torsion fields between the two points. Torsion is a spinning field. On each side they would create them at the same time, each side spinning in opposite directions. But to stabilize and keep the...
- DW - Oh just to keep it running.
- CG - To keep the point-to-point hole open longer. But our arrival there has thrown off the balance and even closer to current era [activity] caused the insectoids and reptilians that are there, to have more problems with each other and problems with the new arrival humans, Earth humans.
- DW - You'd mentioned 40 main groups on the Super Federation Conference that have 22 genetic programs running on Earth and that they have a massive series of encampments on the back side of the Moon, and they all have it regionalized into their own little domain. Do those 40 main groups also have regions on Mars that are their own territory?
- CG - I've heard a few of them have a presence on Mars, but they mostly have presences on moons around gas giants and on other planetoids and moons. Mars - they're not so much on Mars.
- DW - So Mars is sort of like it's own little parochial district with its own gangs, in-fighting and members-only clubs?
- CG - Right. As usual, [we] humans decided to hop over there, plant a flag and started taking over territory, throwing off the equilibrium and balance that was there. [As in, the geopolitical climate of Mars was altered by the imperialistic methods of the secret space program.]
- DW - Now, you said there were several false starts of where the Germans tried to build, where they did it around the equator.
- CG - Around the equator and a few other places where they built in the wrong place, ticked off the wrong groups, ended up being overrun and losing entire settlements. These were small at the time, the people in them [were lost as well].
- DW - And when you say small what are we talking, like how many people would be working there?
- CG - Dozens.
- DW - Ok. What is the first, that you know of, successful settlement that wasn't in a bad area and didn't get wiped out.
- CG - Those started to occur in the late 1950's. When the United States or the military-industrial-complex, the corporations that are this complex, fully got behind the Germans and involved with the Germans, this is when they really started having successes and the might to protect territory.
- DW - We have obviously started to map out Mars, but I think there's a lot farther we could go in describing what has been done since these original settlements. Would you agree?
- CG - Yes, I would say what we've done so far is we have set a foundation for what happens after the Germans and the US industrial-complex pretty much formed a union, formed what we call the Interplanetary Corporate Conglomerate and moved out into the solar system and created a mass infrastructure and massively colonized Mars. We have basically set up the foundation for that discussion.
- DW - Cool. Well that's what we're going to be doing next time. We're going to take our space program colonization of Mars and really get into detail on bringing it up to the present about how this enigmatic red planet has become a massive source of human habitation for this breakaway civilization. This is Cosmic Disclosure. I hope you're enjoying it. I know I am. And we're here because you need to know. We'll see you next time. I'm David Wilcock. I thank you for watching.
For Cosmic Disclosure summaries with David Wilcock and Corey Goode click [url= Analysis]here[/url].
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