Unknown Pharaoh of 3,600 Years Ago Discovered By Archaeologists
There recently was an important discovery to Ancient Egypt history. In the Summer of 2013, according to The University of Pennsylvania, Josef Wegner of the Egyptian Section Associate Curator of the Penn Museum, “discovered a huge 60-ton royal sarcophagus chamber of South Abydos.” In it, they found an unknown pharaoh named Senebkay. King Senebkay’s tomb was badly robbed by ancient grave robbers.
The newly found Pharaoh Senebkay dates back to 1650 BC during Egypt’s Second Intermediate Period and it was identified by Dr. Wegner and Kevin Cahail, who is a doctorate student for the Ph.D. program for the Department of Near Eastern Languages and Civilization. It was also found through tests that King Senebkay was about 5’10 and he died in his mid to late 40’s. Because of tomb robbers, King Senebkay’s tomb had debris of a fragmented coffin, funerary mask, and a canopic chest. They also found that he was one of the earliest kings of the “Abydos Dynasty.”
The tomb was initially supposed to be for King Sobekhotep, but the grave was badly robbed. Tomb robbers of that time were common. Since people of that time wanted wealth, they decided to steal it, pawn it off and make money for a living. Even in that time people stole, but this was a sign of disrespect for the dead.
Also, the Abydos Dynasty “Contemporary with 15th (Hyksos) and 16th (Theban) Dynasties, was first hypothesized by Egyptologist K. Ryholt in 1997.
“The discovery of pharaoh Senebkay now proves the existence of this Abydos dynasty and identifies the location of their royal necropolis at South Abydos in an area anciently called Anubis-Mountain.” And “the pharaohs of the Abydos Dynasty were forgotten to history and their royal necropolis unknown until this discovery of Senebkay’s tomb,” according to The University of Pennsylvania. This raises new questions to old problems that might get solved.
This finding will bring new light to the political history and the “society of an important, but poorly understood era of Ancient Egypt.” With an understanding of the Abydos Dynasty, we will better understand it’s history and with it, we will understand it’s culture. These discoveries will help us build a link between different dynasties and help us to better understand a missing piece of the puzzle.
Finding ancient history is a big deal. When we find history, we find a missing piece of ourselves as we try to sort out remnants of the past. However, through new technologies, we can better understand that story.
With the finding of King Senebkay, we will know more about a forgotten civilization. We already know a little bit about the pharaoh, but still there are a lot more that will be found. Technology can solve these answers. It will be a tool that can help decipher, their interests and through carvings in the tomb, they will understand a story that will reveal a missing part to this civilization.
We will find the mystery of who was King Senebkay and what he stood for and we will better understand who was this civilization that existed.
Sources-sciencedaily.com – theguardian.com
Thanks to: http://369news.net