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Deeper truth for millions of people: the substance of reality
Dec31 by Jon Rappoport
Deeper truth for millions of people: the substance of reality
by Jon Rappoport
December 31, 2015
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
There are many people who have discovered that the Information Chiefs on this planet are lying to them. They have discovered more: these lies are stitched together, day by day, to form a series of images and meanings, in a kind of continuously running movie—
And this movie is called Reality.
Many people have discovered this. Based on experience, I would say millions of people out there know this.
They don’t know the names of all the Information Chiefs or the names of the men behind them. Nor do they know all the techniques of propaganda that are being deployed. But they know enough.
They don’t know all the names of the groups and secret societies to which the Reality Makers belong, but they know enough. They’ve seen the movie and identified it as a movie.
They have not fully considered that these Reality Makers are artists. Perverse artists who are trying to monopolize the production of What Exists.
This is an important clue. Why? Because it suggests that other kinds of art and artists exist, who can do something else, who can perform an end-run around the central movie of reality and invent their own movies—their own highly individual and unique and powerful movies of exceedingly different Realities.
This fact leads to an explosive insight.
No matter what its content is, One Central Reality is an illusion. It is always the result of an attempt to attain a monopoly.
And then another insight follows. No one is excluded from the status of Artist. No one.
Every person, every individual is capable of creating his own movie and entering it into the world. This is the bottom-line meaning of decentralization of power.
It does not engender chaos. It emboldens individuals. Free Artists can relate to one another. They can see one another’s production of Reality. They can interact. They can finally put aside shallow social conventions and deepen their insights.
In order for this profound kind of decentralization to occur, people have to become artists by tapping into and deploying their imaginations to the fullest degree possible.
And let me clarify one point: individuals making their own movies of reality are also inventing their own futures, the futures they most deeply desire. This is one of the most important facts about human existence freed from its chains.
This is why I spent a number of years developing exercises that would increase the range, scope, and power of imagination. These exercises are contained in my second collection, Exit From The Matrix.
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Deeper truth for millions of people: the substance of reality
Dec31 by Jon Rappoport
Deeper truth for millions of people: the substance of reality
by Jon Rappoport
December 31, 2015
(To read about Jon’s mega-collection, Exit From The Matrix, click here.)
There are many people who have discovered that the Information Chiefs on this planet are lying to them. They have discovered more: these lies are stitched together, day by day, to form a series of images and meanings, in a kind of continuously running movie—
And this movie is called Reality.
Many people have discovered this. Based on experience, I would say millions of people out there know this.
They don’t know the names of all the Information Chiefs or the names of the men behind them. Nor do they know all the techniques of propaganda that are being deployed. But they know enough.
They don’t know all the names of the groups and secret societies to which the Reality Makers belong, but they know enough. They’ve seen the movie and identified it as a movie.
They have not fully considered that these Reality Makers are artists. Perverse artists who are trying to monopolize the production of What Exists.
This is an important clue. Why? Because it suggests that other kinds of art and artists exist, who can do something else, who can perform an end-run around the central movie of reality and invent their own movies—their own highly individual and unique and powerful movies of exceedingly different Realities.
This fact leads to an explosive insight.
No matter what its content is, One Central Reality is an illusion. It is always the result of an attempt to attain a monopoly.
And then another insight follows. No one is excluded from the status of Artist. No one.
Every person, every individual is capable of creating his own movie and entering it into the world. This is the bottom-line meaning of decentralization of power.
It does not engender chaos. It emboldens individuals. Free Artists can relate to one another. They can see one another’s production of Reality. They can interact. They can finally put aside shallow social conventions and deepen their insights.
In order for this profound kind of decentralization to occur, people have to become artists by tapping into and deploying their imaginations to the fullest degree possible.
And let me clarify one point: individuals making their own movies of reality are also inventing their own futures, the futures they most deeply desire. This is one of the most important facts about human existence freed from its chains.
This is why I spent a number of years developing exercises that would increase the range, scope, and power of imagination. These exercises are contained in my second collection, Exit From The Matrix.
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