Brief Explanation of the Fundamental Fraud Against Us
What is the Nature of the Fraud Against Us?
by Anna Von Reitz
The fraud against us begins when the governmental services corporation misrepresents itself as the lawful government and gets us to trust it and go along with it under the false presumption that it is our government when in fact it is just a corporation in the business of selling governmental services.
The next fraud is when they seize upon your given name and copyright it and steal your identity without telling anyone they are doing this.
The third fraud is when they create a trust in your NAME and change your birthright political status without telling anyone.
The fourth fraud is when they fail to tell you that you have the right to reclaim your birthright status and have to take action to do so.
The fifth fraud is when they fail to provide a simple and official process by which to correct the records and repatriate to your native status.
Fraud occurs anytime a Material Fact is misrepresented or omitted so that the victim takes an action which is detrimental to him or fails to take an action resulting in harm to him.
And fraud has no statute of limitation.
As you can see, the self-interested governmental services corporation benefits greatly financially and in terms of holding power over you from doing all this behind the scenes paper-pushing and copyrighting and political status changing---without telling you anything about it.
And as you can also see, it's all pure fraud.
See this article and over 100 others on Anna's website
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