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Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving

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Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving

Post by Newsroom - Jan 08, 2016

Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  2e79051f535b06583dfeaa47b4b5b74c_XL
Commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt.  For the first time in known history, not one cargo ship is in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America.  All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port.  NOTHING is moving.
This has never happened before.  It is a horrific economic sign; proof that commerce is literally stopped.
The reason commerce has stopped is simple: People are not buying things.   When people do not buy things, retailers do not sell things, so they do not order more goods for stock. 
When retailers do not order goods, manufacturers don't make anything because there are no orders to fill.  When manufacturers do not make goods, they don't order raw materials for manufacturing.
When there are no orders for raw materials, commodities sellers do not sell raw materials. When no raw materials are sold, there is no shipping by large cargo ships, (or railroads or tractor trailers) to move anything.
Put simply, the global economy is LITERALLY stopping.  Right now.  Today.
How things go from this point forward is simple:  Without sales, retailers are not even "turning dollars" so they will have to layoff employees and close stores.  Without orders, manufacturers will have to layoff employees and shut down.  When manufacturing shuts down, suppliers of commodities will have to layoff employees and cease operations.   As all of this economic activity comes to a halt, then the disaster REALLY takes off:
When businesses are not even "turning dollars" they cannot pay back their loans.  Retailers, manufacturers and commodities suppliers will begin defaulting on bank loans within 30 days.  When enough of them default, it begins taking-out banks.  As banks begin to fail, others will run to their banks to withdraw money for fear THEIR bank will fail too; and therein starts "bank runs."
In the meantime, stock values plummet and people's life savings in retirement accounts, 401-k's, IRA's and the like, get wiped out of existence.
We are literally standing at the edge of an abyss.  It appears we are about to go over that cliff . . .
To view the actual (real-time) movement of ships worldwide, and view the EMPTY North Atlantic, Click Here
 Thanks to: https://www.superstation95.com



This is what measures the freight movement around the world...put it your favorites...its easy to understand



just like you were saying tops and posted the BDI info... here is more

← Preston James VT 1-9-16… “The Secret Global Reset Agreement”

Okay… Something’s Going on with the BDI… and some sites are saying “The Atlantic has no Cargo Ships!!”… so, come on, now… “What’s Going On??”

Posted on 2016/01/10 by kauilapele  
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Bdi_160109_past_15_months
Month-to-month BDI. Click to enlarge
First of all, I suggest that each one who reads this, please put on your “Higher Discernment” glasses, and look beyond statements in the articles pointed out here which imply the “world is ending so go into your bunkers and don’t come out”. We know the old paradigm oil-based fiat-currency economies have to collapse… eventually. Perhaps that “eventually” time has come… now please read on.
Okay, so a couple days ago, I found this post at Galactic Connection, entitled, “Major Ships Evacuate Atlantic Ocean For First Time In History – Sign of a Coming Western Economic/Banking Collapse?“. This was attributed to Your News Wire, which eventually led to the original (apparently), at WhatDoesItMean.com:
Major Ships Have Deserted Atlantic Ocean For First Time In History
By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers
“A very alarming Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Federation Naval Forces reported yesterday that the entire Atlantic Ocean has been totally deserted of major freighter ships—an occurrence this report states has never been seen in all of modern recorded history. “
Now I originally attributed all of this to “fear porn”, since “Sorcha Faal” is a well known disinformation source.
I just found this one today (via a FB feed), from 1-8-16, which is entitled, “Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit – ALL anchored along coasts; none moving“. And it says the same thing.
“Commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt. For the first time in known history, not one cargo ship is in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America. All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port. NOTHING is moving.
This has never happened before… The reason commerce has stopped is simple: People are not buying things. When people do not buy things, retailers do not sell things, so they do not order more goods for stock.
Put simply, the global economy is LITERALLY stopping. Right now. Today.”
Each of those articles has this link (a map) to real-time movement of ships around the world. Personally, since that map has big blank spots throughout the Atlantic (and other oceans), I do not see how that can tell you that there are NO cargo ships on the Atlantic. Or the other oceans, for that matter. Anyway…
I finally did go and check the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) which, as I understand it, is kind of a measure of demand for goods (raw materials) related to ships available to carry them. Basically, high demand, and less than sufficient number of ships to carry, leads to higher BDI. Low demand and/or too many ships to carry them, leads to lower BDI (read more about BDI here).
Bottom line:
“Good” world economy –> High BDI
“Bad” world economy –> Low BDI
Now look at these BDI charts (click either to enlarge in a new window).
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Bdi_160109_past_15_months
Month-to-month BDI (click to enlarge)
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Bdi_160109_past_16_years
Year-to-year BDI (click to enlarge)
Holy crap! This shows the lowest BDI for the last 20 years!! At 429! (as of 1-9-16)
So something does seem to be going on. Are we about ready to go into a type of “Event” scenario, where data dumps and disclosures and arrests and 3-ring circuses of all kinds are going to happen?
Well, we shall see. All I have to say is that I am keeping my intentions for the planet pointed upward, and knowing that we are indeed headed for a new Higher Age for all humanity… however it may happen!
Aloha, Kp

Thanks to KP at: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com



Major Ships Evacuate Atlantic Ocean For First Time In History

Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Major%2BShips%2BEvacuate%2BAtlantic%2BOcean%2BFor%2BFirst%2BTime%2BIn%2BHistory
This story has been circulating the alternative media for several days. I just got a chance to investigate it today. 

I was not able to verify some of the items listed in this article. Allegedly major shipping routes in the Atlantic have been halted or changed, leaving much of the ocean 'abandoned' according to the article. 

What I can confirm from the report is that the Baltic Dry Index did hit an all-time low in November of 2015. And stocks did plunge in the first week and a half of 2016.

If this report is accurate, then it would mark a significant shift in global economic activity, which will undoubtedly have an effect on world markets. These effects should be more visible as time goes on, and as the article asserts, could already be affecting markets. 

Possibly these activities are related to an ongoing battle between the Earth-based alliance and Cabal syndicates, as reported by several insiders and whistleblowers. 

- Justin

Source - The Controversial Files

Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Q

A very alarming Ministry of Defense (MoD) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that Federation Naval Forces reported yesterday that the entire Atlantic Ocean has been totally deserted of major freighter ships—an occurrence this report states has never been seen in all of modern recorded history.

Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Q

According to this report, this stunning information about the Atlantic Ocean now being abandoned by major shipping vessels was contained in the classified section(s) of the Northern Fleet’s report to the MoD of its ability to conduct operations in different regions during 2016

Of the ships most noted in this report to now be missing from the Atlantic Ocean, this report continues, are Panamax and New Panamax vessels along with every type of wet carrier (oil/liquefied natural gas) vessels including VLCC and ULCC supertankers. Secondary confirmation of this stunning occurrence, this report notes, was obtained by Northern Fleet analysts tracking INTTRA’s 220,000 ocean shipping database and the Baltic Dry Index (BDI) crashing to a new all-time low—and which caused Germany’s Deutsche Bank to warn yesterday that a “perfect storm was coming”.

Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Q

Related The Baltic Dry Shipping Index Just Collapsed To An All-Time Record Low

This report explains that the INTTRA portal allows shippers, consignees and forwarders access to multiple carriers through a single site and allow users to communicate with their carriers and is, in many respects, a shipping portal to the maritime industry what a global distribution system (GDS) is to the airline industry—while the BDI is the global index that provides an assessment of the price of moving major raw materials by sea and takes in 23 shipping routes measured on a timecharter basis and covers Handysize, Supramax, Panamax, and Capesize dry bulk carriers carrying a range of commodities including coal, iron ore and grain. 

The combination of these major ships having deserted the Atlantic Ocean and the crashing of the BDI, this report further explains, is a “clear and potent” signal of a coming Western economic/banking collapse as was evidenced in the 2007-2008 Crisis that was the last time these two factors accurately indicated what was coming—and has, likewise, led to all of the world’s stock markets crashing during the first week of this new year. Further confirmation of this historic abandoning of the Atlantic Ocean, this report says, was noted this past November when an over two mile line of oil tanker vessels were reported to be sitting off the Gulf of Mexico coast of Galveston, Texas, due to their being no place to offload their ships—and has reached such a critical proportion that other oil tankers in route to the US were forced three weeks ago to turn around in the Atlantic Ocean as there was no longer any more room left for their cargo either.

Related As Stocks Plunge in 2016, Swedish Central Bank Holds Extraordinary Meeting, Says Will "Instantly Intervene" If Necessary

Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Q

Grimly though, this report further notes, as the world’s major shipping vessels have now abandoned the Atlantic Ocean, the same cannot be said of the Obama regimes United States Navy (USN) whose Lewis and Clark class cargo ships are continuing their non-stop armament shipments to Saudi Arabia—where the bulk of these weapons and ammunition shipments end up the hands of Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL/Daesh) terrorists operating the Levant War Zone

As to why the Obama regime is continuing to arm these Islamic State terrorists through USN weapons shipments to Saudi Arabia, this report questions, is “beyond understanding”—including to former President Ronald Reagan top official David Stockman, who in his research article yesterday titled Enough Already! It’s Time To Send The Despicable House Of Saud To The Dustbin Of Historybluntly stated: 

“ ...for more than four decades Washington’s middle eastern policy has been dead wrong and increasingly counter-productive and destructive. The crisis provoked this past weekend by the 30-year old hot-headed Saudi prince, who is son of the King and heir to the throne, only clarified what has long been true. 

That is, Washington’s Mideast policy is predicated on the assumption that the answer to high oil prices and energy security is deployment of the Fifth Fleet to the Persian Gulf. And that an associated alliance with one of the most corrupt, despotic, avaricious and benighted tyrannies in the modern world is the lynch pin to regional stability and US national security.
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Q

Nothing could be further from the truth. The House of Saud is a scourge on mankind that would have been eliminated decades ago, save for Imperial Washington’s deplorable coddling and massive transfer of arms and political support.” To the American people being allowed by the Obama regime and its mainstream “presstitute” news services to know of this grave occurrence in the Atlantic Ocean, this report concludes, appears, like always, to not be the case as this government would rather see these once great people alarmed and confused rather than trusting them with true facts so that at least some of them may be able to prepare themselves for the storms that are soon to come.


Thanks to: http://sitsshow.blogspot.com


BDI is down another 14 points today. This is an easy indicator as to the worlds economic status...



And now a bit more about that low BDI… D of RTS 1-10-16… “When the Oceans are empty, Economy’s don’t float”

Posted on 2016/01/10 by kauilapele
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Removing_the_shackles_new_banner_3A source (D of RTS) said she had read the “Okay… Something’s Going on with the BDI” post, and she added some data and insights of her own. So I am posting her article, in full (except that the colors I don’t believe came through, so go to her post to view her color highlights. D adds a lot more to what I posted, and I’m sure many will find her “D-data” illuminating.
When the Oceans are empty, Economy’s don’t float
American, and Western media in General, lately sound a lot like something out of a South Park Movie, except instead of singing “Blame Canada, Blame Canada”, the current lyrics of choice are:
“Blame China!  Blame China!”
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  E8279-southpark2bblame2bchina
Really, it’s become an epic 3 ring circus, except that the clowns are scary, and the acrobats are swinging by shoe strings, the lions have got the whips, and the magicians have disappeared into their own hats. ….
While the US media is keeping people distracted with all sorts of ridiculousness, the global economy is collapsing, the TPP is about to be signed, and the Middle East is at war.  But don’t worry I’m sure that Bernie and Donald can save it. ….

buhahahahhaha!!!!!   Oh god, the political rhetoric right now is hysterically funny to those of us outside the brainwash zone…..  or it would be, if I wasn’t so freaked out by clowns.
“Blame China” is the clarion call of the US financial Media…… but anyone with half a working brain cell isn’t buying the latest US Jobs report, nor the clowns telling Americans that the US Economy is just hunky dory and AOK.
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  1a060-us2bjobs
But given the fact that not a ship is shipping anything anywhere, you have to wonder what they are selling in the US that is creating such a “strong economy”…. air?  (hopefully not from Los Angeles),  Water?  (hopefully not from Flint Michigan)….. Oh I know!  It’s the Stock Market that’s buoying up the US economy…..
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  F9f79-us2bmarkets2b62bmonths
Oh SNAP!  ….  Well that can’t be it.
Anyway, for those of you who are interested, there are a couple of interesting articles  down below, that shed a spotlight on the undercurrent of global economic collapse.
Live update of marine shipping as of this morning, 1034 gmt Jan 10, 2016- I have found ONE ship in the Pacific that is in transport, and two in the Atlantic in transport. ….. every other ship is docked or anchored.  Strangely, the Mediterranean Sea is PACKED.


Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit – ALL anchored along coasts; none moving

Commerce between Europe and North America has literally come to a halt.  For the first time in known history, not one cargo ship is in-transit in the North Atlantic between Europe and North America.  All of them (hundreds) are either anchored offshore or in-port.  NOTHING is moving.
This has never happened before.  It is a horrific economic sign; proof that commerce is literally stopped.
The reason commerce has stopped is simple: People are not buying things.   When people do not buy things, retailers do not sell things, so they do not order more goods for stock.
When retailers do not order goods, manufacturers don’t make anything because there are no orders to fill.  When manufacturers do not make goods, they don’t order raw materials for manufacturing.
When there are no orders for raw materials, commodities sellers do not sell raw materials. When no raw materials are sold, there is no shipping by large cargo ships, (or railroads or tractor trailers) to move anything.
Put simply, the global economy is LITERALLY stopping.  Right now.  Today.
How things go from this point forward is simple:  Without sales, retailers are not even “turning dollars” so they will have to layoff employees and close stores.  Without orders, manufacturers will have to layoff employees and shut down.  When manufacturing shuts down, suppliers of commodities will have to layoff employees and cease operations.   As all of this economic activity comes to a halt, then the disaster REALLY takes off:
When businesses are not even “turning dollars” they cannot pay back their loans.  Retailers, manufacturers and commodities suppliers will begin defaulting on bank loans within 30 days.  When enough of them default, it begins taking-out banks.  As banks begin to fail, others will run to their banks to withdraw money for fear THEIR bank will fail too; and therein starts “bank runs.”
[url=https://www.blogger.com/Continue reading here: https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/750]Continue reading here: https://www.superstation95.com/index.php/world/750[/url]
To see the live feed for Ocean/waterways shipping click HERE
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  4e3c3-global2bmarine2bshipping
“Nowhere To Hide” As Baltic ‘Fried’ Index Careens To Fresh Record Low
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Picture-5
Submitted by Tyler Durden on 01/07/2016 15:00 -0500
Another day, another fresh all-time record low in The Baltic Dry Index as Deutsche Bank’s “perfect storm” appears ever closer on the horizon. Plunging 4.7% overnight to 445 points, this is 20% lower than the previous record low in 1986 and as one strategist warns, “It’s a brutal start of the year, there’s just nowhere to hide on the market.”
BUT  That was Jan 6th….. everyone has gone silent on the Baltex Dry Index as of Friday Jan 8th 2016 when just two days later the Baltex has fallen radically again:
Historic First: North Atlantic EMPTY of Cargo Ships in-transit - ALL anchored along coasts; none moving  Ceeb1-baltex2bjan2b82bclose

Federal Reserve’s “net worth” collapses 33% in two weeks
Simon Black
January 8, 2016
In case it weren’t completely obvious how completely screwed up the financial system is, please allow me to introduce Exhibit A: the Federal Reserve’s own balance sheet…..
…..In the US, the Federal Reserve’s assets total $4.486 trillion, including more than $2 TRILLION in US government debt. The Fed also has total capital (i.e. net worth) of $39.5 billion.
That sounds like a lot. Until you realize that it constitutes just 0.88% of its total assets. Not even 1%!
This is a tiny, almost nonexistent level of capital at the Federal Reserve.
Put another way, the issuer of the United States dollar, the most widely used currency on the planet, and the central bank of the largest economy in the world, has almost no margin of safety.
This puts the entire global financial system at a tremendous level of risk….
…..But what’s really astonishing about all of this is how quickly the Fed’s balance sheet deteriorated. And why. Just two weeks ago, the Fed’s total capital was nearly $59 billion. And even that wasn’t very much given the size of its balance sheet.
Today it’s $39.5. This is an incredible 33% drop in just two weeks!….
….It turns out that Congress and the President passed a law last month called the Fixing America’s Surface Transportation (FAST) Act. We’ve talked about this one before– the FAST Act is supposed to provide funding for America’s highway system. But one of the provisions is that a US citizen can have his passport revoked if the government believes in its sole discretion that he owes too much tax. Crazy. And, buried deep within the nearly 500 pages of legislation is a neat little section demanding that Federal Reserve bank surpluses above a certain amount must be turned over to the United States Department of Treasury.
In other words, the US government is so broke that they’re now confiscating assets from the Fed, putting the entire global financial system at even more risk…….Governments are completely bankrupt. And even central banks now are being pushed into insolvency by the bankrupt governments they support.
As a final note on this, I’d like to remind everyone about this ISO document that I published last summer and the ramifications of that which coincide with various Vatican announcements…..

With immediate effect, the following minor corrections are made to “Table A.1 – Currency and funds code list” (as advised by the ISO 3166 Maintenance Agency):

Read the article and watch the video report HERE: http://removingtheshackles.blogspot.com/2015/07/the-vatican-jubilee-national-bankruptcy.html

Thanks to KP at: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com

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