Iraqi dinar - recently being said...
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 27-Jul-2012 03:40:05
Hi, Folks -
Found at
7-26-2012 Intel Guru Jonnywg It is felt that the main components of the RV are completed (We have known that for a while). sources say that the release is agreed upon (I know not when) and there are no items other than timing. talked to all the major banks and they are ready...the banks have no clue, so DO NOT CALL THE was heard today that WELLS FARGO will issue a new policy statement regarding the IQD AND VND by Tuesday. bank screens are live at the currency level for a week, but not at the teller screens which is where we cash is so close.
7-26-2012 Intel Guru Footforward There is nothing reliable saying it's going into 2013. We are still looking for this any time, any day.
7-26-2012 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 all news is positive from Iraq... they are actually addressing several issues and all of them are in our favor. BE AND STAY POSITIVE...THERE IS ZERO REASON NOT TO BE.
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 27-Jul-2012 03:40:05
Hi, Folks -
Found at
7-26-2012 Intel Guru Jonnywg It is felt that the main components of the RV are completed (We have known that for a while). sources say that the release is agreed upon (I know not when) and there are no items other than timing. talked to all the major banks and they are ready...the banks have no clue, so DO NOT CALL THE was heard today that WELLS FARGO will issue a new policy statement regarding the IQD AND VND by Tuesday. bank screens are live at the currency level for a week, but not at the teller screens which is where we cash is so close.
7-26-2012 Intel Guru Footforward There is nothing reliable saying it's going into 2013. We are still looking for this any time, any day.
7-26-2012 Intel/Newshound Guru Poppy3 all news is positive from Iraq... they are actually addressing several issues and all of them are in our favor. BE AND STAY POSITIVE...THERE IS ZERO REASON NOT TO BE.