Spiritual Motivation - You've Arrived!
Submitted by TeamOpenhand on 24 January, 2016 - 17:20
You could just decide. You really could - wherever you are, whatever you're doing - you could just decide to Let Go right now. Let go of everything you might have been striving or efforting for, every goal, dream or aspiration. Every fear or worry. You could simply say "enough is enough, I let go!" And if you were to do that deeply enough, you'd come home - to who you really are. You'd realise this was the real purpose behind everything; the real meaning. This is a beautiful video, full of spectacular imagery to cause you to let go and surrender into the majesty that you are. Pause, breathe, watch, go deep...
- See more at: http://www.openhandweb.org/You've_Arrived!_Openhand_Spiritual_Motivation#sthash.dNt2JTvN.dpuf
Submitted by TeamOpenhand on 24 January, 2016 - 17:20
Thanks to: http://www.openhandweb.org
Submitted by TeamOpenhand on 24 January, 2016 - 17:20
You could just decide. You really could - wherever you are, whatever you're doing - you could just decide to Let Go right now. Let go of everything you might have been striving or efforting for, every goal, dream or aspiration. Every fear or worry. You could simply say "enough is enough, I let go!" And if you were to do that deeply enough, you'd come home - to who you really are. You'd realise this was the real purpose behind everything; the real meaning. This is a beautiful video, full of spectacular imagery to cause you to let go and surrender into the majesty that you are. Pause, breathe, watch, go deep...
- See more at: http://www.openhandweb.org/You've_Arrived!_Openhand_Spiritual_Motivation#sthash.dNt2JTvN.dpuf
Submitted by TeamOpenhand on 24 January, 2016 - 17:20
Thanks to: http://www.openhandweb.org