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The Real Truth of the X-Files…

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1The Real Truth of the X-Files…  Empty The Real Truth of the X-Files… Wed Feb 10, 2016 1:52 pm



The Real Truth of the X-Files… 
by Kevin Scott King

Or how mass media manipulates thoughts and opinions through popular culture

Kevin Scott King
The Real Truth of the X-Files…  X-files-logo
In the spring of 1993 Tim-Berners Lee releases what we know as the World Wide Web… royalty free. For all intents and purposes this is the ‘Internet’ for most people. The introduction of the WWW creates an explosion of data and information sharing across the globe. People of like interests could easily find one another and share data… and they did, at an unprecedented level. This sharing of information is a godsend for any persons whose interest lie in obscure or hard to find subjects. This is particularly important for those who research controversial subjects, like those of a conspiratorial nature. But regardless of what subject, be it obscure or common, this new ability to find and share information easily and quickly, rapidly accelerated research. And hence was a boon for harder to research subjects, especially those in which parties are not keen on the ‘facts’ becoming common knowledge. Such as acts of gross criminality at the governmental and political level; murder, fraud, theft, false-flags… also labeled as ‘conspiracy theory’.

In the fall of 1993 the Fox network introduces The X-Files. The show is about Fox Mulder, an FBI agent who believes in and investigates the paranormal and supernatural, and in particular aliens and UFOs. In large part because he witnessed his sister being abducted when he was 12yo. Dana Sculley, a skeptic and medical doctor, is assigned as a partner to Fox, to debunk his work. So the entire show revolves around subjects that are… ‘out there’. A play on the ‘The Truth is Out There‘ tagline that is regularly shown at the end of the shows intro credits. Which is in and of itself a double-entente. The truth is ‘out there’… meaning somewhere in the world the truth can be found, and also because the deceptions are so grandiose, so elaborate, so long running. That many times the truth is hard to believe… hence it’s ‘out there’.
As part of the show there are 3 regulars who appear in roughly 5 episodes a season, referred to as ‘The Long Gunmen’, who Mulder taps for hard to find information. They are an interesting trio, unabashed ‘conspiracy theorists’. They are the geeks, the outcasts, the nerds. Byers – the straight laced, serious, immaculately dressed one, and former FCC employee, Frohike – the frumpy, unkept, short, hacker, and Langly – the long haired hippie, Dungeons & Dragons player, and hacker extraordinaire. These three represent the fringe, the counter-culture, the antithesis of mainstream.
Throughout the 9 season series there is an ongoing story often referred to as the alien mythology arc. The basic premise of this arc is that a secret organization within the USGovt is hiding evidence of alien abductions, aliens on earth, and alien spacecraft. Mulder is convinced they are aliens, whereas Sculley believes them to be terrestrial.
The genesis of the UFO and alien story line come from an alleged crash of a UFO in 1947, outside of Roswell, NM, in which alien bodies were reportedly found. Imo there is enough evidence to prove that ‘something’ happen that fateful evening in Roswell… but what? This is where I think about what is more probable? Was it an alien craft with aliens on board, or was it a man-made experimental craft with some kind of human experiment/hybrid on board? I know the latter was not only possible in ’47 but it certainly is more probable than an extra-terrestrial craft. Certainly the government would want to keep a very tight lid on both truly exotic experimental craft and any kind of ‘experimental’ human.
And the alien cover story works so beautifully on multiple levels. For most people, once the ‘alien’ option is produced they dismiss it outright… the whole story. But for the persistent, for those ‘Who Want to Believe’, the alien creature works perfectly to disguise the human experimentation angle. Remember the alien creatures are always… humanoid. Did you ever wonder why? You don’t think the Nazis and Josef Mengele were the only people and nations doing research on human subjects, and the only time period, now do you? The same logic applies to the craft itself. When you say UFO, people roll their eyes, and most dismiss the entire story outright. But what does UFO stand for? Unidentified Flying Object. There is nothing in that description about alien, or extra-terrestrial. It simply means the craft could not be identified against other known craft. Is the craft terrestrial or not? Which is more probable? The same principal also works with abductees. Which is more probable? Small secretive groups within Governments capture people to experiment on them or aliens?
The X-Files expounds on this already created narrative that aliens and UFO’s is silly, and only fools are crazy people believe in them. They literally say numerous times that the creatures they find are government experiments, but Mulder is determined to believe they are aliens. That the UFO is actually not of this earth. We have the secret government represented by the ‘Smoking Man’, and the ‘Syndicate’. They portray the Lone Gunmen as kooks, ‘conspiracy theorists’, one in the same is the idea to be planted into the sub-conscious.
Imho they literally flaunt the truth the entire series. That a secret group at the top level of government is doing human experiments and covering it up, part of which include abductions, and experimental craft.
This is not a new idea. H.G. Wells wrote the ‘Island of Dr. Moreau’ in 1898! Doctor Moreau, who creates human-like hybrid beings from animals via vivisection. Might it be apropos to mention here that Wells also wrote the non-fiction ‘The New World Order’ in 1940, proposing one world government?
So then the purpose of the X-Files was to reinforce the already planted idea that Aliens and UFOs is silliness, thus hiding the reality of experimental humans and aircraft. Many X-Files ‘Monster of the Week’ episodes were ridiculous. Impossible story-lines. The point is to mix the ridiculous with the possible; real; truth; and lump them all under the moniker of fantasy. It links this silliness with general ‘conspiracy theory’ believers, a role the three Lone Gunmen fulfill. As does Mulder who also believes in ‘conspiracies’. Mulder is seeking the truth, of course his truth is the alien conspiracy. The ‘believer’ discounts the human experimentation, or at best that it is always with aliens, because they want to believe in aliens. The casual fan (majority) just enjoys the show and discounts all of it, it’s all just foolish and fake… but a fun show. And the fans who really are aware, that there really is something more to the story, well they get pigeon holed as simply X-File fans… you know people on the fringe.
It is important to note the difference of the general audience, target audience, and core audience. The core audience is the hard core fans, these are the geeks, counter-culture, non-mainstream. Those who either believe or are open to conspiracy theory. But X-Files went mainstream. And this general audience was the target to discourage from believing in conspiracy theory.
Ok, but what does this have to do with the Internet? I started this article with a paragraph about the introduction of the WWW in the Spring of ’93 and it’s historical importance. And the X-Files started in the Fall of ’93. What did, what we now simply call, the ‘Internet’ have to do with the X-Files? What correlation is there? The internet provided a tool for the curious to explore subjects that they otherwise would not have. The internet opened doors for many that otherwise would have remained shut. So the internet provided a way for individuals to privately/secretly* look into some of these socially taboo subjects… including ‘conspiracy theories’. The globalists understood this, and they had to subvert this curiosity. And this was the purpose of the X-Files. To reinforce that Aliens, UFOs, conspiracy theory, paranormal, is ALL just silly nonsense. Good for an entertaining TV show, but nothing that should be taken seriously. Investigate the silliness all you want on that newfangled World Wide Web… but just don’t believe any of it. And the X-Files was a very successful Fox network show. Subversion complete.
* Of course now we know that our ‘secret’ investigations online, regardless of what or our intent, were not secret at all, but in fact have all been recorded. As well as ALL of our texts, emails, web searches, phone calls, etc. Everyone say hello to the NSA!
Still skeptical? I completely understand. I really do. But this is how ‘programming’ and ‘conditioning’ work on the human mind. And any person who has grown up where mass media is prevalent has been exposed to this ‘conditioning’ their entire lives… it has become ‘normal’ to us. So then let’s go deeper.
Remember the Lone Gunmen? The three geeks, the conspiracy theorists? They were fan favorites. So much so that Fox created a stand alone series of their own aptly titled; ‘The Lone Gunmen’.
And just in case anyone does not understand the play on ‘The Long Gunmen’ moniker. The lone gunmen ‘theory’ is the official USGovt narrative for the death of JFK in particular. That Lee Harvey Oswald acted completely alone. Pulling off a difficult to impossible feat of shooting with an average weapon mounting a broken scope. The lone gunmen theory also applies equally to the assassinations of RFK and MLK.
So on March 4, 2001 the pilot episode of The Lone Gunmen appears. And the crux of the episode? A government conspiracy concerning an attempt to fly a commercial aircraft (by remote control) into the Twin Towers, with increased arms sales for the United States as an intended result. Which is exactly what happened 6 months later… coincidence you think?
In May of 2001 the movie Pearl Harbor was released. Reminding the nation of the treacherous Japanese, and the heroism of GI JOE (technically that would be GI Affleck, god help us all), and reinforcing how great the US Military is, and how much we need them. Bush Jr. and his pals are in charge at the White House at this time, the NeoCons. The Project for the New American Century guys. Who wrote in their PNAC document ‘Rebuilding America’s Defenses’ (1997) in the “Creating Tomorrow’s Dominant Force” section. A passage suggesting that the transformation of American armed forces through “new technologies and operational concepts” was likely to be a long one, “absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor”. Which is exactly what they got on September 11, 2001, and in fact Pearl Harbor was referenced many times during the coverage of the 9/11 attacks and aftermath. Surely just another ‘coincidence’… right?
You did know that Pearl Harbor was not the ‘surprise’ attack that it was made out to be? The Japanese were goaded into war by deliberate actions of the US. The US had broken the Japanese Military and Diplomatic communication codes in the 30’s. FDR wanted US involvement in WWII, the US populace did not want any part of it. The meeting of the Japanese diplomats to declare War before the attack was intentionally delayed. The two very valuable aircraft carriers, stationed at Pearl Harbor, and all their new support ships were in transit to and from Midway Island (delivering planes) during the attack. Another coincidence? And in fact most of the ships berthed at Pearl Harbor ‘s Battleship Row were no longer considered valuable, WWI generation ships. The globalists knew that the aircraft carrier was the new Queen of the sea. So what appeared to be a very devastating loss from an equipment standpoint, was really not one at all.
Maybe you think this line of reasoning is a stretch, that TV and Movies are just for entertainment? They don’t actually influence people… oh really? So I guess the $68 billion spent on TV advertising in the USA in 2014 is just thrown away by companies that have nothing better to do with their money?!? The base rate of $5 million for a 30 second spot at the 2016 Super Bowl is bought by companies for what purpose? To just entertain football fans during commercial breaks? So then Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Snickers, Doritos, Skittles are really just entertainment companies masquerading as food companies?? Hold on, I thought you weren’t a conspiracy theorist!?! The video in whatever form and whatever device it is viewed on (movie theater, 4k LCD TV, computer monitor, tablet, smartphone) is a powerful tool of influence. There is a reason McDonald’s spent $1.2 billion in 2008 on advertising. Because it bloody works. Burger Business says that one out of every six dollars spent by the restaurant industry on advertising is spent by McDonald’s. How the hell else can one explain McDonald’s, at best very average food (imo it’s just bad), being the largest fast food chain by dollar sales in the world? “I’m lovin it” was a brilliant advertising campaign and slogan. You’ve got to convince people ‘their lovin it’ else they might throw it up. I can hear some of you right now. McDonald’s advertising has no affect on me! Nor I, but I woke up that were much better hamburger choices than McDonald’s in the *mid-80s. But there are many many different companies that advertise on TV, and the ones that work best on you personally are the ones you consciously notice least.
*And it is not ironic that I discovered better burgers due to the very popular Wendy’s ‘Wheres the Beef’ ad campaign. And in 1984 Wendy’s made a damn good burger, of course they’ve been crap for decades now as well.
What I would give to see what would happen if McDonalds stopped all ads for 1 year… then we’d all learn just how powerful advertising really is.
Let’s look at another example, a personal anecdote. In 2001 Lexus began the ‘December to Remember’ ad campaign (technically it started in ’99, but ’01 is the year it went national). Their special sale in the month of December, using Christmas gifts as the theme. December is traditionally a very slow month for car sales, and overall car advertising is less due to seasonal ads. So it was a shrewd move as Lexus was able to own this space, and in fact this very successful ad campaign continues on to this day. The target of these commercials is men, in particular husbands. The car is a gift for their spouse. And what is the primary emotion they use to encourage this purchase? Guilt. I personally remember having this reaction, and in more than one year. Why? Because at the point I remember the commercials, around ’02/03, I had been married around 10 years and had never purchased a new vehicle for my then spouse. Couple of used ones. I was square in the target demographic, even though at the time I could not afford it. Which in hindsight actually increased the guilt. Because based on societal expectations, education, background, career path, I should have been able to. So Lexus played on this emotion very effectively. Don’t you love your spouse? Doesn’t she deserve a new car? With a big red bow on it? Stop being a cheap selfish bastard. I eventually became cognizant of this guilt reaction and started changing the channel when these commercials ran… seriously, I felt guilty every bloody time I saw one.
Here is a Lexus ‘December to Remember’ commercial from 1999.

MORE: http://memoryholeblog.com/2016/02/10/the-real-truth-of-the-x-files/

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