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1RH- ~ PAS SEULEMENT MOI…. Empty RH- ~ PAS SEULEMENT MOI…. Sun Feb 21, 2016 2:21 am




February 20, 2016
Rhesus Negative

Coming as I am, to the end of what must be one of the most surreal (although secretly pleasing) weeks that I can comfortably remember, I have spent a couple of hours going through a pile of emails that I have not been able to find the time to read, let alone respond to.
I receive a large number of emails on a daily basis, both personal and in regard to this site, on a huge variety of subjects, and covering what must be by now, most of what many of us have become to know as the human condition – and the experiences of those who have written to me at least, have gained therein.
This week, however, has been singularly enlightening; as during the course of reading through the contents of my electronic mailbox, one subject, (and one which focusses on something which has been highly significant for me personally throughout my life) has been prominent throughout more than half of those I have received, and has been mentioned, albeit briefly in a number of the remainder.
That ‘event’, (and for want of a better description I will use that term) is one that for almost fifty years, I have become accustomed to believing, was something that I had simply imagined – as I had not once, in more than thirty of those years, spoken to anyone else who had experienced anything, even slightly similar ….
Until now.
I will assume that regular readers of this site, will be aware of a phenomenon that has become prominent among a growing number of people, all of whom have no idea why this is happening to them, or to those close to them, but all have a similar story to tell inasmuch as certain events they have experienced as individuals – have been recorded by others as being almost identical to their own experiences.
RH- ~ PAS SEULEMENT MOI…. Confusion_500_375
Viewed individually, these events are almost impossible to make any sense of, as they appear on the surface to be entirely random and defy any attempts at a logical explanation, but when these events are viewed collectively, a definite pattern has emerged, and one which has been repeated over and over, (and as far as I have been able to ascertain) to specific groups of people in every country on the planet.
These groups of people have become known as ‘Targeted Individuals’, and thanks to the Internet, have now found their voices and a platform to share their experiences with others who have also been ‘Targeted‘, via a growing number of websites and Internet forums where this phenomenon is now able to be discussed openly and investigated fully by those who are, after all – the targets themselves.
All of these individuals, have for as long as they can remember, felt as though they were were being ‘watched‘, or monitored continuously, all have had similar negative experiences with authority, law enforcement, housing/accommodation, healthcare professionals, financial institutions, educational establishments, HMRC/IRS, etc, and all, to a greater or lesser degree, would testify that their interactions with any number of people within their own communities has ‘changed’ in ways that although are very subtle and extremely difficult to identify and scrutinise – are to them, as clearly defined as the rising sun would be to anybody else who had eyes to witness it.

  • Incidences of false allegations made against them
  • Court convictions/injunctions obtained against them as their right to an adequate defence was denied
  • Vehicles driving slowly past them repeatedly
  • Unexplained activity on their bank accounts
  • Being regularly stopped in the street by strangers
  • ‘Whispering’ campaigns
  • Strangers knocking their doors at odd hours looking for directions
  • Tradesmen turning up uninvited, to carry out work that was not requested 
  • Vehicles parked close to their houses which drive off quickly when approached
  • Regularly being stopped in the street and while driving their cars by the police with no explanation being given
  • False arrests 
  • Harassment which is almost always unwitnessed
  • ‘Gangstalking’
  • Being regularly followed/photographed/filmed
  • Vandalism of their vehicles/gardens/property while their neighbour’s remain unaffected
  • Entry being gained to their homes while they are out
  • Random items ‘Disappearing’ from their cars, homes and workplaces
  • Pets going missing
  • Being contacted by various ‘Agencies’ following vague allegations – Social Services/Councils/Education/Welfare
  • Credit being suddenly refused with no explanation
  • Being dismissed from employment without warnings or explanations
  • Attempts being made to evict people from their homes even though everything is in order
  • Being continually passed over for jobs they are easily qualified to undertake
  • New ‘friends’ seemingly appearing from nowhere
  • Being subjected to wholly unnecessary medical/dental procedures

All of the above are examples of only some of what people have experienced, which of course can happen to anybody at any time, but all of those events and more, are a common feature among those who have claimed to have been ‘Singled Out’ as targeted individuals.
I do not suggest for one minute that any person who has experienced any, or even all of the above seemingly random, coincidental or unconnected events are ‘Targeted Individuals’, however, there is one ‘Event’ that every person who has contacted me privately and/or via the Outlaw has experienced …. And those people, are from all over the world, and who’s ages range from the over 70’s to their late teens, have very different lives and as far as I can establish – do not know each other.
From what I have been able to ascertain, this single experience, collectively shared among all of those who have contacted me, first occurred around 1949, (mine was in 1968) and occurred when the individual was of primary school/kindergarten age, and were taken from their classroom to a separate room which contained three people, two men and a woman, all dressed identically, they were sat at a table and shown a series of what are described as ‘Flash Picture Cards‘ or a series of seemingly random images via video.
The children were asked what each image/symbol on the card meant to them, their answers were written down and they were returned to their classrooms …. The ‘Test’ was to their knowledge never repeated, and they were never asked about it, and nobody they asked about it were able to answer them or even remember any such incident taking place.
Almost all of those who have related this occurrence remember it vividly, but for reasons that should be obvious have never pursued it further, and have gone on to simply push it to the back of their minds, and believed for the greater part of their lives that it was imagined, or dreamt, or simply did not happen, although their memory of it remains as clear as if it happened yesterday.
The one overriding feature of every single person who has shared their very clear memory of this event in their childhood with me – is that they all share the same bloodtype.
They are all Rhesus Negative….

Thanks to: http://outlawjimmy.com

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