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The Intermediary Period via Alexandrian Kosmos

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The Intermediary Period via Alexandrian Kosmos ~ February 20, 2016
Posted by AbZu
The Intermediary Period via Alexandrian Kosmos Dimensional-shifting
Alexan­drian Kos­mos
From Feb­ru­ary 25, 2016 through April 9, 2016, every Soul on Earth will be feel­ing the influ­ence of the Inter­me­di­ary Period, a period of time when all Souls will expe­ri­ence self-doubt, inse­cu­rity, and uncer­tainty, as if time were “stand­ing still.” Our Sun and Moon will con­tinue to rise in the East and set in the West at their proper time. The “uneasy” feel­ing caused in the Inter­me­di­ary Period will not be due to the phys­i­cal influ­ences of our daily Lives, but due to the expe­ri­ence of our inter­nal Fifth Dimen­sion tran­si­tion. On Feb­ru­ary 25, 2016, the Uni­verse will have released the Sixth of Seven Uni­ver­sal Ema­na­tions of Light, Love, and Har­mony upon Earth to stim­u­late her growth and expan­sion into the Universe’s Fifth Dimen­sion. The Sev­enth and final Uni­ver­sal Ema­na­tion of Light, Love, and Har­mony will occur on April 9, 2016. The Inter­me­di­ary Period will be defined by the time para­me­ters of these two Uni­ver­sal Ema­na­tions, as these two final Uni­ver­sal Ema­na­tions of Light, Love, and Har­mony will sig­nify, and result in, Mother Earth’s per­ma­nent Fifth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field! The effect of “stand­ing still” dur­ing this tran­si­tion, dear Ones, will be the syn­chro­nous motion of exchange occur­ring between Mother Earth’s wan­ing Fourth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field being replaced by her New Fifth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field – Mother Earth will be exchang­ing her invis­i­ble mesh-like fab­ric, the Har­mony Vibra­tion Field, that Cre­ates every mate­r­ial form with Love through­out the Uni­verse!
We will not see Mother Earth exchang­ing her Fourth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field for her New Fifth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field, dear Ones, but every Soul upon Mother Earth will feel the Har­mony Vibra­tional Field Exchange occur­ring. Every day from Feb­ru­ary 25 through April 9, 2016 will appear as sim­i­lar in expe­ri­ence as the pre­vi­ous day, but there will be an inter­nal “sense of urgency” aris­ing within us pro­duc­ing a “seal the deal” atti­tude in all mat­ters. Man of Des­tiny Souls will still be in the process of decid­ing whether or not to become Man of Light Souls for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimen­sion from Feb­ru­ary 6 through March 15, 2016. For those fol­low­ing through and becom­ing Man of Light Souls, the “sense of urgency” will man­i­fest as a “leap of faith” through his or her Heart’s move­ment into the “unknown.” For those decid­ing in the con­tin­u­ance of main­tain­ing the sta­tus quo of man’s world – com­par­i­son, com­pe­ti­tion, judg­ment, and fear – will find the Inter­me­di­ary Period pro­duc­ing a mag­ni­fied inten­si­fi­ca­tion of their life’s expe­ri­ences in com­par­i­son, com­pe­ti­tion, judg­ment, and fear due to the wane of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field. Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field is designed for learn­ing to Love and those choos­ing to remain within it will expe­ri­ence some of the most inten­sive lessons of learn­ing to Love ever pro­duced upon Mother Earth – war, famine, eco­nomic tur­moil, and implau­si­ble false­hoods – caus­ing many within it to ask, “Where is Love?”
For Light­worker Souls in the Inter­me­di­ary Period, the inter­nal tran­si­tion will also pro­duce some degree of self-doubt, inse­cu­rity, and uncer­tainty, but not due to the cir­cum­stances as Man of Destiny/Man of Light Souls. All Light­worker Souls, dear Ones, have pre­vi­ous expe­ri­ence in the Universe’s Fifth Dimen­sion as well as the Sixth, Sev­enth, and Eighth Dimen­sions. This will be, if it is not already, inter­nally becom­ing more and more appar­ent to you through your dreams, visions, and med­i­ta­tional encoun­ters with the use of your highly active Seven Mem­ber Chakra Sys­tem. We see, hear, and feel our New Real­ity as if it were already Present and Real now, but are snapped back into our present Real­ity when­ever our pres­ence requires our atten­tion in our daily lives. We still need to pay bills. We still encounter the pres­ence of other’s neg­a­tiv­ity when­ever we go shop­ping for our daily neces­si­ties. We still also hear and see media reports con­vey­ing news about seem­ingly end­less wars, the lat­est health pan­demics, unsolv­able eco­nomic tur­moil, and our gov­ern­men­tal lead­ers pro­mot­ing their nation­al­is­tic goals and inten­tions. Mother Earth’s Tran­si­tion into the Fifth Dimen­sion will not bring an imme­di­ate end to the exis­tence of man’s world of com­pe­ti­tion, com­par­i­son, judg­ment, and fear, but it will lessen the bur­den of your con­cern and wor­ries for all oth­ers involved. This will be a bless­ing for you, dear Ones, as the Inter­me­di­ary Period will serve to guide you through Mother Earth’s Exchange of Har­mony Vibra­tion Fields!
Immersed in between the Inter­me­di­ary Period from Feb­ru­ary 25 through April 9, 2016 will be the Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies for the entire month of March 2016. From March 1, 2016 through April 1, 2016 the Uni­ver­sal Ener­gies will (finally) be releas­ing you from the inter­nal expe­ri­ence of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field. By releas­ing your emo­tional ties to the Fourth Dimen­sion, dear Ones, you will also be releas­ing your­self from the phys­i­cal aspect of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimen­sion Har­mony world and begin to man­i­fest your pres­ence into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimen­sion! It will seem like a meta­phys­i­cal puz­zle for you and every­one else involved at first. For it will be your Seven Mem­ber Chakra Sys­tem begin­ning to fully func­tion as it was meant to be – in union with your five phys­i­cal senses man­i­fest­ing as 12 Per­cep­tion and Aware­ness Cen­ters for the Fifth Dimen­sional expe­ri­ence! Your every­day expe­ri­ences will be start­ing to become more like your dreams, visions, and med­i­ta­tional encoun­ters where you are already dis­tanc­ing your­self from the Fourth Dimen­sion, as if you were watch­ing your world like tele­vi­sion emo­tion­ally detached! Our emo­tions serve as our inter­nal eval­u­a­tion guide for expe­ri­enc­ing our world. When we have no emo­tional con­nec­tion to an expe­ri­ence, for instance, there is no mem­ory stored and no judg­ment on our part to the value of an expe­ri­ence. By detach­ing our emo­tional con­nec­tion to the Fourth Dimen­sion, we are also choos­ing to man­i­fest our pres­ence into Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimen­sion!
Our respon­si­bil­ity in Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimen­sion, dear Ones, will be to Re-Create Mother Earth for the Fifth Dimen­sion along­side God and Man of Light Souls! The Inter­me­di­ary Period from Feb­ru­ary 25 to April 9, 2016 will serve as Mother Earth’s time period to Exchange her Fourth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field to a New Fifth Dimen­sion Har­mony Vibra­tion Field. Through the syn­chro­nous motion of Mother Earth’s Har­mony Vibra­tional Field Exchange, every Soul who has expe­ri­enced Life upon Mother Earth will be say­ing “good bye” in one way or another to Life in a past exis­tence, almost like say­ing “good bye” to the mem­ory of your child­hood or your first Love. They were just mem­o­ries and expe­ri­ences of the past that led us to become who we are today. Just as we detach our­selves from the expe­ri­ences of our past, so too will our emo­tional detach­ment from the expe­ri­ence of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimen­sion also com­plete! We have formed our present atti­tude for Mother Earth’s Fifth Dimen­sion through our Con­tent­ment, Grat­i­tude, and Accep­tance for what is in the present, which led us to our inter­nal power to sep­a­rate from our past. By using the Energy of the Inter­me­di­ary Period to grant our Self per­mis­sion to place the expe­ri­ence of Mother Earth’s Fourth Dimen­sion in the past, dear Ones, we will also be grant­ing our Self per­mis­sion to begin our Fifth Dimen­sion expe­ri­ence! For when the Inter­me­di­ary Period com­pletes on April 9, 2016, there will be a New Hori­zon about to reveal the Unity with God in ALL THINGS and ALL SOULS upon Mother Earth!

Thanks to: http://www.abzu2.com

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