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Endtime Madness: A Condition To Be ‘Reckoned’ With

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Endtime Madness: A Condition To Be ‘Reckoned’ With

Posted on March 25, 2016 by Doreen Agostino

Who among us does not know someone who has gone over the edge these days?

How many in our own families have gone very close to the edge?

By The Health Coach
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Certainly there are also co-workers, neighbors or friends who flirt with this emerging condition of the mind, as much as it is a condition of the soul, which is sometimes known as Endtime Madness.
Many a health coach, wellness counselor and integrative health consultant has been forced to confront this New Age malady. So have the chiropractors and acupuncturists, osteopaths and homeopaths. You can be sure that the general practitioners, family practitioners and internists have been kept plenty busy trying to figure this one out. As have the psychiatrists, clinical psychologists and psychotherapists whose specialty is to assist with such imbalances of mind and heart, spirit and soul.
So, exactly what are we talking about when we say Endtime Madness.
We live in a world that is moving very, VERY fast. And it will continue to move even faster. Especially for the parents of many of us Baby Boomers, it has become extremely difficult for them to process all the societal changes and accommodate the day-to-day flux. Theirs was an entirely different world and most of them have deliberately chosen not to go with the flow of the New Millennium.
This situation has created a disconnect between them and us. For many of these elderly folks they have been on a regimen of pharmaceutical medications for much of their adult life … and these have taken a great toll on their mental faculties, emotional posture and psychological profile. The upshot is that it doesn’t, then, take very long for a new state of mind to emerge when they are confronted with the overwhelming number and diversity of demands that post-modern life places on them.
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How many of us have had tremendous challenges dealing with our parents or watched our peer acquaintances do the same? As they reach the twilight years many of these very traditional and conservative folks have quite a time dealing with so many of life’s challenges and unforeseen obstacles. They do their best … their VERY best but often segue over to a state of being which can be characterized as highly self-defensive and self-protective. Their quickly constructed fortresses then keep out those who they need the most and whose love they crave.
This is just one example of perhaps the most vulnerable segment of the population that has become particularly susceptible to Endtime Madness. It could only be expected with our dear old parents as they leave this incarnation at a pivotal point in the evolution the human race. So much going on contrary to their traditions, values, principles and religious beliefs. Truly, it’s a wonder how they have stood up so well in the face of such awesome and meteoric change.
There are other demographics showing signs of Endtime Madness
We live in a time that demands resilience, acceptance and patience. When was the last time on Planet Earth when you could be privy to every major and minor happening around the globe … in real time no less. You’d probably have to go back several ages and tens of millennia to find a similar set of planetary circumstances. True, the end of an age, especially the end of Kali Yuga (aka the Iron Age) always bring an extremely unique set of challenges throughout every sphere of life and at every level of existence. Sounds pretty daunting, doesn’t it?!
Well it is, especially for those (cultural creatives, bleeding hearts, emotional empaths and sensitive souls) who fail to shield themselves from the “craziness which abounds in society”. Craziness? — What do we mean by craziness?
We’re talking about 500 plus channels of craziness on the TV (aka Weapon of Mass Deception).
We’re talking about print media much of which has morphed into tabloid fare.
We’re talking about shock radio that does just that every time you turn it on!
We’re talking about an educational system which exposes every child to dangerous vaccines, substandard cafeteria ‘food’ and courses replete with pap and pablum.
We’re talking about social media which now defines the public discourse and focuses on “Whatever!”
Please, don’t misunderstand us, we are not saying that all of these forms of media don’t have a flip side which can be used for the good. They certainly do, and those with common sense gravitate to those aspects of the media which truly educate, enlighten and empower.
What’s the point? We live in a world which is increasingly taken over by soundbites. Where someone can be marginalized instantaneously for posting words of wisdom, a perceptive insight or simple common sense. As the gates of irrationality close throughout the many fortresses of societal institutions, those who are the free thinkers and truth-seekers are ostracized and often defamed. When the collective conscience leaves the reservation we definitely have a problem. And in many cases a VERY serious problem which inevitably causes blowback throughout the entire society.
This is when the many different forms of Endtime Madness can really start to manifest anywhere and everywhere. Because just as the media “part of life” has gone absolutely bonkers, so has every other sphere of life gone into a full tilt mode. Be it family and friends, co-workers or business associates, fellow athletes or card players, stuff seems to be jumpin’ off everywhere lately!
When you overlay on this unfolding scenario the manifold stressors in everyday life, which are operative within every domain from financial and economic to political and social, from the environmental and ecological to health and wellness, things start to pop both when you least expect it or when you’ve waited for decades for stuff to happen. Literally, eight gaskets are blown at once. You see the steady stream of headlines across the newswire containing one guy or gal after another going postal everywhere, except the Post Office. READ more at http://thehealthcoach1.com/?p=48
Doreen Ann Agostino
Non-negotiable autograph,
all rights reserved

Thanks to: https://ourgreaterdestiny.wordpress.com

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