Thousands Protest In Paris Against Ongoing State Of Emergency In France
March 31, 2016 by Ann
Franskmændene har luret hvad det handler om. De vil ikke finde sig i at leve i undtagelsestilstand på grund af myndighedernes skræmmekampagner og statsterror…
The French have onto what it is about. They won’t find themselves in to live in a state of emergency of scaremongering and state terror…
Translated from Danish
Thousands Protest In Paris Against “State Of Emergency” In France
Protestors say the French government have allowed France to become a police…|By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
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March 31, 2016 by Ann
Franskmændene har luret hvad det handler om. De vil ikke finde sig i at leve i undtagelsestilstand på grund af myndighedernes skræmmekampagner og statsterror…
The French have onto what it is about. They won’t find themselves in to live in a state of emergency of scaremongering and state terror…
Translated from Danish
Thousands Protest In Paris Against “State Of Emergency” In France
Protestors say the French government have allowed France to become a police…|By Sean Adl-Tabatabai
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