Posted on April 11, 2016 by https://dublinsmick.wordpress.comSOME OF THE GREATEST ANTHROPOLOGICAL AND SCIENTIFIC DISCOVERIES OF MODERN MAN
Contained in this Website is extraordinary information that brings to the forefront worldwide issues that has been tormenting intellectuals for centuries. It is about two phenomenal discoveries that I have found existing in the Solomon Islands and this Website is a further attempt once again to bring them to the attention of the Modern World.
The first discovery is about how the people of the Solomon Islands have shared their Islands with ‘previously undiscovered to the modern world’ race of hominoids for millennia right to this present day, and for a variety of reasons explained, this has not been known about by the rest of the World, until now. The second discovery is about the whereabouts of hidden UFO Bases that I have found existing in the Solomon Islands for quite possibly the same amount of time, and how there seems to be a link between the Giants and the Extraterrestrials making the Solomon Islands their home.
For many reasons, these groundbreaking discoveries have compelled me to share them with the rest of the World. It has always been my sincere hope that hundreds of researchers follow up my work by going to the Solomon’s to continue on. Science is definitely a progression of new discoveries, and these are some of them.
The Solomon Islands people name the undiscovered hominoids mentioned “The Giants”, which is linguistically ironic for the isolated Solomon Islanders, as throughout history, including in the Bible and other prominent books, the same name has been used in other parts of the World to describe these huge elusive hominoids. To explain some facts about the Giant race existing in the Solomon Islands, I will use the Giants of Guadalcanal as an example.
“The Giants of Guadalcanal” are named as such by the Guadalcanal people, and from my observations they seem to be very similar to the Sasquatch, Bigfoot, Yeti, Yowie and such suspected to be found in other parts of the world. At this moment of time, there are hundreds quite possibly thousands of these Giant people (and I use the word people for a reason) living inside the huge tropical rainforest Jungle Mountain ranges of Guadalcanal, as the Guadalcanal people will tell you. All claims made on this Website about the Guadalcanal Giants can be support by the indigenous Guadalcanal people of the Island, as it totally plays the major part of their entire grass-roots culture, past and present.
Apart from being known for building timber base structures with sheltering sago palm and other leaf, they have vast cave systems running within the majority length of the mountains of this 200 plus kilometre long tropical Jungle Island. Some of the Guadalcanal Giants live in organised lifestyles with social structures, and I have come across many Guadalcanal people that believe they can go from east to west through their cave systems without seeing the light of day, and many believe that their population numbers in the thousands. The Guadalcanal Islanders also believe that there is a huge city of them living inside or underneath the big mountains of the Island. “Mount Tatuva” is definitely one of this city’s main entrances, and if anyone ever wished to film them, the closest villages to Mt. Tatuva, where they are also seen regularly is a good starting point. But that is not required, because they are all over the place and are seen on a daily basis somewhere around the Island. Actually, I can think of a dozen places around the Island apart from the Mt. Tatuva area that are good starting places for the beginnings of gathering documentary photographic evidence of them. For that matter, I can think of dozens of places around the Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu that would be the same.
Virtually, you can ask anyone from Guadalcanal, and for that matter the Solomon’s, if any of their recent ancestors, or themselves has had past exchanges with these Giants, and one finds a very positive response with many tales supporting their existence. I know for a fact that upon arriving within the Solomon Islands, one can ask the first person they see as to whether the Giants can be found there, and they’ll start pointing in every direction, and if not, they’d quickly steer you onto someone who would tell all about them.
To my understanding, there are three different species or types of these Giants. The larger and more commonly seen are over 10 foot tall, but I have come across numerous Islander accounts with evidence that supports that they do grow much taller than that. These Giants have very long black, brown or reddish hair, or a mixture and when they want to have a good look at you, they pull it aside from their face with one hand. They have a protruding double eyebrow, bludging red eyeballs, and flat nose wide gapped mouth facial features, and have an unmistakeable odour, which the coastal people would once use as a sign of their presence, depending on the wind. From the large hairy type, they range down in size with reducing amounts of body hair. The smaller version, although bigger than normal human beings, are like a wild man living in the jungle and are not as hairy as the big ones. This is the way the Guadalcanal Islanders describe them. Inherently, when they see these small giant half human people, they make efforts to kill them. These smaller versions are lower down in the Giant social order, living predominately outside their caves systems in the jungle, although all three (types) are found in the Island’s jungle. Incidentally, there are many newspaper reports, even recently, of these hairy Giants in Papua New Guinea, and also may I say that I know for a fact that the Vanuatu people have also had a similar past with their Giants as the Solomon Islanders have had, as those that follow up on my research will find out.
I must point out, that the Solomon Islanders, and I suppose the PNG and Vanuatu people are lacking understanding that their Giant race living with them are something big in scientific discoveries to the rest of the World. Whether by intentional design or not, it is appropriate that the Solomon Island’s National logon is “The Place That Time Forgot”.
This is a map of west Guadalcanal showing where a huge population of them can be found on that Island. As a thumb-rule, this approximate 1,000 square kilometre area of heavy mountainous jungle of the western section of this half-map of Guadalcanal, that doesn’t have dots as signs of inhabitation, are the free territory of the Guadalcanal Giants. Although the Giants are found all over the Island, more often than not, the dots seen are merely 2-3 village huts indicative of inter-related tribal areas. Further, and of significance, is the fact that although land-possession is highly regarded by Guadalcanal people, and the Solomon Islanders, this 1,000 square kilometre area does not belong to any particular tribe, and there is a good reason for that too, which once again, can be easily found out by just asking any Guadalcanal person. For those Solomon Islanders seeing this Website for the first time, in particular Choiseul and Isabelle please excuse that I didn’t put a map of your Island on and discuss the similar situations that you have on your Islands.
Guadalcanal is rich with Gold, a fact that the Europeans discovered centuries ago. Thirty years ago, different Gold mining companies started negotiating with the traditional landowners with ‘Memorandums of Understanding’ in order to capitalize on this gold. A succession of failed attempts followed until of these recent years when ‘Ross Mining’ broke through with a 3% to the indigenous deal. In 1998, at “the Gold Ridge”, central north Guadalcanal where the mine was being built, they got going with their bigger type of mining bulldozers pushing in roads and clearing the mine area. The mine borders the Giant’s territory, and it would appear that the Giants are quite territorial. On one particular occasion, one of these huge bulldozers broke down with one of the pins on the blade attachment rendering useless. As it was late in the afternoon, they decided to drop the blade there and take the bulldozer back to the workshop to do the repairs overnight to continue on the next day. When they returned the next morning, the blade had disappeared. All the boys became confused. How could such a heavy object vanish? Mind you, we’re talking about ten tons plus. So they started scouting around in the bush looking for it and happened to notice giant footprints around 3-foot in length close bye where the blade had been left. Finally, some 100 odd meters away on a small nearby hill, one of the boys called out, “Here it is!” From further footprint investigation, they deduced that the Giants had not carried it there, but had thrown it, or it got there some other way.
By the way, this current inoperative Gold Mine at the Gold Ridge, which from the Island’s geology reports is small in compared to the potential of several other areas, has an estimated 20 Billion Australian dollars of Gold still remaining.
Some years ago, as I had once been working as a Helicopter pilot/engineer, I was asked by a boss helicopter pilot of an American fishing fleet that had helicopters, to look after their spare parts required, as Australia was closer that Guam. The job lasted six weeks and I was handsomely paid for my little effort. The office I took was just opposite the old Guadalcanal Provincial Headquarters, and at lunchtimes I would sometimes go across the road and have a few beers there with the then Guadalcanal Premier, and Victor the Finance Minister. It was during one of these lunchtimes that they told me of a Giant encounter they had just had some month’s prior. Both the Premier, who is now a National minister, and Victor, who is now a Guadalcanal minister again, had decided to go to the Gold ridge to survey the area of the proposed Gold mine. They took their twin-cab Toyota Hilux mid afternoon and drove up there. It’s quite a drive and after passing a few villages on the way they arrived at the mine area. A bulldozer had craved out a road, and as sometimes it rains frequently, the road around the side of a hill had became slippery, and they slipped of the road’s edge and became bogged. They made some effort trying to get back up onto the road, but decided to walk back to the last village that they had passed and get a bunch of boys to come help pull it out. Obtaining thirty odd men they walked back. As they were rounding the last corner to where the 4WD was bogged, they saw the 4WD back up on the road with two huge Giants standing one in front of the vehicle and other behind. Inherently, their first reaction was for all of them to run away screaming in absolute fear. They told me that when they got the courage up some half-hour later, they all returned to find that the Giants had gone. Obviously, I asked how tall were they? They told me that the taller of the two was the one that lifted the front of the vehicle up onto the road, and when they inspected the footprints, each had picked the vehicle up by putting one foot on the road and the other near the vehicle. Pointing out the window to a tree, the Premier said; “About that high”, which I estimated to be over fifteen foot, which matched the size of the 3-4 feet footprints they had described.
The Guadalcanal people, and many others, all know the story of “Mango”, whom passed away two years ago. She had been kidnapped by the Giants fifty years ago and spent 25 odd years with them, and like them all they had given her up for dead until she was found pregnant, hysterically frothing from the mouth in a garden on the Northeast coast. A Giant had taken her as a wife. When the men realized who she was, they tried capturing her, but because her skin was as slimy as an eel, they found it difficult holding her. One of the men got an ingenious idea and got some particular rough-sided leaves of which they used to hold her down and tie up with vine. Understandably, she was mentality unstable for the remainder of her life, but through her pregnancy she gave birth to a half-cast boy. The bastard boy lived to the age of five when one of Mango’s brothers slaughtered him. Peter and a few other friends of mine know where he is buried. Mango is just one of many that this type of thing has happened too, but you don’t have to believe me, just ask them. There are quite a few more.
Apes and Monkeys cannot breed with Homo sapiens. Where do I think the Giants came from? I believe that they are a surviving species of hominoid that had branched off well before Neanderthal man and have developed throughout evolution to be what they are today. The Guadalcanal people also believe that the Giants were there before they were. I know for a fact that their gene pool allows them to breed with us, as those that follow-up on my research will find out. The Guadalcanal Giants are definitely some sort of surviving species of Hominoid once closely related to Homo sapiens, as scientists tell us that it is genetically impossible for Homo sapiens to breed with Apes and Monkeys. Still living today on Guadalcanal, and goodness know where else, are crossbred descendants from the Giants. Just ask any Guadalcanal person, and they’ll tell you about them and where they are living, but here’s some examples I know of. Apart from the two huge tall half-cast Giant women that can be found living at Northeast Guadalcanal, there are half-cast and quarter cast huge men who have eight-cast children to Guadalcanal women, which are still living today at Tangarare of the Weather Coast of Southwest Guadalcanal. Anyone can go and see these huge inter-species-bread people. Even though “Silver” died in the early 1990s, “Genny” his son and his children, some who have bread themselves, are still alive. The huge quarter-cast Giant Genny is renown by the people of his area for being able to selfishly eat a whole pig by himself, bones and all. And that includes crocodiles too. A few funny stories about this extraordinary man are included within a book soon to be released made available at the end of this Website.
DNA sample from the Giants, and of their cross-bread human descendants for analysing/research would be an invaluable tool for many future developments in genetic technology and medical remedies that might be still thought impossible, and would unequivocally prove their origins. Further, in 2002, a Scientist/Doctor of the University of Papua New Guinea mapped the DNA of the Melanesian people and found slight differences from that of other Homo sapiens like Europeans, which he said, he found bewildering. I would like to speculate that I might have an answer to his wilderment. It is quite possible that over thousands of years, Papua New Guineans, Solomon Islanders and the Vanuatu people have had their DNA slightly altered because of occasional sporadic inter-breading from their Giant race from their Islands.
Why are the Giants around the world so secretive and universally shy to be seen or known-of? As those that follow on from my research will find out, this is not exactly the same case in the Solomon Islands, but I have an answer to this difficult question, of which I’ll attempt to answer it towards the end of this Website, but may I say I’m sure within the next decade we will found out as to whether I was correct.
Like with Homo sapiens and other Hominoids, the Solomon Giants are both carnivorous and herbivorous, as most Guadalcanal and some Solomon Islanders would bear testament. These ‘whatever type’ of Hominoid people have, until in recent history, considered the coastal Human beings of Guadalcanal and the Solomon’s to be a reliable source of food, somewhat similar as another meat to be eaten, if required. Over the millennia, many thousands of Guadalcanal and Solomon Islander people have lost their lives by being cannibalised by these Giants; hence the reason being the major part of their history and grass-root cultures. During my limited research about the existence of the Solomon Giants, I found that the Giants had actually considered the Solomon Island people like ‘pigs to be eaten’. This primitive type of Neanderthal thinking tragically lead to coastal children being penned up into cages and rose to be eaten when they were bigger. There are numerous handed-down folklore/custom stories of where the Giants would once storm villages grabbing people and ripping limbs off and eating them right there and then, while all run in absolute terror. Also, there are many about what they called “Killer Giants” who would persistently return to make a meal out of them. Sometimes there were groups of these ‘Killer Giants’. Within the book, “The Giants Of The Solomon Islands”, soon made available at the end of this Website is a recorded a well-known Guadalcanal folklore/custom story of an incident that happened at the Weather Coast of southwest Guadalcanal where a village idiot managed to kill “five Killer Giants brothers” exacting revenge on behalf of his people and in return gaining the hand of the Paramount Chief’s daughter and a few other things.
It is my belief that one of the major reasons why the Solomon Islanders, and Vanuatu populations are far smaller than they should be is because, just as an example, over five thousands of years through the Giants of the Islands considering the people as food to be eaten, those people never had the opportunity to breed. Even if it was fifty people a year that were cannibalised, and just only over five thousand years, then that’s two hundred and fifty thousand people that never bred. Unfortunately, the statistics of the Giant’s cannibalism is far worse than that, as those that follow up on my research will find out.
There is one Giant, who is famously known to the Guadalcanal people for being responsible for taking them off the menu. “Luti Mikode” who still is the “Chief of the Giants”, changed the murderous behaviour of the Giants towards the Guadalcanal people forever in the “Giant Wars” of the early 20th Century that were fought against clans that oppose these changes. When you find out the story about how he change the rest of the Giant’s attitudes of cannibalising the Guadalcanal people about a century ago, you will be blown away. It is absolutely amazing, and through my research I have proven it to be true. Although I do not everything about the Solomon Giants, I believe that the Giant’s cannibalism towards the coastal people of other large Solomon Islands halted for three main reasons, and I’ll just mention them. “The Guadalcanal Giant War”, their association with the extraterrestrials inhabiting Guadalcanal and other Islands, and the advent of being discovered by modern Whiteman starting to occupy the Solomon Islands. Topics within this paragraph are found within the soon to be released book made available at the end of this Website.
How do I know that Luti Mikode is still alive? Apart from many people telling me that he is, and the fact that that the Giants are believed to have a far greater longevity than that of Homo-sapiens, one of the Bishops of the Solomon Island’s Anglican Church met him in a garden in 2000 to discuss the ethnic war, during the Solomon Island Tension. How did Luti Mikode know that the Bishop was having a retreat back at his village? Apart from it being on the radio, the only thing I can work out and it sound ridiculous to some, there must have been was some spiritual dimension to it, which apparently the Giants have abundance of. The bishop met Luti Mikode one more time after that, just ask him or the Solomon Island’s Broadcasting Corporation (SIBC) as this was all reported on the news around that time. It’s a strange place for things like that!
I do not know if the Giants of Guadalcanal ever had technology before, but they certainly do have now. In fact, I know that they have had a lighting system within their cave dwellings for at least the past 50 years now that has no obvious light source, such as bulbs and lamps, but somehow inside the mountains, it is just like daytime from what the eyewitnesses that have been captured and released have told me. There is a reason why I use the word ‘technology,’ because other independent credibly eyewitnesses have told me of happenings that overwhelmingly supports this. Once again, I best not go into it, as at the moment it is just good enough to know that they exist.
Guadalcanal, Malaita, Choiseul, Isabelle and Makira have literally hundreds of caves and remanence of Giant artefacts, and on these Islands anyone can visit many them. Some Giants of old would bury their dead in a similar fashion as Jesus was at first with a stone rolled across the tomb’s entrance. “Ezekiel Alebua”, a once Prime Minister and the previous Guadalcanal Premier whom asked me to make the Giants happen for them, knows of a burial cave at East Guadalcanal that his father took him too when he was a child. Within that cave, there is a perfect approximate 15-foot Giant skeleton laid out. Through unusual circumstances, I never got to see it, but I now know of many more, and so does many others I know.
Just prior to the Solomon Tension, some Tangarare men (S/W Guadalcanal) went to see the Giants for advice about what they should do. They did not follow their advice, and so when they went back the second time, as they had not followed their advice, the Giants told them that it’s all up to them now, and told them to get lost. Surprisingly enough that was all reported on the Solomon Island Broadcasting Corporation’s news. When a Whiteman hears such things, and there are plenty of them, for some reason it has always just gone straight over their heads and they haven’t even got a little curious. Well I do!
Just briefly, you can ask nearly anyone in the Solomon Islands, most certainly Guadalcanal about this particular incident. One night, sometime during 1960’s, for some reason I never found out, the Giants went through Honiara and smashed the town to pieces. This is well known of story of recent Guadalcanal Giant history. Mind you they’re plenty of them.
At Christmas of 2002, I was sitting on my veranda around lunchtime with my wife and a few others when a couple of men came running up to tell us that a family working in their garden, not far away from where we where living near Mt. Austin on the outskirts of Honiara, had just seen a huge Giant casually wondering along in the tall grass of the hillside above their vegetable garden. When we eventually caught up with this family, they told me he made no effort to hide himself during the few minutes he was nonchalantly walking along. They said they noticed that he had actually paused for a moment to pull his hair aside to have another look at them as they were leaving the garden.
The Guadalcanal ‘Giants’ and the Malaitan ‘Ramo’s’ write language, as those that follow on from me will find out that there are countless ancient stones block walls and stone objects with inscriptions chiselled into them. While I’m mentioning language and such, a curiosity I came across and a theory to it. The Guadalcanal people’s language and the Fijian language are very, very close. There are over one hundred common words that they both share. Meaning that a Guadalcanal person can go to Fiji and speak Fijian within a week and vice versa, as my good friend and partner “Peter Casi” found out when he and his music band did a tour over there. The Guadalcanal Giants language is very similar in dialect as to the Guadalcanal people. It is my belief, and others that there once was a huge civilization of these Giant people spread throughout the southwest Pacific as far away as Fiji and beyond, well before Homo-sapiens arrived. I have much evidence about this, too much to put down just now, but I’ll touch on it more later, when I briefly get onto the “Ramo of Malaita”, personally my favourite.
Over the centuries, as the Giants had an appetite for humans, and that they were easy to catch, the Guadalcanal people offered ‘instead-off’ sacrifices to them where the Giants would come out of the forest to receive them. Although that did not stop the cannibalism to any get extent. Still today, there are men that can and sometimes do this practice, like at a village near Mt. Tatuva. The pigs have to be white pigs without spots. They include Guadalcanal beetle-nut-lime, which is ground from freshwater snail shells. Also Guadalcanal custom-money, which is four or five strings together with small shells laced upon a strand length. This also has to be white shell money. Shell money or custom money is the original currency used in the Solomon Islands, and still can be used instead of dollars and cents. In a sacred clearing, these are placed and by methods of calling known to those it was passed down to from generation to generation, and by burning eel bones, which irresistible to them, the Giants soon arrive to take their offering. By the way, the pigs on Guadalcanal, and no doubt a few other places in Melanesia have learnt through evolution not to use any of the Giant’s trails or tracks, and they don’t. In Tangarare, a big area S/W Guadalcanal, some of the Giants put barriers across their track entrances to stop the Homo sapiens from inadvertently using them.
It is well known that Giants do not like fire, possibly because of their long hair. When one is to travel through Giant territory, it is advisable to take a pressure pack can with a lighter along just in case. Some months ago, Ezekiel Alebua told me of an incident that happened on the “Weather Coast”, south Guadalcanal, in 2000 during their ethnic conflict.
Five Tangarare men went hunting pig with their bow and arrows and during their hunt they lost track of time. As it was getting late and the weather was ominously turning to rain, they decided to built a sago palm hut quickly to camp the night. The hut had a roof with sago palm walls. At night with rain pelting down, as they were sitting around a fire within the hut, a huge hand and arm came through the hut’s wall. An inquisitive Giant had lent over the hut and was feeling around for what was inside. The five men starting screaming and using sticks from the fire to beat the monstrous hand away. Apparently, horrified they ran straight through the back wall of the hut into the darkness of the bush. When they found each other the next morning down on the coast, they had been spread out over a several kilometres.
This brings me to theory about World War II and the Japanese occupation of Guadalcanal. There is a mystery that has never been solved about why there were no Japanese to initially resist the Allied Forces at Red Beach and Henderson Airfield when they first arrived. (Interestingly, the Howard led Australian intervention force; in another attempt to emulate the Americans have heroically used Red Beach again to arrive on) When the Allied Forces arrived, they were expecting to loose one in two, but instead there was no one to be found. This was uncharacteristic of the Japanese and of any other Island campaigns. They fought to the very last. Why did such a large force of Japanese flee? I believe I have the answer to that one, and it’s not the way history has written it.
I believe that the Japanese encountered the Giants in the centre of the Island, and most probably some others and quite a few lost their lives, because the Giants and those others would have definitely been on the Guadalcanal people/Solomon Islander/Allied side. Circumstantially, in 1999 the Japanese were just about to do a ‘2,000’ strong military exercise (or as they say) in the middle of Guadalcanal, but the ethnic tension stopped that. I find it more than a coincidence that now all of a sudden the Australian Government has decided to send the 2,000 plus strong military contingent (a little bit of a overkill) to the Solomon’s, to only help restore ‘law and order’ to a little town like Honiara, and to rounding up a few small rag-tag mobs on Guadalcanal and Malaita. I’m positive this does not require two multi-million dollar spy planes, a minesweeper, patrol boats, satellite surveillance, 2,000 plus men and a 300 million dollar a year commitment for 10 years, although I’m sure at this present time, this initial overseas boost to the economy, and stabilising the economically broke country is much appreciated by most.
Apart from the potential very rich fishing industry and sustainable rainforests of the Solomon’s, there are; the six huge ‘light crude’ oil and gas basins (just the Indispensable Basin alone being 2,200 sq klms), the high-concentrated several vast Gold deposits of Guadalcanal and those of Choiseul, the large quantities of emeralds, sapphires, rubies, garnets, zirconium etc and recently found diamonds of Malaita, the mammoth Copper deposits of Choiseul 3 times bigger than that of neighbouring Bougainville, the two large Nickel deposits of Isabelle, the two huge Titanium Oxide deposits of Royal Harbour, Malaita, and a few others, of which were deliberately never mentioned by the dozen odd Australian Government Advisers to the Solomon Island’s Prime Minister’s Office over the past two years. The Advisors to Prime Minister’s Office, the people in charge of the Treasury, and the Central Bank have all been predominately Australian Government workers for the past two years. They calculatingly helped bring the country to its knees.
With regards to the Japanese of WW II, there are too many unexplained questions of which, apart from the Guadalcanal Giants being in the centre of the Island, I have extra evidence of something that totally supports my claims. Ask “Ezekiel Alebua”, my down-to-earth friend, about the Japanese War Memorial Statue, and I think you will find that he will come up with the same conclusions as I have, and no doubt the Japanese did. If some of the information of my findings within this Website is mind-blowing enough for the average ‘Joe Blow’ around the World, then what I am about to discuss will really spin them out, but it doesn’t for many Guadalcanal Islanders who knows that it is true, including Ezekiel Alebua, some National Ministers, Anglican Bishops, Priests and the majority of the Guadalcanal residence of the interior of the Island. Not to take away any credibility about the Giant race discovery, I reluctantly report this.
Over the years, I have been receiving astonishing reports from credible people that live in different sections near the centre of the Island, Guadalcanal that is. Having a bit of curiosity about these strange reports, I decided to put a little effort into determining what’s it all about. Credible people have been telling me that sometimes at dusk, dawn or during the night they are seeing dozens of a creature that fly in group formations over the jungle going here and there. They all describe the same thing. As they fly along above the jungle, they see a man-like creature with a long tail and a red-glow from upon their back, and a rolling hum from the group as they go over. Many have told me of hundreds of them at a time. They have been seen at dawn randomly flying around above the fog of the valleys of the big mountains of the interior. They have been regularly spotted in large groups going out to sea and coming back at Central South Guadalcanal. On occasions, they have been seen individually and in groups in the jungle, and they describe their appearance as such: They look like strong homo-sapien men with greenish-brown scale skin and have a long tail, some apparel, and walk upright. Naturally, these kinds of reports are all very strange to average person, but to me, they are not that strange anymore.
“The Japanese War Memorial” of the Solomon Islands, located at Mount Austin of Honiara, would have to be the only one of its type in the world. Most war memorials I’ve come across have something to do with soldiers, guns, dead people and stuff. Not this one! It’s about 30 x 10 metres in area. On the western end there are four large blank vertical marble walls that should have writing on them, and to the north a row of Cherry-blossoms that are having difficulty surviving in the tropical environment. The only writing to be found, which is about the famous Japanese sculpturer, is at the base of the bronze statue of a half-human man with scales who is holding a ray-gun looking thing attached to the end of his long tail.
This very futuristic “Star Trek” warrior-type reptilian half-human man has a very determined look upon his face whilst holding his tail-attached ultra-modern ray-gun in his right hand and pointing to the west with his left. Surprisingly enough, when I line up to where he is pointing, for some reason he is pointing straight at the “Mt Dragon UFO Waterfall-lake Base” of northwest Guadalcanal. The less detailed bullet ridden statue that is there now was the replacement that the Japanese put there in hindsight just before the Solomon Island Tension. As mentioned, ironically enough, in 1999, the Japanese having approval from the Solomon Government were just about to send a 2,000 strong contingent of the Japanese Army into the centre of Guadalcanal to do a so-called military exercise, but the Solomon Tension put an end to that. Mind you, there’s 970 Islands in the Solomon’s that they could have choose from. But look at it now, Howard has sent an equivalent 2,000 strong military contingent to the Solomon Islands to do an expensive 300 million dollars a year occupation, as said for ten years, to restore ‘law-and order’, or for whatever reasons of their own.
It is my belief that apart from some Japanese soldiers losing their lives from being a free feed for the Giants, they more than likely had a few encounters with these warrior-half-human-lizard types, and when news got back to Jap Headquarters about what was happening, it was “Abandon Island!” and let them have it. That’s why there were no Japanese to be initially found went the Allies arrived. It’s a difficult subject to briefly discuss here, but I hope you can see the like between the two.
Incidentally, the American led Howard occupiers are in a ‘catch 22’ situation. Doing the bidding of other world governments, to stop the rest of the world knowing the real truth of the Solomon Islands, and hopefully at the same time gaining the massive oil reserves of the Solomon’s like East Timor, and some other resources, they are in a ‘no win’ situation, at least with the Giants. For instance, perish the thought that they think that they can just waltz into the jungles of Guadalcanal and take on the Giants, as many of them would not come back. It would be similar to the movie “Predator”, and what the Japanese experienced in World War II. Explaining their lose to the relatives of the dead, and to the rest of the media of the world would be interesting. As Giants can be found on other Islands of the Solomon’s, containing the entire Solomon Islands is impossible. Without even considering the known UFO Bases of the Solomon’s of which their American bosses have been capitalizing on for some time now, if they attempt to contain the entire 1,900-kilometre length of the Solomon Islands, they better invade Vanuatu also, as they have Giants and little hairy undiscovered hominoids there too. Just ask them.
It would be a grave crime against the world, if any harm were to come to the Giants. It is my sincere hope, that one day when this discovery breaks through, that certain sections of the Solomon Islands becomes “World Heritage”, and I lobby the scientists of the world, and the International community to make sure that happens. More on this unfolding subject is found within the book soon made available at the end of this Website
From ‘The Borderline’ very near Mount Austin, and further up the road past the Japanese Memorial are three Guadalcanal tribes. ‘Simba’ is one of those tribes, and living not far away from them is an old couple of retired big Giants. (A male and a female) Ask any of the tribes up that way and they will tell you all about them, as it is common knowledge and they have been numerously seen of. I had thought of filming there many times, but I have been the victim of unusual circumstances always preventing this. “Joseph” is the name of the Paramount Chief of that area. During the ‘ethnic conflict’ of 2,000, many residence fled Honiara to the jungles behind. These fleeing people spotted these two Giants on a number of occasions during that time. Actually, a short cut to get to the area of where they are living is by following the track that leads on over the other side of the creek at the southern end of the Botanical gardens behind the Honiara Prison. But, gaining permission from Joseph with measured gratuities would be a better idea. Around that area also are a number of ex-Giant caves that you can look through and film. One-day, these will be archaeological and anthropological sites worth digging up. The area is rich with many folklore stories pertaining to their tumultuous historical relationship with their Giants, but so is everywhere else on the Island, and for that matter, everywhere else in the Solomon Islands. Virtually, every big Island in the Solomon’s has commonly known folklore stories of their Giant people.