Kp Message 4-12-16… “I’m passing… on the ‘Fear Porn Scenarios’…”
Posted on 2016/04/12 by kauilapele[Okay, I modified the title just after posting. I wanted to be sure everyone understood that I was “passing”, meaning “not paying attention to”, and not the alternative, “Passing on (the fear porn scenarios)”.]
This is sort of a Kp message, but it was “spurred on” by this article which I’ve seen posted a few places (I’m not posting the text). As far as I’ve “got”, this is a great example of “Fear Inducing Propaganda that may have a ‘fact or two’ in there.”… otherwise known as “Fear porn.”
Example 1: “RUMORS swirling say “Martial Law discussions over a banking system failure” are the reasons President Obama and Vice President Biden are to meet with Fed. Chair Janet Yellen today…” My response: they’re rumors. But add “Martial Law discussions over a banking system failure”, and what do you have? Fear porn. Intended to create fear over “banking system failure” and “martial law” (and guns, loss of liberty, life, ice cream, apple pie, and the Super Bowl). Fear porn.
Example 2: “Speculation is already flowing all over Washington, DC that it may have something to do with “the survival of the government.”” My response: it’s “speculation”. And adding the word “survival of the government” just makes it sound more “terrible”. Fear porn.
Example 3: “Something wicked this way comes and it is coming very, very soon; within days we suspect.” My response: Who are you (whoever wrote this) to call it “wicked”? That’s a judgement. Fear porn.
Example 4: “The Chinese are scheduled to announce their switch from dollar to yuan on Tuesday, April 19th; which will send about two TRILLION in cash back to the US and send inflation skyrocketing overnight.” My response: “Inflation skyrocketing”. How do they know? Fear porn.
Example 5: “With every major banker in the world meeting in Washington this week, something is surely “up,” and many people are starting to think the general public is about to get “hosed.”” My response: How do “they” know what “is surely ‘up'”? And the statement, “the general public is about to get “hosed.”” Fear porn.
Example 6: “The White House released this photo of the meeting between Obama, Biden and Federal Reserve Chair, Janet Yellen. LOOK AT YELLEN’S FACE… this is not a look of happiness and “all is well;” it seems more a death stare!” My response: These are all assumptions and presumptions and interpretations by the writer. And then using “Death stare”, sends the message, “Be afraid, be very afraid.” Fear porn.
Bottom line: just be prepared in general for emergency situations, like tornado, power outage, hurricane, severe storms, etc. When they happen, they happen. Stay in the Light, and enjoy the process.
Before any of those things come about, stay free of fear, and enjoy your life. I mean, anyone may read anything they want. But just…
“Read it, view it, and don’t imbue it… with fear porn.”
Aloha Kp
Thanks to KP at: