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The Dynamic Steady State Universe The New Cosmology

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The Dynamic Steady State Universe

The New Cosmology

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The Big Bang is a MYTH 


The claim has long been that the Big Bang is supported by two powerful Pillars.

  • The expansion-of-space cosmic redshift.

  • The cosmic microwave background radiation (CMBR).

The problem is, for Big-Bang believers, the cosmic redshift occurs not only in regions of space expansion BUT ALSO occurs in regions of space contraction. The Big-Bang school cannot handle this new 'discovery'!! The breakthrough is detailed here:

 Cosmic Redshift in the Nonexpanding Cellular Universe and Abstract. Journal article Preprint (with high-quality images).

The problem with the 2nd Pillar is that the CMBR is simply the background temperature of our infinite Universe. It is merely ultra-distant starlight that has undergone extreme cosmic redshifting (light wave stretching).

The Big Bang has lost its Pillars. It is no longer a viable hypothesis. A theory or hypothesis that has no supporting pillars is merely pseudo-science, at best. The Big Bang has been exposed for what it has always been, an elaborate misconceptional myth wrapped in pseudo-science —a  grand creation myth!

Time to wake-up to reality.

If you have been led to believe that the Universe birthed from an explosion and the whole Cosmos is expanding, then you can be led to believe anything. Then sadly, you can be led to believe anything the mind manipulators in our modern indoctrination institutions want you to believe.

If you still have some ability to think freely, then reflect on  the foregoing and ponder: what other false "realities" have you been led to believe?


How do we know that the DSSU is the Real Universe?


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We know on the basis of several recent discoveries and the overwhelming convergence of the evidence.

  • The DSSU incorporates the causal mechanism of gravity. Space-medium expansion (Lambda), space-medium contraction (Einstein’s contractile gravity), mass & energy, gravity-domain limits, … all fit into a unified fully-functional mechanism of gravity. Details: "The Processes of Gravitation –The Cause and Mechanism of Gravitation," J. Mod. Phys. Appl. Vol.2014:3 (2014). 24-page pdf .

  • Employs a foundational process of energy that beautifully fits reality. As revealed in a remarkable research paper, the fundamental particle of energy, the photon, is the ultimate cause of gravity: "The Fundamental Process of Energy –A Qualitative Unification of Energy, Mass, and Gravity." Part 1 & Part 2

  • Uses the recently discovered redshifting mechanism —one that reveals the true nature of Hubble’s great 1920s discovery. … Edwin Hubble had long-believed that the universe was not expanding, but rather that the astronomical redshift, in his words,  "represents a hitherto unrecognized principle of nature." That long-unrecognized and surprisingly simple principle of nature has now been found! For the amazing details see: "Cosmic Redshift in the Nonexpanding Cellular Universe: Velocity-Differential Theory of Cosmic Redshift," abstract & links to paper.

  • Its new velocity-differential redshift agrees with independent observation-based cosmic-distance scale. Details [Th9ajaaPreprint].

  • DSSU is the only known cosmology able to explain the most intractable observable anomalies. Its predicted cell shape agrees with astronomically observed structures, thereby resolving long-standing astronomical anomalies —while still retaining the foundation premise of all modern cosmology! Details: "DSSU Validated by Redshift Theory and Structural Evidence" (Currently under review)

  • It predicts the process by which galaxies acquire their observed elliptical shape. Details: “Ellipticity, Its Origin and Progression in Comoving Galaxies.”  American Journal of Astronomy and Astrophysics. Vol.3, No.2, 2015, pp12-25.

  • The DSSU has no initial-condition problems. It requires no initial conditions to get the universe started —none whatsoever. And no breakdown of physical law within black holes.

  • Validation is achieved through the remarkable convergence of the evidence. Details: "The Dynamic Steady State Universe." Reprinted by permission of PEP, from Physics Essays, Vol.27, No.2, pp.286-315 (2014)

Unambiguous evidence convergence

The Big Bang is no longer a viable hypothesis


It has now been confirmed, the Big Bang is no longer a viable hypothesis.

A major game-changing event: The publication of the proof of validity of the DSSU (Dynamic Steady State Universe) and the exposé of Big Bang’s utter failure.

DSSU Validated by Redshift Theory and Structural Evidence, Physics Essays, Vol.28, No.4, p455-473 (2015 Dec). (Doi: 10.4006/0836-1398-28.4.455) Abstract ... The Dynamic Steady State Universe The New Cosmology PEcover%282014Mar%29

The Big Bang has now, as of 2015 October 10 (the on-line publication date), been definitively disqualified as a representation of the real Universe.

Two physicists agree by unhesitatingly endorsing publication.

“… this is a well written and incisive essay.”

“The author is fundamentally correct ... that the central pillar of the big bang theory is discredited.”

“I was skeptical, at first, that redshift could arise both from regions where the speed of light varied positively over the photon wave-train, and negatively. I have been convinced otherwise.”

“I love the depth behind the analysis of the universal dodecahedral structure, and the manifest  agreement with experiment, as demonstrated.”

“… an enjoyable, well-written, well-reasoned article which was a pleasure to read.”

HIGHLIGHTS of the Article:

·          Foremost, it resolves what is undisputedly the most intractable astronomical anomaly

·          Exploits an amazingly simple cosmic-redshift mechanism overlooked by the experts!

·          New cosmic redshift mechanism is detailed and applied to void-and-galaxy-cluster network

·          The cause of several characteristic structural features of our Universe are explained

·          DSSU actually predicts the cosmic-cell shape evident in the astronomically observed structures

·          Profound cosmological implications —the Big Bang hypothesis is rendered untenable

·          Yet the DSSU retains the foundation premise of all modern cosmology

--- The astounding feature of the cosmic redshift is that wavelength elongation can occur in both expanding and contracting portions of the Universe!

Press Release: ApJ refuses to comment on major discovery/proof that the Universe is cellular and not expanding. The Journal is simply not interested. Furthermore, it seems oblivious of the biggest anomaly in astrophysics!

“We have now completed our review of your manuscript, and I regret to tell you that we are not able to undertake further consideration of your submission for publication in The Astrophysical Journal.
       The standard model of cosmology is based on General Relativity, a theory which is internally self-consistent and has passed all available experimental tests. Naturally, it could still be wrong. However, we are not interested in exploring alternative theories …” –Ethan T. Vishniac, Editor-in-Chief, The Astrophysical Journal (dated May 13, 2015)

What!? What about the obvious evidence presented with quality images? What’s going on here?

The problems are so serious that Lee Smolin, a physicist at the Perimeter Institute in Canada, has written a book in which he makes it clear “The problems are rooted in the way the career and funding structures of the academy reward me-too science, lack of courage, entrenchment of failed research programs, legacy building, empire building, narrowness, defensive strategies and groupthink.

Meanwhile, this website remains steadfastly dedicated to presenting
truth in cosmology.

(In compliance with copyright restrictions, free download of this article will not be made available until middle of 2016.)


* * * *

Cell Formation Simulation:
Interesting video of a simulated cellular universe:  

The Millennium Simulation 


NOTE: In the video, the Z-index (a redshift number) is being interpreted as a “time” parameter of an evolving universe in conformity with the big-bang expanding-universe paradigm. However, in reality (the DSSU cellular-universe reality), the Z-index is essentially a cosmic-distance parameter. The objective reality is that the Universe does NOT expand (only regional space expands). The Universe does NOT evolve (only subsystems evolve). The Universe simply IS. As Heraclitus, some 2500 years ago, wisely taught,  This Universe always has been, is now, and always will be … (Fragment #29)

As for the cell structure that manifests as The Cosmic Web: In the DSSU, the cosmic cell structure is NOT phenomenological. It is NOT a phenomenon of the evolution of the universe; rather, the cell structure is fundamental and intrinsic.
The Case for a Cellular Universe
–the Story of a Baffling Omission in Modern Cosmology

Conrad Ranzan   (2008)

“We have to return to this foundation and start over again asking ancient but fundamental questions hoping that today we are in a better position to answer them.”
–Dr. Johan Masreliez

“Beneath the apparently haphazard motions ... may lie a formative tendency  toward simplicity of form, order and regularity.”
–Lancelot Law Whyte


In this essay we explore cogent arguments in favor of an intrinsically cellular Universe —why it is not mere accident that the Universe is structured this way.

Finding that the case for cellularity is overwhelmingly convincing we are led to ponder why the astrophysicists and cosmologists of the 20th century failed to adopt the concept as a key feature of the Universe. Think about it: Intrinsic cellularity implies some sort of regularity, some sort of orderly arrangement; but if the opposite, chaos and randomness, is the guiding principle of one's cosmology then grand-scale order makes little sense.  If the Big Bang is part of one's belief system, then entertaining the idea of systematic cosmic patterns is strictly heretical.

The experts of the 20th century blundered —badly. They knew the World was a cosmos of dynamic space; they knew that, since "space" is not nothingness, it has to be "filled" with a dynamic space medium; they knew these things on the acknowledged authority of Albert Einstein.  In fact, these essentials were known as early as 1839 when when the French polymath Augustin Cauchy (1789-1857) proposed the very first dynamic space medium, an aether-like medium that had the ability to contract. And whatever has the ability to contract surely has the countering ability to expand (this was later confirmed by Einstein's theory of gravity).

In any case, the experts were faced with a basic choice: There were FIVE ways the space medium of the Universe could be dynamic. They extensively investigated four categories of "dynamics."  In the end, they settled on one —the consensus was that there is a universal expansion of the space medium.  And so, with the some extraordinary extrapolation the 20th century became the age of EXPANDING universe models. ... However, in making the choice, they missed the FIFTH way!

Yes they did. Unbelievable as it may sound, they failed to see what they could easily have seen.  In fact, they failed to see what they should have seen because it is well within the domain of the foundation principle of all modern cosmology!

Now why does all this matter?

Well, it turns out that the expanding-universe models don't work.  The steady-state expanding models don't work; and explosive expanding models (think Big Bang) don't work.  All are problem plagued constructs.

It matters because the real Universe is cellular —it is innately, stably, provably, cellular.

It matters because the consequences are revolutionary.

LINK to the complete essay:
The Case for a Cellular Universe
–the Story of a Baffling Omission in Modern Cosmology

 The Dynamic Steady State Universe The New Cosmology Th1-5choices

There are five possible combinations of vacuum expansion and contraction. Each combination defines a category of universe models. ... Only one leads to a consistently problem-free cosmology.


From Cellular Universe @ http://www.cellularuniverse.org/index.htm#PressRelease

For more information see [url=http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/steady state$20universe]http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/steady%20state$20universe[/url] 
and [url=http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/no big$20bang]http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com/search/label/no%20big$20bang[/url] 

Thanks to: http://nexusilluminati.blogspot.com

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