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What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan

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What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan Vimana-e1461647454731
What Powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India?
April 26, 2016 ·

Written & Contributed to BENDEDREALITY.COM by TS Caladan
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan FlyingCarpets-Vimanas
Could there have been a single power source for overwhelming evidence of flying vehicles in the rich accounts of ancient India? ‘Vimanas’ were real aircraft featured in ‘stories’ that go back before the Bible. If we could physically find the power source in (let’s say New Delhi) India, then, possibly the fabulous tales of air travel and hi-tech warfare might be historically accurate.
If a type of anomaly or oddity, far removed from anything seen previously, were discovered directly in the middle of the land of legendary Flying Carpets…
We might conclude: Here was what powered ‘vimana’ airships meticulously described in prehistoric books such as the Mahabharata, the Bhagavad Gita, the Vedas and many more very old reports from India. (What was thought of as only poetry or fanciful tales of ancient times were actually, like the Bible, true events in History). We might conclude or confirm that East Indians FLEW and fought in the air with high technology and modern warfare long ago.
[Detailed accounts of what could only be atomic warfare approximately 8000 years ago in India might also be considered real events from our distant past].
“Many researchers into the UFO enigma tend to overlook a very important fact. While it’s assumed that most flying saucers are of alien, or perhaps governmental military origin, another possible origin of UFOs is ancient India & Atlantis…There is no doubt that most of these texts are authentic…well-known ancient Indian Epics and there are literally hundreds of them.” – David Hatcher Childress
What could the strange, ancient Power Source for flying vehicles (theorized at a New Delhi location) be?
Before that is answered, let’s explore a few colorful descriptions of AIRCRAFTS and SPACESHIPS from one more fantastic, first Empire that was early India: An Empire that transported huge monoliths, constructed great statues and buildings that surely rivalled accomplishments of Incas and Egyptians…
Vimana is a word with several meanings ranging from temple or palace to mythological flying machines used in warfare described in ancient Sanskrit epics. High towers of Hindu temples are also called ‘vimanas.’
“…Traveling by air using flying vehicles (‘sky-abode’) was popular in ancient India and for that matter in Medieval and modern India much before the Wright brothers…used mechanical, spiritual and tantric power to fly…In ancient literature of Hindus, we have detailed descriptions of flying machines that could carry people from one place to another or one planet to another.”
Vimana also means ‘space vehicle’ or a “flying object that can help us overcome our ordinary limitations of time and space.”
Dr. Ruth Reyna of the University of Chandrigarh translated a Chinese discovery of Sanskrit documents found in Lhasa, Tibet. The documents contained “directions for building interstellar spaceships!” She said the method of propulsion was “anti-gravitational,” based on an unknown power of the ego or a “centrifugal force strong enough to counter all gravitational pull.”
“These (ships) are comparable to several aspects to the spaceships of Hollywood sci-fi movies such as Star Trek and Star Wars…”
Vimanas were also described in ancient East Indian texts as “double-deck, circular aircraft with portholes and a dome,” much as we would imagine a flying saucer.
“The Pushpaka Vimana was a gigantic ‘plane’ the size of a large city entirely capable of holding unlimited numbers of people…”
“…Three flying-cities were made for and were used by the Demons…One was in a stationary orbit in the sky, another moving in the sky and one was permanently stationed in the ground. These were docked like modern spaceships in the sky…and at a fixed latitude/longitude. Siva’s arrow obviously referred to a blazing missile fired from a satellite specially built for the purpose…Vestiges of onetime prosperous civilization destroyed in battles flicker through these legends…” – Prof. D.K. Kanjilal’s observations of the Matsyapurana
The Mahabharata mentions the use of flying chariots powered by lightning capable of long distances into the solar system and beyond. Lord Krishna fought and destroyed demon King Salva’s flying machine. “…King Citaketu was traveling in outer space on a brilliantly effulgent ‘airplane’ given to him by Lord Vishnu…arrows released by Lord Siva appeared like fiery beams (lasers) emanating from the sun…”
Let’s return to the question and provide a good answer to the riddle of what powered the ancient airships of India? How about a total oddity among prehistoric enigmas? We should search for a type of Transceiver that received energy, focused the energy, amplified the energy and TRANSMITTED the power outward in all directions such as a Tesla-radio tower, limited to a certain range. [Study New Delhi Iron Pillar, thousands of years old, and you will be amazed!]
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan NewDelhiPowerSource
Could the secret POWER SOURCE of prehistoric “vimanas,” recorded sky and space vehicles, commonly called East Indian “flying carpets,” have been the bizarre, anomalous and quasi-ALIEN, magnetic, ‘rustless’ (misnamed) ‘Ashoka’ [prime one of many] IRON PILLAR that just happens to be located in New Delhi? The only large, magnetic, Iron Pillar? Some clues are the utter peculiarity of a METAL (magnetite) from antiquity, its size, its shape, and its unique PURITY that has never been duplicated. Only a very modern refinery could have constructed such magnetic metal in one large piece. But not even the ultimate factory could have reproduced the Delhi Pillar’s “purity of metal.” Another clue is the ‘Power Pole’ is located on the exact opposite side of the Earth as another magnetic anomaly: Easter Island~
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan IronPillars
Tourists flock to the prehistoric Pole of purified magnetite nearly 24 feet high and are astounded. We are baffled at the sacred and rustless Pillar as it towers in the center of the Quwwat-ul-Islam Masjid, the first Moslem mosque in Delhi. Its age is unknown and highly debated between 1600 years and many thousands of years old. Its builders are unknown as well as its precise function. Possibly, until now…
Ever hear of a Tesla Coil or the enormous Magnifying Transmitter at New York, circa 1905?
A principle via spun copper coils around a metal rod not only produces a high magnetic charge and bolts of electricity but MORE power is transmitted (amplified) OUT than the small, initial spark on the other end. Consider the appearance and function of a Tesla Coil as far as wireless INDUCTION. If you held a florescent tube light fixture near the metal apex (ball) of a Tesla Coil, the long tube LIGHTS UP in your hand without wires! This was the principle (small scale) which Power Towers (or stone monoliths) could excite natural electro-magnetic energy in the ground, utilize it, beam out the energy…as homes, cities, factories, buildings and vehicles were topped with a receiving antenna.
Tesla Coils are used today on a micro scale inside many devices as a way to boost energy or electricity. But the Tesla Coil itself demonstrates how whole cities could be powered, just as the light tube brightly lit in your hand only a foot away from the Coil. Imagine that on a gigantic, even global scale without need for wires!
Compare the metal ball on the top of the classic Tesla Coil with the odd ‘capital’ at the apex of the Iron Pillar. Could the function of each be and have been basically the same?
Did the magnetic Pillar transmit EM frequencies that were received through wireless antennae on everything and converted to electricity? Was not only Delhi flying machines powered, but the entire East Indian Empire? [India was part of Atlantis – see Yurchey’s World Grid of 13]. Was the Pillar the ‘Stonehenge,’ ‘Easter Island’ and the ‘Great Pyramid’ of India?
Now see the following illustrations of Vimanas, taken from various Holy Books:
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan Vimana-schematics
Notice these are schematics and graphic designs. We view inside or see different Vimana components labeled. The ships’ shapes are not always round. They do tend to, invariably, contain a centrally positioned power pole similar to radio antennae. One drawing designates the antenna top as a ‘magnetic pole.’ UFO, saucer crafts also tend to have the identical center-antenna, which probably RECEIVED universal frequencies in space for propulsion or Tesla-type EM waves from a tower-station or world grid system.
Imagine flying disks, fully charged and functional, but only within the range of the power tower. As a particular radio station fades the farther from the broadcast tower, so does the wireless energy many miles from the Power Pole or giant (charged) statue, monolith, obelisk or pyramid. Another great EM source or Grid Station would be needed to expand the range of power and the area the vehicles traversed in the network.
Look again at the relationship between major sites, ‘Cradles of Civilization,’ globally. Delhi perfectly fits into the geo-pattern in Yurchey’s Grid of 13 Atlantis power stations. Indian Pillar is the same distance from the Great Pyramid as Stonehenge, Zimbabwe and Tassili. Note special latitude New Delhi shares with the Great Pyramid and Bermuda Triangle or main power Station.
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan Geo_pattern-map
STONE, like metal, can be charged and can carry an electrical charge. These sites are all magnetic vortexes or electrical LEY LINES. Ayers Rock or Uluru in Australia is a prime example of a Magnetic Rod with prehistoric relics, petroglyphs and structures at Alice Springs.
Understand that layouts of ancient Indian’s (also West Indian’s) pyramids, monoliths, great statues, stele, obelisks and totems all had special, scientific purposes that had to do with the transmission of vast amounts of electricity or energy. Stonework of the Incas, Egyptians, East Indians, Maya and other cycles of early Indian Empires…functioned basically like Utility Poles or giant Tuning-Forks that vibrated, excited with usable energy: power originally transmitted by 13 culture centers (tower Stations, essentially) to a large number of surrounding substations.
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan SameAsTeslaTower
What surrounds Stonehenge for many square miles (even northern France)? Smaller stone circles. What usually surrounds a big, aligned pyramid? Smaller, aligned pyramids. Same can be said for standing stones, stele, totems and statues. PATTERN to their placement has to do with the distribution of wireless (Tesla) energy over long distances.
As mentioned earlier, on the exact opposite end of the Earth from New Delhi, India, is the enigma of isolated Easter Island, thousands of miles from the mainland. Ancient flyers, pilots, spaceships and air-wars were a part of India and also an essential part of Easter Island. Memories of a ‘bird’ cult remain that could be long-lost echoes from an ancient air corp.
The very same language in the form of a hieroglyphic alphabet was discovered in the Indus Valley and on Easter Island. That strange fact is one more connection from two locations that could not be farther away. The mystery only intensifies and supports the idea of modern flight.
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan Rustless-Wonder
A MAGNETIC POLE AT EITHER END OF EARTH. Ships’ compasses are known to turn toward the magnetic island that should not have sustained a prehistoric civilization, but did.
[In Yurchey’s scenario, the remote island only had one powerful moai statue [receiving Pillar]. With the collapse (sinking) of main Power Station, Transmitter was gone and the one Statue was rendered useless/powerless. Islanders could not leave and built more and more receiver-statues until they realized the problem was at the Source and not with the receivers].
Examine the PURITY of the Delhi Pillar. The entire anomaly is almost an impossibility. This type of metal, a rustless magnetite exists nowhere else. Could the reason be…
Thousands of years of powerful discharges of electricity have purified the metal?
It’s a good bet that the Delhi Pillar functioned as an early (Tesla) Magnifying Transmitter or giant Coil which wirelessly energized everything around it…especially air forces and saucer-type ships detailed in the holy texts. There are reasons the Eastern lands of India were known for their ‘sky cities’ and ‘flying carpets’ in the common language. The answer has to do with accounts of spaceflights, air travel, great weapons, atomic warfare and other hi-tech things told to us in the form of old ‘stories.’
I would like to present the YouTube video: Doug Yurchey, Delhi Pillar, World Grid. After more than four years to track down…out of complete obscurity is my part in the Italian documentary with SPECIAL EFFECTS! National Geographic filmmaker Diego D’Innocenzo read what I wrote about the Iron Pillar. He flew from Rome to LA just to film my small part for his documentary. I asked for the entire shoot, which was edited. Please excuse repeat-information; a new bit of info comes out in the repetitions and is worth watching. Nice to hear I was given credit in an Italian book. Diego liked my idea that the Pillar was a grid-point for India and could have wirelessly powered flying disks like a TESLA COIL can turn on lights through induction at a distance~
What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan CaladanSignOff


What powered Vimanas, ‘Flying Carpets’ of Ancient India? ~ TS Caladan Caladan-card-A
 Thanks to Tray and: http://bendedreality.com




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