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Hive Mind

by Elva Thompson -  06/05/2016

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Elva Thompson
Contributor, ZenGardner.com
“The third-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the majority. The second-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking with the minority. The first-rate mind is only happy when it is thinking.” A.A.Milne.
The third rate mind
I think it is true to say that all of us start our journey in this dimension with what A.A.Milne calls the third rate mind. After all, we are indoctrinated with theories, conjecture, half truths and lies from the get-go. We take aboard what we learn from our peers and are academically brainwashed with other people’s theories, concepts and constructs that we suck up as truth, and unthinkingly repeat as truth. This enormity of conformity has turned us into mind clones, and as a result, much of our society has become a collective automated consciousness, an integrated mind pattern comparable to the hive mind behaviour of ants or bees.
The second rate mind
The second rate mind is the contrary, the opposing view to the status quo. The matrix game of ‘us versus them’ is dependent on a cause – and the ‘we will win mentality’ is essential to the game, because without the two opposing sides there would be no game –  and no loosh, no human emotional energy to harvest. So the firm (see Meet the Firm) has to keep the ball rolling for its armies on the playing field of strife, the stage for drama, misery and death.
As a result of the brainwashing of human consciousness, many people go through life never questioning what they have been taught, and never thinking for themselves. They become copy-cats, chips off the intellectual block on both polarities of the matrix game, and can only repeat what they’ve been told by others.
Uncritical conformity
“I wore black because I liked it. I still do, and wearing it still means something to me. It’s still my symbol of rebellion — against a stagnant status quo, against our hypocritical houses of God, against people whose minds are closed to others’ ideas.” – Johnny Cash.
Hive thinking is characterized by uncritical conformity, a non-thinking ‘fall in line’ mentality which leads to the loss of responsibility and personal accountability – such as the drone operators that kill by pushing a button or the peddlers of poison that roam the halls of power. The dental hygienist who tries to force flouride on her clients or the zombie nurse with her toxic needle. These people are the cogs in the wheel the matrix uses to further its agenda….the non thinkers that believe everything the ‘so called experts’ tell them.
Extensions of a dark power
Human hive thinking is a collective consciousness driven by instinct and dogma, and just as the worker ants and bees are extensions of their queen’s will, so too are the human automatons extensions of the Luciferian agenda. (see my article Light-bringer) Many people do not realise that nature is a mirror, and that the hive mind of the matrix is fractal on all levels. From ant to man the songbook is the same. The only difference between a man and an ant is that the man arrogantly thinks he’s in control and the laws of the matrix do not apply to him.
The anchor of intellect
“A consistent thinker is a thoughtless person, because he conforms to a pattern; he repeats phrases and thinks in a groove.” Krishnamurti.
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The above statement by Krishnamurti is a tailor made description of the hive mind.  A mind that is always talking to itself – a mind that has to be constantly entertained, greedy for hive information which it consistently hashes and re-hashes.
There is no ‘quiet mind’ for the consistent thinker, no inner journey into self awareness –  he is too busy thinking. Too busy being I am.
What a brilliant move by the adversary of life to distract and subdue the divine self within –  by placing the anchors of intellect and reductionist thinking – without.
A hive-mind cop on every corner
The world is full of unofficial policemen trying to score ‘brownie points’ with the status quo and matrix of control. They are the materialistic agents of the hive mind that makes sure the gate to expanded consciousness stays locked. (see my article The Hive Mind... 23423070_s-150x150Gate-keeper.) Many of these petty tyrants take pride in their intellectual prowess; and carry letters after their names like a badge of office. They  are quick to lecture us ‘thicko’s’ on what is possible – and what is not – according to the self-obsessing dogma they are spouting.
Which is really ridiculous, when you consider that in infinite possibility everything is possible. This hive mindset is Impostor Consciousness – David Icke’s Phantom Self – It is a hive mind programme masquerading as a human.
Apocalyptic times

Apocalyptic times calls for apocalyptic thinking. Our age is one of dramatic and sensational change, and there can be no spiritual re-birth for any of us without a dying process. More and more humans are resonating on spiritual reality, and the forces of higher intelligence that reside within self – and as awareness expands – can entertain the impossible because in all possibility, everything is possible.
The information about our origin, past lives, and the virtual reality matrix we are caught up in is stored in our DNA technology, and is accessible for those whose consciousness is not cluttered with the bull shit of the hive minded status quo. Contacting our ancestral wisdom isn’t some elitist fantasy where only a few get let in on the secret, or some pie in the sky that’s built on a lie. Akasha(see my article) is a resonance field that is available to all ensoulled human beings, and contains everything we need to know to get ‘our job’ done in this lifetime.
Breaking out of limitation
2016 is the last year of the reset. The electro magnetic fields that block our cosmic memory are now at their weakest. That’s why so many are becoming aware of the deception – seeing through the bull shit of official narratives, breaking out of the limitations of the hive mind to think for self.
It’s time to re-connect with nature and power ourselves with the elementals of earth, water, fire and air.  (see my article Beltane: the Day of the Faeries.)

Thanks to: http://www.zengardner.com

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