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"History was Made" - Intel SITREP - Sunday - 5.29.16

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"History was Made" - Intel SITREP - Sunday - 5.29.16

5/29/2016 06:11:00 AM  Emailed, Intel  
"History was Made" - Intel SITREP - Sunday - 5.29.16 Unnamed

Emailed to Dinar Chronicles and posted with permission. ~ DC


08:00:00 EST


Good Morning,

Last last night history was made.

And while few knew of the events occurring inside the White House all day Saturday and into Sunday morning, know that after 146 of foreign occupation our Republic of the United States was fully restored since being covertly overthrown in 1871.

There was no media coverage of this American sovereignty restoration, but it was done by the free will of American born leaders, on American soil

As of this morning, all new Republic citizens have a benevolent democratic government, military agenda of protection versus aggression, revised diplomatic strategy of global cooperation less the need for superpower dominance and yes a new currency backed printed by our own Republic Treasury and collateralized by our own vaulted gold bullion in Texas.

Everything that needed to happen in order to be considered in good international standing via treaty has happened, Meaning, this seemingly endless GCR/RV odyssey final ends this weekend with a pleasurable, safe and massively abundant redemption event as our victory cigar.

Very soon you will be asked to do your part in restoring our Republic when you get the unprecedented opportunity to enter an off-site banking redemption center, by appointment, and economically rehydrate your personal dignity, family name, community coffers and country's reservoir of assets.

Remember, it's spiritually acceptable to ask for the sovereign rates as long as you sincerely plan helping others in need. So by all means, fill up your cups with the aspiration of one day blessings others with your indescribable good fortune.

As we understand this morning's intel, the roll out plan is for toll free numbers to be released sometime Sunday AM into early PM. with an official announcement of our restored Republic and new currency expected later Monday evening to commemorate Memorial Day--a fitting tribute to the brave men and women who so faithfully and patriotically served our country.

Look for a TETELESTAI email with all the necessary contact information and procedural needs, as well as updated structured payout programs and sovereign/international redemption rates.

Folks I know most of you could not see or feel this event, and while I always tried to accept your opinion (and skepticism), personally I very much look forward to the moment when all of these updates finally "hit home" for you on a personal level… as you are not only living in historic times, you are actively participating in the restoration of your country through the redemption of your currency!

So enjoy your blessing and remember that service, surrender and humility are the timeless hallmarks of a joy filled life.

God is with us.

Thanks to: http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com

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