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One of the World’s Greatest Mysteries. What happened to the mountain tops in Nazca, Peru?

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One of the World’s Greatest Mysteries. What happened to the mountain tops in Nazca, Peru?
Posted on Jun 1st, 2016

  • Universe Explorers

One of the World’s Greatest Mysteries. What happened to the mountain tops in Nazca, Peru? Giant-Ancient-Alien-Runways-at-Nazca  

The giant flat Mountaintops at Nazca have remained a profound mystery for decades. Even today, archaeologists are unable to explain how and why ‘ancient man’ created massive, flat ‘runway-like’ marks thousands of years ago.

We have all been fascinated by the Nazca and Palpa lines for decades. These incredible pieces of ancient ‘art’ are located in the arid Peruvian coastal plain approximately 400 kilometers south of modern-day Lima. The staggering geoglyphs cover around 450 kilometers and were created on the arid floor sometime between 500 BC and 500 AD.

The Nazca and Palpa lines are considered one of archaeology’s greatest mystery, mostly because of their size, quantity and nature. Some of the lines depict living creatures, stylized plants, and imaginary beings, as well as geometric figures several kilometers long.
According to studies, the largest of the Nazca figures is approximately 1000 feet, and the longest geoglyph goes on for around 9 miles.
However, the most mysterious discovery at Nazca are the enigmatic mountain tops that eerily resemble modern-day runways. The mountaintops of some of the surrounding mountains at Nazca look as if something literally pressed down —with incredible force— the top of the mountain. Many researchers have said that the mysterious mountaintops look as if something managed to ‘perfectly’ cut through the mountain top, creating incredible flat surfaces.

So how is it possible that these giant ‘runway-like’ mountains even exist? And if the Nazca are known for having created the incredible desert-art, intricate figures of animals, plants and geometric shapes, why would they even bother and create these huge flat surfaces?

One of the World’s Greatest Mysteries. What happened to the mountain tops in Nazca, Peru? Nazca-Airport
One of the World’s Greatest Mysteries. What happened to the mountain tops in Nazca, Peru?

There are numerous questions that remain unanswered at Nazca. Were these giant figures meant to be seen from above? Do hey mimic constellations in the sky? What were the ancient’s trying to say to future generations? Were the Nazca lines mere ancient art? If so… why would ancient mankind create art that cannot be fully appreciated from the ground?

Is it possible that –as Ancient Astronaut theorists suggest– the ancient ‘runways’ seen at Nazca are in fact navigational markers used by advanced extraterrestrials which visited the area thousands of years ago? And is it possible that some of the giant, flat triangles were created by massive spacecraft that touched down in the distant past?  What if the ‘gods’ used these paths in the distant past to visit the people in Peru? And what if, ancient people created figurines such as the Nazca Astronaut in honor of those “gods” who came from above?

Thanks to: http://www.ewao.com

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