Huge Meteor Fireball Over Phoenix Arizona Lights Up Night Sky Shook Houses
June 2, 2016 ·
Headline image above: NO, THAT’S NOT THE SUN
A meteor flared across the sky over Phoenix, Arizona Thursday morning, reportedly waking many residents from their slumber with the sound of a loud bang as it passed.
Locals took to social media to question what the noise was, as others confirmed it was a meteor streaking through the sky.
The first videos and photos of the meteor streak show a dramatic bright flare as the space rock fizzles overhead.
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Published on Jun 2, 2016
A meteor flared across the sky over Phoenix, Arizona Thursday morning, reportedly waking many residents from their slumber with the sound of a loud bang as it passed.
Locals took to social media to question what the noise was, as others confirmed it was a meteor streaking through the sky.
Arizona, famously, is already home to a massive meteor crater.
An iron asteroid, some 98-164ft (30-50 meters) in diameter, impacted the Colorado Plateau in northern Arizona an estimated 50,000 years ago, resulting in an enormous crater nearly a mile (1.6km) wide and 570ft (174 meters) deep.
The US Geological Survey says the impact "exploded with the force of over 2 million tons of TNT" - about 150 times the power of the atomic bomb which was dropped on Hiroshima in World War II.