Mandela Effect - Evidence of The Shift
Have we entered into an alternate reality from what we remember? Is our world slipping in and out of another reality?
“The Mandela Effect” is a term coined to describe the phenomenon of large numbers of people remembering something one way, and others remembering it another way.
The scale of this phenomenon is so big and wide spread that once you look a little closer you might be asking yourself if you’re in the matrix for real.
The theory is that both groups of people are correct, but one group came from one timeline or reality and another group came from another timeline or reality. Based upon current Quantum Mechanics theories, this could definitely be the case.
It was called “The Mandela Effect” thanks to the lovely Fiona Broome, who took notice when Nelsen Mandela seemed to pass away over and over again. Her memory of his previous passing was echoed by a whole lot more people’s memories, too, of the same.
This term can also be used to describe alternate histories such as earth geography differences, movie releases, and recent historical events.
Nicola Tesla said in an interview “The mind can see beyond the three dimensions on Earth. I was able to do this my whole life.”
The following video shows a man and a woman who are only known to us as Bonnie and John. They think that what we call the end times, in fact is nothing else than the “Mandela Effect” a change in frequencies whereby boundaries between dimensions seem to fade away.
What they are basically saying is that a split will come between people who have adapted to the change in frequencies will enter into a “New World” and those who are not aware of the change in frequencies, will not be able to make the shift and thus they will face the end of the world as we know it.
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