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Two Kinds of “Money”

Posted on July 25, 2016 by David Robinson  
Anna von Reitz ~ Two Kinds of “Money” and more 4f522-judge2banna  Judge Anna von Reitz      |      www.mainerepublicemailalert.com
Two Kinds of “Money”
In the world today there are two things going on— “trade” and “commerce”.
Trade is what real men and women do when they trade a sack of beans for a piece of silver. It is actual and factual and results in the accrual of private property.
Commerce is what corporations do when they exchange pieces of paper and pretend that these are the same as actual trades. It is all just “paper transactions” and it results in the accrual of “corporate income”—-digits on a ledger.
For generations Americans have traded our Silver Dollars for goods and services and we still do.
Since 1933 the rats misrepresenting us and seeking to confuse themselves with us have traded exclusively in “commercial paper”– debt notes, promissory notes, and so on.
Actual “money” has to have intrinsic value in and of itself. Silver and gold are both valuable as commodities, so a silver coin is real money. Trades are intrinsically honest because something of value is directly traded for something of value.
Debt notes and promissory notes (which are I.O.U.’s) are only worth what the good word and assets of the Issuer will bear. Transactions in commerce are intrinsically dishonest because things of value are being represented by paper and not actually present and not directly traded.
As part of the Great Fraud members of a Board of Directors for a corporation calling itself the United States of America (Inc.) established a fixed exchange rate between their “paper dollars”—-their I.O.U.s — and our actual silver dollars.
In this way they exchanged their hot air for our substance and we let them because we were deceived into mistaking them for our actual Congress and our actual lawful government when in fact they were only “representing” our Congress and our lawful government in the same way that an actor “represents” a character in a play.
Note what the “Pledge of Allegiance” actually says: “to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic FOR WHICH IT STANDS.”
The Republic is actual and factual because we are organic states of the Union and we need no other representation. We are able to present ourselves.
Also please note that although the various State governments subscribed to receive services from the federal government and to delegate certain tasks to the organization formed to perform these services, the people— that is, the militia supporting this entire country— did not give up one iota of their authority and are not direct parties to the “constitution”.
We are capable of conducting trade, both nationally (intrastate) and internationally (interstate). We can mint our own gold and silver coins. We can exercise our own credit. We can issue our own Bills of Lading. We can do anything and everything we need to do for ourselves—- and all we have to do is wake up and do it.

Thanks to: https://mainerepublicemailalert.com

Last edited by PurpleSkyz on Tue Jul 26, 2016 11:42 am; edited 1 time in total



In Eve's Defense

Anna von Reitz ~ Two Kinds of “Money” and more Anna210
by Anna Von Reitz

Today I actually had someone tell me that "Adam's Sin" was that he didn't control his wife. 

I about fell off my chair. 

Let's get this straight, folks.  

Adam's sin was that he disobeyed God and ate the "fruit" same as Eve, and then he turned around and compounded this sin by not manning up and trying to blame and scapegoat his wife for something that he did on his own two flat feet. 

Eve was deceived by the half-truths of Satan--- the most beautiful and wiliest of all the angels, an adversary that Jesus wrestled for a full forty days, sold her a Bill of Goods.  She was overcome by a most terrible Adversary.  

But Adam?  He was overcome by his wife?  

How about Adam was overcome by Adam, by his own feckless ego and lust for power and lack of commitment and trust and gratitude to God?   And then he didn't even have the decency, good sense, and courage to confess that he'd done it under his own power.  No, he had to turn around and blame someone else for it. 

That's Adam for you.  

He and his sons---generally speaking---- still haven't confessed and repented either one of these sins, not his sin against God and not his sin against Eve, either.  

Adam's sons are still sitting on their pity potties pointing fingers and spouting blame.  It is in fact one of their hallmark characteristics and you can see it and its impact on the world every single day:

Political leaders who point fingers at the other side of the aisle.  Heads of state who point at other heads of state.  Banks who point at borrowers as if they aren't offering to lend.  Fathers who point at the mothers of their own children as if they didn't have a thing to do with the situation.  Men who point at anyone who isn't just like them. Whites who point at blacks and blacks who point at whites.  Patriots who point at other patriots. I could go on all night....it is always "Eve's fault", or "George's fault"---- anyone and everybody else's fault, never Adam's fault. 

Even worse, Adam's sons are still estranged from God, still not repenting their lack of faith and bad behavior and willfulness and ingratitude and greed.  Far from it.  They still want to prance around and set themselves up as kings instead of God, and if they can't dominate an entire country, they at least want to dominate the household they share with Eve's daughters.

Failure to be truthful and honest and brave, failure to admit mistakes, failure to give God his due, and do the jobs that God gave Adam, failure to obey simple instructions like "don't kill", "don't steal" and "don't lie"---and then on top of it, failure to take responsibility for all these failures----- these are the sins of Adam. 

Eve just accepted her punishment without blaming anyone else. Her daughters still do. I will leave it to the rest of you to figure out which --- Adam or Eve --- acted more honorably and responsibly then and now.
Editors note:
You will find some conflicting views from some of these authors whose articles appear on this blog. You will also find that all the authors are deeply concerned about the future of America. What they write is their own opinion, just as what I write is my own. If you have an opinion on a particular article, please comment by clicking the title of the article and scrolling to the box at the bottom on that page. Please keep the discussion about the issues, and keep it civil. The administrator reserves the right to remove unwarranted personal attacks. Use the golden rule; "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."
Posted by Paul Stramer at 10:54 PM

Thanks to: http://www.paulstramer.net

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