Well I have at times (and still do) take Mr. Keenan with a bucket of salt. I still have no definitive proof that what he's been up to regarding Collateral Accounts etc. has been anything other than BS. With that being said I have to admit I sense that ' Bit of Truth' in what he's saying here. My gut for some time has gotten an ill feeling when hearing about the so-called 'Good Guys' who or whatever they are, as there is little to none of evidence that the good guys or anything they have supposedly accomplished, actually exists. Therefore it is more than plausable or likely that the so-called Good Guys are nothing more than Bad Boys and Girls with new names and job titles.
But in the same regard, IF in fact the "New Republic" is a French Chartered Corp... Show us the PROOF so that we may get the word out. The light of day is the only thing that will destroy this Evil.