HISTORY REVIEW | Regarding the “Restored Republic” and the RV/GCR (8-22-15)
Posted on August 31, 2016 by David Robinson1. The true organic Constitutional Republic was usurped by the cabal/banksters who created the illegal US Corporation registered in Porto Rico, domiciled Washington DC. which has been using fiat currency that now is causing a world financial crisis.
2. In April 2015 the Chinese Elders gave the new US Republic the equivalent of 100 billion in gold bullion to back US currency. More may have been given since that time.
3. In the summer of 2015 new US Treasury Reserve Notes were issued for trade in the international markets. They are still being used.
4. The Chinese Elders provided gold to the Restored Republic with conditions that:
A. There would be a release of the RV funds.
B. There would be a complete removal of the illegal US Corp US government.
C. The Federal Reserve would be shut down.
D. There would be a public announcement that the Restored Republic was in place and legally and lawfully running the country per the original organic Constitution.
E. Once the above conditions were met the Restored Republic could use the new US notes to run the country.
5. It makes logical sense that the Restored Republic will be announced soon and that the RV has to happen just before the public announcement of Restored Republic or they are made concurently together.
6. If the original plan & time schedule is still in effect, once the Restored Republic is announced it will be overseen by an “Interim Government” for a period of 120 days or so. Therefore the new elections under the Restored Republic will not take place in November 2016 but will take place in early spring of 2017 (with the new US Republic running the US under Pentagon Chief General Dunford and Senate leader Paul Ryan).
7. Once all the above is dealt with, then NESARA and all the rest of the funds can be rolled out (PPs, humanitarian project funds, St Germain trust funds etc can come forth).
8. It is believed that the RV/GCR will happen one of two ways: The easy way is for it be announced before the banks and economy totally crash. Or, if the brain dead politicians wait for the global economy to totally crash then the RV/GCR will be announced after the crash since by then there will be no other option.
9. If the above analysis is the true state of affairs we should see movement on both the RV/GCR as well as the public announcement of the “Restored Republic” well before the US Corp elections in November.
Thanks to: https://mainerepublicemailalert.com