Passing on this information I received today from my friend Dave Mack.........
This is a special message to you that I hope you will take seriously and pass on to others that you know.
I hope you will take 30 minutes to listen to at least the first audio at the link below with Ann Barnhardt. I have been a futues trader and educator for almost 20 years myself having taught hundreds of traders all over the world and I agree 200% with what Ann says and my money is OUT OF MY TRADING ACCOUNT and will STAY OUT. The markets are now, and have been for quite some time, 100% rigged, manipulated and corrupt and your money is NO LONGER SAFE anywhere but in your possesion and in some form other than soon to be worthless paper.
If you have stocks you may want to consider partial or total liquitdation of them at this point in time as Ann suggests. The end of the financial system in place at this time is near and if you are involved in any way on paper as Ann says, you are likely to lose most, if not ALL, of your money and that includes 401k accounts and other investments that are nothing more than worthless paper anymore. Can you REALLY afford that?
I don't want anyone I know saying later on, "how come you didn't tell me?"
This is a dire warning and with the very recent collapse of PFG Best, another commodity FCM (like MF Global) and other companies that you haven't heard of that have supposedly been subject to regulator oversight it is just a matter of time. MF Global was just the BIGGEST and most obvious RECENT example of outright fraud and THEFT by those in power and with the connections to the thieves in D.C.(listen to the stats Ann gives on Harry Reid, Senate majority leader). You DO remember Bernie Madoff don't you?
That money just disappears. It doesn't matter what you say afterward......... you have lost. Don't leave yourself in that position.
Physical commodities like food, silver, gold, cattle, good productive agricultural land and guns and ammunition are going to be of the most value in the not too distant future. Please take a half hour to listen to at least the first audio and hear what one VERY smart woman that fully understands exactly what is going on and what is coming at us like a freight train has to say. The second link below is a recent update from her on August 15, 2012. Please listen and be informed. November
30, 2011 - 30 minutes August 15,
2012 - 21 minutes
Here is another link for a 20 minute video that will give you an idea of how the top echelons of our military and intelligence communities (mostly retired so they can speak where active people cannot) view the current administration and their incredibly devastating disclosures of very high level intelligence information that have damaged this country and its defense capabilities beyond belief. This is NO accident. This is a planned scenario and you are seeing it play out before your very eyes. Please don't be one of those who puts their head in the sand and says it can't happen if you just ignore it. It already HAS happened and it is not at all accidental or done out of ignorance. We need to make as many people aware of this as we can as quickly as possible. Please do your part in disseminating this information as widely as possible.
Be prepared..........