Dr. Masaru Emoto’s Rice Emotions Experiment
September 10, 2016Dr. Masaru Emoto, a researcher and alternative healer from Japan has given the world a good deal of evidence of the magic of positive thinking. He became famous when his water molecule experiments featured in the 2004 film, What The Bleep Do We Know?
His experiments demonstrate that human thoughts and intentions can alter physical reality, such as the molecular structure of water. Given that humans are comprised of at least 60% water, his discovery has far reaching implications… can anyone really afford to have negative thoughts or intentions?
The rice experiment is another famous Emoto demonstration of the power of negative thinking (and conversely, the power of positive thinking). Dr. Emoto placed portions of cooked rice into two containers. On one container he wrote “thank you” and on the other “you fool”.
He then instructed school children to say the labels on the jars out loud everyday when they passed them by. After 30 days, the rice in the container with positive thoughts had barely changed, while the other was moldy and rotten.
Check out my Pyramid Power experiment: https://youtu.be/EEzJ50UbDB0
This is the second time I have conducted this experiment. Both times I have had the same results, this time I recorded it. The only difference between these to jars is the energy directed at them.
The effects of consciousness on reality. Astounding!
DO NOT take my word for it. I didn’t! Do this experiment for yourself. As far as consciousness effecting reality experiments this is so easy (and cheap) to do. Rice, jam jar and label. If you doubt this in any way DO the experiment for yourself. Spend 15 — 20 seconds a day focusing ‘love’ energy at one and ‘hate’ at the other and see the results for yourself.
These experiments are based on the work of Dr Masaru Emoto’s who’s ideas appeared in the film: “What the Bleep Do We Know!?”. He is also the author of the best-selling books Messages from Water and The Hidden Messages in Water.
Find out more about mind power at http://www.johnvincentblog.com/MindPower
Thanks to GH at: https://missiongalacticfreedom.wordpress.com