Dr. Shabibi has announced that the CBI will release 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar and 25 Dinar coins for public use and trade on September 1.
Found at: http://www.planetofdinar.com
]junebug] Aug 19 10:59 PM: In the last couple of days, Dr. Shabibi has announced that the CBI will release 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar and 25 Dinar coins for public use and trade on September 1. It makes no sense whatever to issue a 1 or a 5 Dinar coin if the RV has not taken place. What good is a 5 or even a 25 Dinar coin if a loaf of bread costs 3,000 Dinars (current price of a loaf, pre-RV). If indeed the plan is to release these coins for use on September 1, then August 26 makes sense for the RV announcement. (And that doesn’t mean the announcement will wait that long. It could actually occur even sooner.) Iraq's President, Talabani will be making a public event for the people of Iraq on Sunday, Aug. 26. Just got this new information from Randy Koonce. Again he says after the coming meeting with Talibani, we will soon see the RV. How long will it take? Probably only a few days. This is very wonderful news to hear and I think the 1st ever RV
Found at: http://www.planetofdinar.com
]junebug] Aug 19 10:59 PM: In the last couple of days, Dr. Shabibi has announced that the CBI will release 1 Dinar, 5 Dinar and 25 Dinar coins for public use and trade on September 1. It makes no sense whatever to issue a 1 or a 5 Dinar coin if the RV has not taken place. What good is a 5 or even a 25 Dinar coin if a loaf of bread costs 3,000 Dinars (current price of a loaf, pre-RV). If indeed the plan is to release these coins for use on September 1, then August 26 makes sense for the RV announcement. (And that doesn’t mean the announcement will wait that long. It could actually occur even sooner.) Iraq's President, Talabani will be making a public event for the people of Iraq on Sunday, Aug. 26. Just got this new information from Randy Koonce. Again he says after the coming meeting with Talibani, we will soon see the RV. How long will it take? Probably only a few days. This is very wonderful news to hear and I think the 1st ever RV