About Ben Fulford’s notes on the North Carolina Hillary video… “Lots of Video Discrepancies to see here, folks!”
Posted on 2016/09/20 by kauilapele00:01 Cell phone shows no flags
00:07 Cell phone shows no Hillary (even though she’s right in front of it)
[Kp note: all of the images are essentially full size. And I am not “making fun” of Hillary in this… just pointing out the video discrepancies.]
I looked at the video Ben Fulford made a note of in his latest post (Kp blog link) (go to the end of this post to view Ben’s statement on this). Talk about discrepancies! Something’s going on here.
Upper left and right show cell phone screens that do not have either flags or Hillary, even though they are directly in front of the cell phones.
Below are several examples of “Hillary wash out”. Note that only Hillary “washes out”, not the red and white stripes behind her. My presumption is that the Hillary part of this video was made separately from the background and the people in front (namely, the ones with cell cameras). Use of green screens? And some of those video manipulating things?
I’m not a video manipulation expert. But I am somewhat skilled in stopping and starting YouTube videos, and using the snipping tool. So I lay these out there for your evaluation (and enjoyment?)… in order of appearance (video times are included in the video snips).
What Benjamin wrote about the video:
The Khazarians, in full panic mode, are now using a computer graphics generated Hillary Clinton to create the impression that it is business as usual. To confirm this, please check the following video of Hillary that was broadcast after her “collapse” on September 11th. You can see the images on the smartphones being held up are entirely different from what is being shown on the stage (no Hillary, no flags). Also, if you go to the 20:15 mark, you can see her arm disappear, while Hillary herself vanishes at the 20:51 mark.
Thanks to KP at: https://kauilapele.wordpress.com