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Caladan’s “Tri-Ball”

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1Caladan’s “Tri-Ball” Empty Caladan’s “Tri-Ball” Sun Oct 02, 2016 10:30 pm



Caladan’s “Tri-Ball”

Caladan’s “Tri-Ball” CuRDVWkWEAAMBWC

Isn’t it about time baseball changed? Maybe tomorrow’s children cry for something new, different, fast, exciting, colorful, imaginative and…not boring! Something watchable?
          Not saying: Let’s change Major League Baseball. That would be impossible. But why not junk, nix, scrap almost everything about classic baseball and start again with a new League that stands somewhere, on some level, alongside the much bigger, pro game? How about it college students? How about one ballpark shaped a bit strangely?
          We can still pick up a wooden bat and hit grounders, pop flies, foul balls, hits, outs or home runs like the pros or the kids. We can still strike-out, walk or drive-in runs…Why not change the playing field, the rules and design a new game conducive to SCORING and ACTION, like fast-paced basketball rather than slow, non-scoring soccer?
          Why not change the “#1 pastime” entirely, radically change its face, make baseball QUICK and thrilling to play as well as to view from the stands? We don’t go out on limbs; we don’t venture ‘Out of the Box’ or dream deep or take chances and explore new territories. We’re afraid to think and act differently. Why not approach a classic in a whole other way and improve it: come up with a better game or a much better way of doing things? Here are advantage points to “Tri-Ball” [tribal, sticks & stones] over traditional, Major League Baseball:
·       Only 8 players in a slightly smaller field: regular outfield, plus Middle player behind pitcher and one on first and second, also a catcher. Instead of a pitcher and 4 infielders, there is a pitcher and two infielders. More HITS will result from this odd configuration. Middle-fielder backs up pitcher with line-drives or hard grounders.
·       8 INNINGS, instead of 9. TWO OUTS and sides change and not after 3 outs. New rules will speed up the ball and bat game significantly. 2-Out rule should off-set the design, which produces many more hits through a thin infield, more action and scoring.
·       Pitcher ONLY PITCHES MAXIMUM OF 6 BALLS to any one batter at a time. 4 STRIKES to strike out a batter with a slightly larger strike-zone. THREE BALLS and batter takes First Base. Fouled-off balls are considered BALLS. Three Balls or 3 fouled-off balls and batter walks to First Base. The count can be 3 Strikes, 2 Balls…next pitch is either a hit, an out, a strike-out or walk. All designed in the name of: Fast Play~
·       Pitcher pitches from a lower mound and 10 FEET FURTHER BACK! (70’ & not 60’). Big advantage is given to batters over the pitcher. Runners run around mound.
·       Examine closely the reset infield, inset some feet from termination of the field of play or the fair/foul line. In Tri-Ball: First Base and Second Base are not on the border of play, but well inside the field. In this way, batters can hit right of First Base or left of Second Base and the shots would be fair!
          Distance from Home Plate [triangle] to 1st Base [triangle] is same as MLB: 90’.
          1st Base to 2nd Base is farther away and would be harder to steal than Home.
          In Tri-Ball, the distance from Home Plate to the ‘fence’ (wall) in a straight line that bisects the field is 300 feet. To left and right field walls, the distance is considerably longer. Distances to curved fences in Major Leagues are between 390 and 450 feet. The short length of Tri-Ball’s straight back wall will result in a multitude of homeruns.
          New position of “Middle-fielder” on a ball team of eight, doubles as an infielder and also backs into the outfield for shots that loop over infield.
          Another divergence from the traditional game is in extra innings. Tri-Ball has no extra innings if the score is tied. None are necessary with a quick shoot-out as at the end of a tied soccer game or tie-break in tennis. Whatever side is up, puts its best player to bat. That player takes their maximum of 6 pitches and we view/record the result. If the player hits a single or double or does anything else, they immediately get off the field. Players of different teams alternate after 8 innings with a tied score. The other team’s (best) player will either beat, match or not do as well as previous hitter (opponent). If one outdoes the other after a single round of individual batting, their team wins. If the opposing batter matches or does the same, then another round happens with different batters attempting to outdo the other and win for their team.
          The “Tri-Ball Tie-Break” is an effective cure for endless inning after inning of extended baseball games, which are way too long.
          Try Tri-Ball. If you build a Tri-Ball field…Maybe they’ll come?

Caladan’s “Tri-Ball” CuRDYrfWgAAex6W

R-World Future Sports

R-World Future Sports

R-World invented Games of the future by Doug Yurchey

Caladan’s “Tri-Ball” CrrdIRaXEAAy5fV

How to order novels by TS Caladan

  • http://www.twbpress.com/authortraycaladan.html  Promo-page from publisher: TWB Press in Colorado

  • http://www.twbpress.com/sonofzog.html

  • TWB Press in Colorado

or go to publisher’s site: TWBPRESS.COM
TWB Press, publishing, electronic, e-books, ebooks, short stories, novels, science fiction, supernatural, horror, thrillers, fiction
TS Caladan's 3-Book "Traylogy" can be purchased thru TWB Press.

9" x 6" books with cover art are less than $18.00.   EBooks are $3.99.

Caladan’s “Tri-Ball” CpNYMevWIAAdh1C

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