Dave Schmidt is an Alledged Embezzler, Was The Hope Chest/Bridge Fund Compromised?Ready For The Shift
8, February 2012
~By Wendy Zangari
I spent this afternoon finding things on this Hope Chest Fund (U.S Funds) and Bridge Fund (Canada Funds) from Steve Beckow’s website and I have found some amazing information that will blow your minds!
Laura alerted me to this lawsuit in regards to Dave Schmidt, otherwise I might not have known. Thank you Laura for such wonderful investigative work! We owe you a very BIG thanks! I did some more investigative work and found the following…
Also, I am so sorry to do this but this is one thing I despise, people taking advantage of a situation. I don’t like being angry, but this is how this makes me feel and I am not alone in these feelings. Dave Schmidt, I believe, based on my findings, is embezzling money from funds that are supposed to help people pay their bills, based on how he manages his campaign funds. My assessment is that Dave Schmidt does not care whose money he uses, just as long as he can pay his condominium fees and his second mortgage, here is a PDF that I found of the lawsuit at hand referring to David Schmidt.
[url=http://www.pdc.wa.gov/archive/commissionmeetings/meetingshearings/pdfs/2011/schmidt 11.018.pdf]http://www.pdc.wa.gov/archive/commissionmeetings/meetingshearings/pdfs/2011/schmidt%2011.018.pdf[/url]
Dave Schmidt’s Campaign Page, if you are not familiar with him, is here:
Campaign Finance; U.S. Definitions and Information: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Campaign_finance_in_the_United_States
David Schmidt has been using his state senate campaign funds to pay his condominium fees and second mortgage, among other amenities that he needed to live. If you are familiar with the use of campaign funds you would know that you are not allowed to use extra campaign funds for personal use. You can donate it, you can use it for your next campaign, but if you do that you have to report a C-4 form to the Federal Election Commission quarterly, which Dave Schmidt has failed to do multiple times in the past. The PDF above explains the whole lawsuit and has each explanation of what his campaign funds were, what he reported on his C-4 report, and what campaign funds are not supposed to be used for. It explains that Dave Schmidt embezzled campaign fund money to pay his condomimium fees and his second mortgage, where it clearly states that you cannot use extra campaign funds, or any campaign funds for personal use! Period! Karma has him and there is nothing more we need to do.
I hope this opens everyone’s eyes wide open. Please know I am not doing this to cause pain or to cause grief, or even to discredit someone, but when thousands upon thousands of people donated to this fund, I am sure based on Steve’s readers, especially when you are trusting Steve to guide you in the right direction, it is not right to do this to people. Unfortunately Steve has been led to believe what Linda Dillon and Dave Schmidt were saying and everyone followed, giving money to this fund.
I hope we learn a valuable lesson here, because this could happen to any one of us, not just Steve. We need to continue to discern, even if you trust the writer. You cannot rely on one person or a group of people solely, we need to rely on all of us to help each other discern the truth! Let’s help all of us return to the light, even Linda Dillon and Dave Schmidt, they are caught up in this matrix. Let’s help them become better people by NOT giving them money and let them learn on their own how to survive, because using your money when everyone is already strapped for cash is not how to help people!
Don’t give your money away to these funds when we are trying to get away from the use of money altogether, do not believe NESARA, it is another ponzi scheme to gain fortune. Please be good to yourselves, love yourselves, TRUST yourselves and DO NOT EVER STOP LISTENING TO YOUR FIRST INSTINCT, it is almost always right, do not dismiss it.
We hope nothing but the best for humanity, we want to come together and love each other, trust each other and be honest, completely honest with each other! This is how we will become ONE!
Former senator Dave Schmidt may face big fine
Investigators allege he improperly reimbursed himself $32,260 in unspent donations.
By Jerry Cornfield
, Herald Writer
December, 7, 2011
OLYMPIA — It took former state Sen. Dave Schmidt of Edmonds four years to explain how he spent tens of thousands of dollars during and after his unsuccessful re-election campaign in 2006.
It took another year for the state’s campaign watchdog to sort through the explanations.
And now it turns out many of the ways Schmidt spent a total of $41,518 may have violated state law and could prompt a hefty fine from the state Public Disclosure Commission.
In the largest questionable expenditure by Schmidt, PDC investigators, in a report issued last week, allege he improperly reimbursed himself $32,260 in unspent donations for wages he claims to have lost serving in the Senate from 2003-06.
Investigators further allege Schmidt improperly used the remaining $9,258 in campaign funds on personal use, including mortgage payments and association fees for the condominium where he lived and ran the re-election operation.
He also is alleged to have improperly paid for travel to legislative conferences not directly related to his campaign as well as $755.20 on airfare for himself and a campaign worker to go to Arizona after the November general election.
Schmidt denied misusing any campaign dollars.
“Everything I did I felt I was in the right,” he said. “They’ve been very nitpicky. I told them the rules are very broad. They are very open to interpretation.”
He said he itemized the dates for the lost wages and considered the conferences part of his legislative duties. He said using campaign funds to pay the condo-related costs seemed cleaner than paying himself the money as rent for the room used as an office.
And as for the trip to Arizona, he said he bought those tickets before the election.
“I was going down there to raise money from my brother who is a multimillionaire,” he said. “When I got down there, he said no because I had lost the election.”
The five-member Public Disclosure Commission is scheduled to consider the allegations Thursday, though Schmidt is seeking a postponement until January.
If commissioners uphold the findings of PDC staff, Schmidt could be fined up to $4,200 for misuse of the campaign funds and filing details of expenditures up to four years late.
Schmidt, a moderate Republican, won a seat in the state House of Representatives in 1994. He served four terms before capturing a Senate seat in 2002. He lost re-election to Democrat Steve Hobbs in 2006 and lost again when the two met in a rematch in 2010.
During last year’s campaign, a national veterans group challenged Schmidt’s claim that he lost wages because he could not do trainings and other duties as a member of the National Guard due to work as a senator and the campaign.
Richard Hegdahl of Bellevue, a leader of the Washington chapter of VoteVets.org, said National Guard members know they can make up missed training dates in most instances. He filed a complaint in October 2010, igniting the investigation that resulted in the report issued last week.
“It turns out it wasn’t a bogus claim,” Hegdahl said Tuesday. “We looked at it and said that’s not right.”
In the 2006 campaign, Schmidt raised $193,999 and ended up with a surplus of $32,260.98. On Dec. 30, 2006, he reimbursed himself all that money for earnings he claimed to have lost during the term.
“The law allows me to return the funds, transfer them to a caucus or party fund, give them to charity or use them in legal means for campaign expenses,” Schmidt wrote to PDC staff in December 2010. “Lost wages is one of the legal uses. Facing unemployment in two months and having no other job prospects at that time I decided to use the funds for lost wages.”
He identified dates from 2003 through 2006 on which he said he could have trained with his National Guard unit but didn’t because of his legislative duties and 2006 re-election campaign activities.
But Schmidt never provided the PDC with explanations for why he did not make up those training dates, according to the report.
The full report can be found at www.pdc.wa.gov.
Jerry Cornfield: 360-352-8623; jcornfield@heraldnet.comhttp://www.heraldnet.com/article/20111207/NEWS01/712079892
© 2012 – 2013, Ready For The Shift. ™ Wendy & Greg Zangari, All rights reserved. Permission is granted to copy and redistribute these articles on the condition that the content remains complete and in tact, full credit is given to the author(s), and that it is distributed freely.
Thanks to Sam I Am and: http://www.readyfortheshift.com