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Dave Schmidt Breaks The Law (Video Evidence)

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Former senator Dave Schmidt shows, in his own video, that he has no respect for the law. As a former senator and lawmaker, Dave should know that some laws are put in place in order to protect innocent people from serious harm, which he clearly ignores in the following video.

There is no way that Dave can claim that there was a "misinterpretation" of the law this time and making a video while driving just shows the disregard for human life he has.



Hopefully the California Highway Patrol will take him off the road before he kills somebody!



He is the result of what happens when his parents had sex in a greenhouse-They wound up with a 'blooming' idiot!!




well now there you go. blatant disrespect of the law. but what would one respect from an ex disgraced politician eh?



He has to justify his existence somehow- His livelyhood is being destroyed, it is coming to an end soon, and he can't deal with it-



PurpleSkyz wrote:ahahahahaha

well now there you go. blatant disrespect of the law. but what would one respect from an ex disgraced politician eh?

 I agree. The next thing you know this criminal mind will be going down the road without his seat belt securely fastened. He probably is in the habit of jaywalking. When he does on rare occasions decide to cross the street at the crosswalk, I wouldn't put it past him to go when the light is yellow!!
 What about eating a grape or strawberry before they have been purchased. No doubt in my mind he's guilty of that crime!!
 He's truly has no respect for the law!!!



oh now micro... here you are again defending Dave. So who are you really? A relative, co conspirator, what?



PurpleSkyz wrote:oh now micro... here you are again defending Dave. So who are you really? A relative, co conspirator, what?
  I'm a nobody that likes to expose bullies that are filled with hate and seem to get pleasure from hurting others. That's their main source of sustenance. 
  I've been dealing with bullies all my life and can spot them a mile away, or on the internet. 
 They usually have nothing to offer up as proof against their target, and will instead make things up, or spin stories like a politician.



ahhh okay sure.. just a real true fan of Dave's then.

Dave Schmidt Breaks The Law (Video Evidence) Th?id=OIP.M49898d5c4dd5fff3d8158de36e407700o0&pid=15

Dave Schmidt Breaks The Law (Video Evidence) Thumbs-up



Awwww how cute.  Davey has a FAN CLUB!



Yep Ponee! A BIG fan of Dave's. And one with no sense of humor at all.

Oh darn I see I should not post until after I drink at least 2 cups of coffee. My above post should say expect and not respect!! Yikes! Nothing to respect about Dave Schmidt's con game that is for sure!



Must be on his payroll.  But, hey doesn't he know you shouldn't lie down with dogs, or you going to get up with fleas.




huh now there is something to consider. Thanks!



PurpleSkyz wrote:Payroll

huh now there is something to consider. Thanks!
  There you go again removing my emails! If you take this one down (Not take out as you would say) It'll be the 5th one. Let's see what happens.



emails? what you talking about micro? please enlighten me as to what emails you are referring to that you are saying I am "taking down"?



PurpleSkyz wrote:emails? what you talking about micro? please enlighten me as to what emails you are referring to that you are saying I am "taking down"?

 How can I possibly enlighten you as to which ones they are when you have removed them? As usual this makes no sense.



I have removed no emails. I have no clue what you are talking about. Have you sent me an email?



PurpleSkyz wrote:I have removed no emails. I have no clue what you are talking about. Have you sent me an email?
 Sorry, I meant replies. 4 of them are gone. Actually three. One I did twice, because I thought maybe I forgot to press the send button. Still the same result.



well micro I did not delete a single one of your replies. Sometimes if you hit send at the same time another is posting this happens. It happens to me also especially on an active topic. So when you post before you click out wait a minute and if this is the case it will pop up to tell you this. Then you are able to hit send again.

If I was going to censor you I would have just deleted you as a member here and be done with you. I have not done this. Nor have I deleted any of your comments... yet :)



Instead of using the post reply button, have you tried using the quick reply beneath the thread?



we have that?? LOL where is that exactly? I never knew we had this option!!! hahaha



We have all met them, the type that argue just for the hell of it.

The social warriors, the "wacist hunters", the unstable who see oppressors in the wallpaper.

Those who would pick an argument with a satnav should no living thing be available to play "counsellor", those are disappointed when no bogeyman appears in the mirror

And the blinkered, usually the ones who ask a question and get the answer, don't like the answer so they change the question, then it's the fault of the innocent why they are offended.

Those who suffer like this but have some motivation tend to gravitate to political candidates in their race to the bottom



OH! never mind I just saw it! thanks Ponee!
a day without learning something new is a day wasted! Now I can say this day is not that! xoxoxoxox
I always just hit the SEND button



spot on bs4
you are a very wise man



Thanks, that might solve my solve my problem with meeting my daily quota of posts defending Dave. With me being on the payroll and all, I'm expected to be somewhat prolific. I love my job, and I don't want to get fired!



well you should get a bonus! you are very loyal and I am sure he will appreciate your valiant efforts



PurpleSkyz wrote:well you should get a bonus! you are very loyal and I am sure he will appreciate your valiant efforts

I am sorry Purpz, I have misplaced my glasses. I thought you had written valium effects




ok wink



PurpleSkyz wrote:well you should get a bonus! you are very loyal and I am sure he will appreciate your valiant efforts
 And you said I didn't have a sense of humor, although you laughed out loud when I posted my scheme to save Hillary via the Mandela effect.



Guess I am warming up to you now micro. We like to laugh here on this site. Nice to see you are catching on.

Red Panda

Red Panda

terbo56 wrote:He has to justify his existence somehow- His livelyhood is being destroyed, it is coming to an end soon, and he can't deal with it-

It will be interesting to see how long Dave can keep this story going.  That's one things these folks seem to be expert at, and that is keeping the dream alive. 

He seems to be doing ok attracting folks to his workshops, even after walking away from the Ambassador. 

Will folks keep forgiving him as the story develops and nothing substantial materializes, as long as there is a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow?

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