Breaking: Podesta Told Mills ‘Dump All Those Emails’ on Day News of Clinton’s Private Email Server Broke
Posted By: Lymerick
Date: Wednesday, 2-Nov-2016 08:00:13
Date: Wednesday, 2-Nov-2016 08:00:13
Jay Syrmopoulos
November 1, 2016
Washington, D.C. – In what could prove to be the proverbial nail in the coffin of Hillary Clinton’s presidential ambitions, an email released by WikiLeaks this morning – the 25th batch of emails from Clinton campaign chair John Podesta – reveals potential criminal intent to violate a court order for subpoenaed documents.
John Podesta sent the message only hours after the New York Times reported that Clinton might have violated federal records requirements by using the server, according to the latest batch of Podesta emails released by WikiLeaks.
The email in question, sent by Podesta on March 2, 2015, reveals the Clinton campaign chair directing Cheryl Mills, Hillary’s attorney and Chief of Staff, to destroy emails that had already been subpoenaed.
The email exchange between Podesta and Mills came suspiciously on the same day that news broke regarding Clinton’s use of a private email server.
After news of Clinton’s private email server became public, Podesta wrote to Mills:
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