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UPDATE - The Monica Petersen MYSTERY

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1UPDATE - The Monica Petersen MYSTERY Empty UPDATE - The Monica Petersen MYSTERY Sat Nov 19, 2016 3:40 pm



UPDATE - The Monica Petersen MYSTERY Sddefault


Published on Nov 19, 2016
Monica Petersen, who mysteriously died two days ago, was a recent graduate of the Korbel School, a Research Fellow and an Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center. She had moved to Haiti to teach. Monica was a scholar-activist committed to serving the dispossessed and a clear and critical voice in the human trafficking field.

It has been reported on Reddit that Monica Petersen was in Haiti, investigating possible human trafficking connections to the Clinton Foundation. Petersen previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force.




UPDATE - The Monica Petersen MYSTERY Monica-smaller
Was Monica Petersen Killed By Hillary Clinton?

Monica Petersen, who mysteriously died two days ago, was a recent graduate of the Korbel School, a Research Fellow and an Assistant Director at the Human Trafficking Center.  She had moved to Haiti to teach.  Monica was a scholar-activist committed to serving the dispossessed and a clear and critical voice in the human trafficking field.
It has been reported on Reddit that Monica Petersen was in Haiti, investigating possible human trafficking connections to the Clinton Foundation.  Petersen previously worked for the Colorado Human Trafficking Council’s Data & Research Task Force.
UPDATE - The Monica Petersen MYSTERY M2-300x300
Petersen was found dead on Sunday.  Her death has been ruled a “suicide”, but her family has been unable to find out any details about her death.  This has become the norm for anyone who is about to expose or goes against the Clintons.  I believe this brings the body count to the mid-thirties…
Petersen died only a few days ago, under suspicious circumstances, and now her friends on Facebook are looking for answers. Several close friends have made mentions on various Facebook posts that friends and family have no clear understanding of what happened to Monica except that she died on Sunday.
There was a live stream of her funeral on Facebook.  You can see it HERE.
As we know from Wikileaks, Hillary has ties to convicted sex offender and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein. In addition, Hillary was involved in the NGO run by Laura Silsby, the former director of the The New Life Children’s Refuge.  She was caught attempting to steal and smuggle 33 children from Haiti, most of whom weren’t even orphans at the time.  UPDATE - The Monica Petersen MYSTERY PsLtmj-314x1024
Laura had claimed she planned to build an orphanage in the Dominican Republic, but authorities in the country said she never submitted an application for that purpose. Instead, Silsby located to Haiti. See more on Silsby HERE.  Of course, Hillary got Silsby off the hook as soon as possible.  Silsby’s attorney (who was paid for by Hillary) was a convicted sex trafficker from El Salvador.  See more HERE.
We also know that Hillary has ties to convicted sex offender and child sex trafficker Jeffrey Epstein, and her own campaign chairman is good friends with the disgraced pedophile, Denny Hastert.  Not to mention her campaign manager and good friend, Podesta, and all of the pedophilia talk that has been exposed about him and his brother through Wikileaks.
So, while the details surrounding Petersen’s death are murky, at best, the fact remains that Hillary Clinton was closely tied to a huge child trafficker in Haiti, and a woman investigating child trafficking in Haiti just died under mysterious / unknown circumstances. Other reports have even suggested that Tony Rodham, Hillary’s brother, is tied in, with his shady Haitian gold mining operation.
Posted 11/18/16

Thanks to: http://victuruslibertas.com

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