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Are Secret Space Program Disclosures Prelude to a False Flag Alien Invasion?

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Sunday, November 20, 2016

Are Secret Space Program Disclosures Prelude to a False Flag Alien Invasion?

Are Secret Space Program Disclosures Prelude to a False Flag Alien Invasion?  Secret-Space-Program-Disclosures-Prelude-to-Alien-False-Flag

(Stillness in the Storm Editor) The following is an article written by Dr. Michael Salla in reference to Steven Greer's Cosmic False Flag presentation earlier this month. I will be releasing an extensive overview, analysis, and assessment of that presentation in the next day or so, to include video clips of the presentation, with permission from Greer's team. 

Corey Goode left the following comment on this article:

After listening to his recent lectures, it is obvious that there is zero research behind Greer's allegations about William Tompkins and Corey Goode. He obviously didn't look closely at what they say as he misrepresented what they have said heavily. 

Once info about evil aliens comes up it violates his personal belief system (His UFO Religion) he then discounts all related information. We are ALL guilty of this to some degree. 

He offers only his own opinion that they are MK Ultra victims. Believing that ALL ET's are GOOD is more dangerous than the worry about people's fear of EVIL ET's. This narrative set's up humanity to follow their genetic and social programming to WORSHIP! 

The Cabal's grand deception plan is no longer to bring about a mass fake alien invasion. That was exposed heavily decades ago and is no longer a viable program to execute. This holographic technology is however still viable to use in smaller "theaters of war". 

The plan now is to introduce humanity to an "Angelic and Human-Like" ET group and have people worship these so-called "angelic ET's" who bring us a "New Cosmic Esoteric World Religion".
The notion that EVIL is unique to us "Damn Dirty Apes" here on Earth is naive and a bit insulting. Why would duality end where our atmosphere does? As above, so below. 

The Voice Of God: Cosmic Disclosure -http://spherebeingalliance.com/.../transcript-cosmic...

- Justin

Source - Exopolitics

by Dr. Michael Salla, November 19th 2016

On November 13, Dr. Steven Greer, founder of the Disclosure Project, gave a public lecture where he warned about an impending false flag extraterrestrial event. He said that the final stage of planning for a false flag event that dates back to the 1950’s is about to be rolled out, and that recent disclosures about aliens being involved in a galactic slave trade of humans is part of a deception campaign. The goal is to condition humanity into accepting a scenario of evil aliens intent on conquering humanity.

Greer stated that advanced electronic weapons using psychotronic holographic technologies were used in order to produce ‘scripted memories’ which could be downloaded into individuals. The implanted memories, according to Greer, could be so realistic that the targeted individuals would swear that the experiences were genuine.
Greer says that he was first told about these advanced psychotronic holographic technologies around 1994, by a senior scientist familiar with classified programs. More recently, a retired Lt. Colonel from the Air Force Office of Special Investigations warned that the psychotronic holographic technologies had laid the foundation for the alien false flag event that was imminent.
Greer did not name the Air Force intelligence officer, but said that his testimony was part of the upcoming documentary Unacknowedged, and that the Air Force officer’s testimony would be released in full soon after the documentary’s release.


Greer’s claim of the existence of psychotronic holographic technologies used for psychological warfare operations that began in the 1950’s is supported by documentary evidence. It is known that psychological warfare was used as an important means of deceiving the public about the reality of flying saucers and extraterrestrial life.
The 1953 CIA sponsored Robertson Panel release the Durant Report recommending debunking the flying saucer phenomenon by using the mass media in what was the beginning of a psychological warfare program against the general public.
The 1975 Senate Select Committee to Study Government Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities, chaired by Senator Frank Church, revealed that the CIA’s MKUltra experiments dated back to the early 1950’s and that various psychological tools were used to implant false memories into targeted individuals. Indeed, the first Manchurian Candidate movie, starring Frank Sinatra was released in 1962 and depicted military personnel being subjected to early brain washing methods in order to create sleeper assassins.
As computer technologies subsequently became more advanced in the classified world, it became possible for very realistic holographic images to be electronically downloaded into people’s brains to produce “scripted memories.” It is the development and widespread use of such technologies that Greer warns against when it comes to whistleblower and abductee testimonies that describe evil aliens and their alleged nefarious activities.
Greer discusses military abductions (MILAB’s) and how sophisticated technologies have been used to give the appearance that aliens are the ones behind the abductions and the various abusive actions used against the victims.
Greer provides as a notable example the November 1989 abduction of the United Nations Secretary General Perez de Cueller during a secret UN initiative to officially disclose the existence of extraterrestrial visitors to the world. Greer, in a November 2015 lecture, says that he was told about the abduction incident by Crown Prince Hans-Adam from Lichtenstein at a meeting they had in 1994:
He said what happened was that Perez de Cuellar … was coming back from a 3 am late night planning session for this event when he was abducted by aliens from his motorcade in Manhattan … Perez de Cuellar was taken somehow out of the motorcade onto an ET craft where he was threatened by the ETs and told: If you disclose this information, we will abduct every world leader involved, including the President of the United States.
According to Greer, the world leaders were allegedly so intimidated by the alien threats that they backed off the disclosure plan.
Greer gives this as an example of how military abductions are used to create staged alien abductions to prejudice not only the general public about extraterrestrial life, but also world leaders. This is where a major problem with Greer’s method and analysis of alien abduction events begins to emerge.
I’ve discussed Greer’s analysis of the alleged “staged” alien abduction involving de Cueller in a December 2015 article. What is important to mention here is that Greer’s analysis that this was an example of a ‘staged alien abduction’ based on what he was told by Prince Hans-Adam, is contradicted by multiple witness interviews and correspondence conducted by famed abduction researcher, Budd Hopkins, with key figures in the abduction event.
Hopkins book Witness, The True Story of the Brooklyn Bridge UFO Abductions provides abundant witness and documentary evidence that this was a genuine abduction incident witnessed by a world leader and other senior diplomats. He interviewed an extensive number of both witnesses and participants in the abduction, which reveals that some of the individuals involved had been regularly abducted by the aliens since their youth.
Hopkins produced transcripts of interviews and letters by the participants detailing these life-long abductions that culminated in the 1989 incident. His conclusion is that the abduction was a genuine case of extraterrestrials abducting a prominent world leader, who he did not identify in the book but revealed later was de Cueller, with other senior diplomats watching in order to send a warning. He reproduced a portion of a letter from one of the victims to the abduction who was part of the security detail for de Cueller:
It was too coincidental for people such as ourselves to just happen to stumble upon such a sight [UFO abduction]. Remember, there were five important figures with us at the time (Two US Government Officials, two foreign statesmen, one World Leader (de Cueller). Six more of us included as US Government enforcers. If the occupants of the craft wanted to get a message out to the world, they’ve chosen the right group of people to do it for them.[Witness, p. 263]
Hopkins book validates much of what Greer was told by Prince Hans-Adam that world leaders witnessed and were involved in an alien abduction event in 1989.
CONTINUE READING @ exopolitics.org

Thanks to Justin at: http://sitsshow.blogspot.com



Are Secret Space Program Disclosures Prelude to a False Flag Alien Invasion?  Hqdefault


Published on Nov 20, 2016
Hoax or Scam: Steven Greer’s Attempt to ‘Warn’ the People of Planet Earth.
1) http://stateofthenation2012.com/?p=57229
2) Thumbnail image - Steven Greer Disclosure Project,
3) Music - Youtube Audio Library
"Abient Ambulance"


De hecho marielalero expone la destitución del Lider de los universos 1 y 2  ( 1 el nuestro) y su detención. Ahora el exlider piensa atacar con un tercio de la fuerza armada, en adelante. La alianza está contrarestando este posible intento. Y un objetivo es la antártica.

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