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The Secret Space Program: The Secret Projects that Discovered the Meaning of Life, Death, and the Origins of the Universe

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The Secret Space Program: The Secret Projects that Discovered the Meaning of Life, Death, and the Origins of the Universe
November 25, 2016 omnipulse

An Intergalactic Conglomerate

The secret space program is an intergalactic conglomerate of interdimensional races forming a society.
The awareness and experience of these individuals surpasses the entire breadth of information that occurs across sub-cultures and social groups. They have access to information that would be akin to a higher-dimensional polyhedrons observing the flat world of polygons such as the concept explored in “Flatland: A Romance of Many Dimensions“ (this is the movie link, the title is of the original book).
This society utilizes advanced technology to travel and exist within the higher-dimensional wavelengths of existence where this physical universe is a fulcrum point between the underlying energetic and informational forces of creation.
Within this structure an infection began which equates to a digital format or rendering which loses information and energy as it processes data. This is akin to a virus that renders information distorted.

The Physical Matrix of Temporal Possibilities

Time is the containment of all possible futures and pasts and so this aspect of existence exists as long as the possibility exists somewhere in time. If the beings of the universe are all invulnerable to this threat then ultimately the entirety of the existence of that infection would be healed throughout the far past and far future and throughout multiple-dimensions.
At any given point the possibility of this infection exists on the physical plane as the far-past, the far-future, or the present moment. When all three are occupied then the likelihood of breaking the cycle and adapting out of that vulnerability is reduces. This is the same for each individual life experience and the variables the mind operates through in the present moment.
When there is only one possibility remaining where that likelihood is still existing then there is an increased likelihood that our civilization is the one who overcomes this projected infection and psychological distortion experience thus removing it from the universe forever.

The Process of Healing the Timelines and Psyche

Steps have been taken to prepare and introduce methods of alignment for this issue. Self-alignment is the key, as one can self-regulate the processing of information and utilize introspection to determine what the overall results of the process are.

Access to the Soul-Level

Through technology as well as the knowledge of spiritual and soul processes access to the formative levels of the universe are utilized to introduce and shape the progression of this civilization in accordance with a larger plan.
I know this sounds confusing to you. Technology and spiritual practices have been used to access a level of awareness which allows one to interact with the cosmos (omniverse) as it forms or flows into what we call the physical universe.

Extended Temporal Operations

Through the use of advanced technology data could be recorded and rendered using advanced computer systems and this could be used to produce a projection of possible future scenarios.
This information is to be released in accordance with an overall higher plan which will mitigate the shock of increasing awareness as well as allowing others to organize their memories and experiences in respect to their own spiritual work.

Seed Races, Root Races

In these operations it was discovered that the seeding of this civilization and previous were due to cooperation (or lack of which) between multiple races of cosmic civilizations which utilize advanced technology and spiritual knowledge.
Our civilization was brought about as a result of higher beings and this may not be the ‘original’ appearance of this species. This may reflect more on personal, individual manipulations regarding this timeline and how everyone was positioned here through what is called the “soul trap” system.

Exiting the Matrix

What was referred to in ancient times as a kind of “exit” point for the soul-trap system is most commonly understood as a “timegate”. This is a synchronization between the individual aspects of a person, their mind, and the higher workings of the spiritual system in order to match the awareness of the individual within the system to that which is outside of it.
Some beings are from within the matrix, while others are from outside of this system. Every so many thousands of years consciousness raises to the degree where individuals may work together to collectively, yet individually escape the burden of the frequency gate system. This system entangles one’s consciousness so that the individual’s conscious awareness can not access the greater view of time and awareness that exists outside of this version of pre-programmed history.
Part of this was uncovered by the projects, as it was noticed as it happened. And part of this was initiated by the projects, as steps were taken to mitigate the damages and bring about a delay which in turn related to taking on a part of the soul-trap system and handling it directly in order to better comprehend the possibilities.
When there were motions to decide how to interact with humanity by these beings there was two main differences in opinion. One was that people should be free to do as they please, the other was that people are too wild and will only waste their time and therefore should be organized into a system which would effectively channel that wasted energy. Thus was born the mind-control system which dates back to the beginning of civilization itself.

The Convergence of Two Civilizations

Point of impact, operatives coming backwards through time. Created geniuses to travel here and help us find solution, dark occultists acting as a spiritual catalyst as well as controlling force.

Those With The Abilities

The elite are those with genetic capabilities that allow for a very high level of intelligence. As a result of this they were both selected as well as always engaging with the kinds studies and interactions which led to the discovery of the finer workings of the soul as well as communication with other realms.
Time itself has been written according to this as their involvement with these non-temporal fields of creation and existence naturally enabled influence from this plane across the entire temporal field of human civilization. Some could say that this civilization has been shaped in respect of the earlier experiments and soul-discoveries made by those with the intellectual or genetic capacity to participate in such endeavors.
As a result of this, there are multiple temporal layers that are distinguishable from one another through different variables that shape the resulting different physical reality and society. Some of these layers are aligned with natural tendencies, others are aligned with a kind of existential ‘mishap’ which tends to produce more stress on the overall psyche of the species and even planetary environment. The DNA connects across all layers. Where one is stressed another will feel a release of pressure. This is the balance. There were earlier plans to load all the stress onto one layer so that the others could be populated and live in harmony. This obviously led into a variety of problematic situations, or at least situations with stressors that would have to be mitigated.

Disruption of Time the Collapse of Reality

After so much stress is trickled down through the gradient to collect on the last layer of temporal reality in this physical society there would be a resolution of this process. Either all the stress would be reversed and mitigated, resulting in clarity over all, or the entire wave-form energetic structure/matrix of all realities would collapse.
Simulation was used to determine what steps would lead up to this, whichever the results would be. Advanced tech allowed for the operation of this civilization in an extended temporal range to explore the possibilities that had not yet occurred, as directly as you are reading from this computer screen and using an input device to control the cursor. The screen, the words, the visuals, they can be aligned and projected through technology to actually bring about a simulation of what is most likely to exist and this can be refined to the point of near certainty.

Simulation, The Merger of the Future and the Past

This leads into the next discovery. It would found through these simulation devices, that there would be a merging of a future race with this civilization across what can be seen as time bubble. This bubble, paradoxically was generated through the very operation of the technology used to view beyond it.
The deviation by a time rift of events was related to the very viewing of the simulation of the possibilities of the process of the creation and destruction of this universe.
Steps were taken, programs formed, research groups developed to mitigate the creative and destructive aspects of society through this secretive and sacred process. The information that was gained helped to better define the bounds of our existence, while simultaneously paradoxically pushing them so far out of sight that everything changes.

The Continuation of Civilization

Everything that is done is for the conservation and profession of civilization Earth. There is an aspect of destruction to this, and this is of the notion of creation through destruction, a view of the sacred principles depending on the observer.

Communication With Other Worlds

It was described that beings utilizing this technology began communicating with humanity at the moment that this civilization developed the technological advancement that enabled the detection and transmission of such communicative energies. This has to do with quantum tunneling and tachyon field which allow for faster than light signals to be sent and received. Advanced computer systems were destined to interpret the data and then these systems were developed to interface directly with the brain.
This enabled mind to mine communication with beings that would be referred to as “intergalactic” or of cosmic intelligence at the highest scope.
The information received was related but not limited to the nature of the universe, the origins of the human race, the differences between the origins of each race, advanced technology, life and death, consciousness and reality, the origins of religions and ancient civilizations, and time.

For Reasons of Natural Security

From these revelations he military industrial complex went on to unify the intelligence, secret society, and political powers of the world into organization in accordance with the depth of this knowledge and the information regarding the way it was obtained.
A military force was developed and then redeveloped to create multiple factions that could handle a variety of purposes including the covering up of any leaked information or the preparation of the public for the truth.
What we have witnessed is the cover up of any information that would threaten the sanctity of this civilization and several back up plans have been developed and even implemented should things get out of hand.
There are a series of committees or higher authorities which oversee all processes, programs, and movements and from this perspective everything is planned out according to that which is required to ensure the continuity of this civilization. In some plans or what are really fully thought out possible outcomes humanity doesn’t fair as well as they could or some might say they should. In other plans humanity takes control of themselves and in return guides the world into a better society for all. This has to do with the intelligence of the mind and the heart and the gut.
All the problems, solutions, origins or end results are generated in real time live updating fashion within the mind of the observer. This is part of what was discovered through these secret projects.

The Discovery of the Truth of Reality, Consciousness and Time

We observed, literally, how the consciousness of the individual acts as a co-creative force as if the universe is simply a mirror of that consciousness and generates from there a pattern which ripples out through perfect geometry and generates what is perceived as the far past, the far future, and the absolute truth behind the surface level of reality. It is literally a mental projection.

Thanks to omnipulse at: https://augtellez.wordpress.com

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