Published on Dec 18, 2016 This stream is showing the past 48 hours of USGS reported earthquakes + the last 50 EMSC reported earthquakes internationally.
No voice in this video unless a large earthquake strikes.
Marker height off the globe = depth into the Earth.
The feed may show double earthquakes in some locations due to both USGS + EMSC agencies reporting the events.
When an earthquake strikes, you will hear a rumble, ding, and a bell toll. The bell will toll the number of times = to the earthquake which occurs. (example : M4.0 will ring 4 times).
The most recent earthquake has a green placemark / flag on it.
Blue flag / placemark = the last earthquake which was looked up
Last edited by PurpleSkyz on Mon Dec 19, 2016 9:33 pm; edited 2 times in total
Published on Dec 19, 2016 Dutchsinse is monitoring a HUGE energy wave that is hitting the entire planet. He says he has never seen anything at this scale. The effects of this energy wave are unknown but it would stand to reason that this amount of electricity hitting the earth would have some time of effect. Go to the link below for the full report
Published on Dec 18, 2016 December 18th into 19th , 2016
A large wave of energy impacting the entire planet has UNINTENTIONALLY been detected by the MIMIC TPW microwave background imagery. Currently ONGOING as of 12/19/2016 at 1:20am US central time)
link to see the event here:
This is not a glitch, computer error, or fake -- unless someone at the University decided to fake data for some reason.
This system usually only shows precipitation / water vapor , yet in some rare instances large energy returns can be seen when solar, spaceweather, and other energy events impact the planet.
We have seen examples of X class flares, and large Earth facing Coronal Mass Ejections cause large disruptions of this very same feed -- however this "wave" of energy produces a return that crosses the same bandwidths detected (and used by) the MIMIC microwave background system.
The energy spans the planet on both (all) sides over several hours time. This wave of energy started to form on 12/18 at about 15:00UTC, and is currently ongoing.
A check of the X-ray flux monitors from GOES shows low activity, minor solar winds, no major solar storms, Total Electron Content in the ionosphere shows "minimal".... thus the source / cause of this event is still "unknown".
If this "event" really occurred (if it's "real") then we're looking at a huge amount of energy impacting the planet causing a planet wide microwave return going off the scales.
Microwaves convert to DC energy in a natural "rectenna" process when the waves become trapped in the Earth's magnetosphere-- the radio waves convert to DC power, and are taken to ground. Ground ultimately being the core of the Earth.
If the event is really occurring, then the potential amount of energy going to the core of the planet would be tremendous -- this of course could increase volcanic activity, and cause large earthquakes.
I don't know what to make of this -- this is the first time I've ever seen something this large over such a vast area show up on MIMIC like this. Keep watch -- the next week may tell the tale on what happens (if anything) from this strange event.
This stream is showing the past 48 hours of USGS reported earthquakes + the last 50 EMSC reported earthquakes internationally.
No voice in this video unless a large earthquake strikes.
Marker height off the globe = depth into the Earth.
The feed may show double earthquakes in some locations due to both USGS + EMSC agencies reporting the events.
When an earthquake strikes, you will hear a rumble, ding, and a bell toll. The bell will toll the number of times = to the earthquake which occurs. (example : M4.0 will ring 4 times).
The most recent earthquake has a green placemark / flag on it.
Blue flag / placemark = the last earthquake which was looked up
The moderators have been instructed to always give 1-3 warnings before either a time out or banning.
Download the full version of earthquake3D here (cost: $20 USD):
Free version here:
I now have a PO Box if viewers want to mail questions, donations, or mail packages / products they recommend to unbox on camera!
Published on Dec 19, 2016 Many subscribers and survival group members are concerned about this galactic super wave supposedly coming that in my mind is a hoax geared to desensitize the Sheeple using fear-mongering trickery, when in reality nothing major is going to happen.
The 'disturbing strong of earthquakes' coming after the 'mysterious vibration' originated from the deep magma plume formation and peak seismic activity from our recent Earth/Sun/Black Star backside-alignment producing the 7.8 New Zealand Quake Event that began the current earth change lull period. The seismic activity 'decreased' for a few weeks for the predicted 'bounce' in activity to take place from the reverberating waves deep within the buoyancy barriers rushing from the terminating ends of the formation back to the origination zone in Indonesia, as explained in recent Black Star Update Reports.
Seismic and volcanic activity will continue to diminish all the way through the second week of February 2016 with a few bounces along the way, but the pattern will be easily recognizable once we moving into March 2017 and simply look back at the weekly seismic readings. This information and a link to this video update report is posted in the Featured Section of Terral's 2016 Newsletter Volume 51 coming out this Thursday evening. Here is a free link to recent newsletters to help you understand more about what appears in this Black Star News Update Report that have many survival group members concerned.
Terral’s 2016 Newsletter Volume 28: rising magma plumes
Survival Groups are forming at a record pace and now is the perfect time to join our Ozarks Survival Group working together under The Ark Mission Project with more than 200 families working together to increase the chances of survival of everyone involved in the central USA. Get more information at if interested. Terral