Simpson's predictions for 2017
Date: Sunday, 1-Jan-2017 11:22:49
Clowns will won the elections, and Stephen Hawking will fly
On the eve, and especially after the victory of Donald Trump it was often been written that in one episode of The Simpsons was predicted that in the future he will become president of the United States. What they had predicted for 2017?
Author: Andro Bernardić
Saturday, 31.12.2016. at 10:40
On the eve, and especially after the victory of Donald Trump often has been written that in one episode of The Simpsons was predicted that in the future he will become president of the United States. The world is now dealing with their other predictions that could be achieved in 2017 or in the next few years, says BuzzFeed.
Well, first things first ...
1. Someone will invent a gun makeup
In the episode "The Wizard of Evergreen Terrace" Homer Simpson invented the rifle with which is possible to make makeup in seconds.
2. There will be a referendum on the deportation of illegal immigrants
In the episode "Much Apu About Nothing" this development is particularly worrying to immigrant who holds Apu trade.
3. greedy companies will result in ecological disaster
In the Simpsons Movie is shown a dome above Springfield made because of environmental disaster and contamination that was caused by the corrupt power company.
4. Elton John damages its luster
In the episode "i'm with Cupid" comes to failure of chandelier in the private plane of the famous British singer.
5. Undesirable Evolution
The schools will be illegal to teach children about the theory of evolution. This prediction appears also in the episode "The Monkey Suit".
6. Facebook will disclose false news
Well-known social network will implement an algorithm to recognize the false and sarcastic news. It was shown in the episode "The Saved Lisa's Brain".
7. Angelina and Brad will gain weight
After the divorce, both are going to eat too much because of the stress. In the episode "Homer the Whopper" in removing excess weight they are helped by fame trainer Lyle McCarthy.
8. Clowns will win the elections
Due to the growing populism and revolt against the elite, this is indeed a real prediction. It appears in the episode "Mister Spritz Goes to Washington".
9. New Cameron after Brexit
Actor Benedict Cumberbatch in "Love is a Many-Splintered Thing" will experience a failure as David Cameron after Brexit.
10. Prohibition Returns
In several states of the United States will be re-introduce a ban on drinking alcohol, but it will fail, just as in the episode "Homer vs. The Eighteenth Amendment ".
11. Stephen Hawking will fly
The famous scientist will soar into the sky. Appears in the episode "They Saved Lisa's Brain.
12. Workers will replace the robots
To reduce costs, the company will change the robot workers. The idea appears in an episode of "Them, Robot."
13. In the elections will vote the dead
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