Elemonics – Chemistry As Harmonics – Try This
Posted on January 5, 2017 by Doreen AgostinoAMAZING! Scientist translates chemistry into MUSIC! (ELEMONICS)
Published on Jan 3, 2017
Now you can HEAR chemistry as music! Mike Adams (the Health Ranger), science director of an internationally accredited science laboratory, has discovered a way to translate molecules into audible music sequences.
From Doreen
Symphony of Nutrition
E v e r y t h i n g is energy!
Try this:
Hold your hands up with palms facing your computer screen as you listen to the natural sounds. Notice any feelings or tingling sensations in your palms. Whether you feel the energy or not, it’s there.As you listen, intend the natural sounds to nourish you and heal any imbalances in your seen and unseen body.
8:16 minute the sound of ascorbic acid, vitamin C which the human body cannot produce.
Very educational video.
You can mute the sounds of harmful synthetic chemicals or, with your palms facing the screen, flow love to transmute the frequency into its next highest expression of Light. Imagine, sense, feel it happening.
Enjoy, and if moved to do so, please share!
Doreen Ann Agostino
Non-negotiable autograph,
all rights reserved
Thanks to: https://ourgreaterdestiny.wordpress.com