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Triangle UFO Spotted By Austin, Texas Resident On Jan 25, 2017, TV News Video, UFO Sighting News.

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Date of sighting:  January 25, 2017
Location of sighting: Austin, Texas, USA
News source: http://www.fox7austin.com/news/local-news/231546743-story

I love the description from the woman who recorded the UFO. She stated that she saw a triangle that suddenly broke into there pieces, each taking off into a different direction. Wow! I haven't heard a description like that in years! That must have been something to see. Also this may be the same UFO seen in Sutherland Springs, Texas just 69 miles away from this new sighting in Austin. It sounds like this little UFO is having fun exploring Texas.
Scott C. Waring

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News states: 
Some Austin residents want to know if the truth really is out there. On Monday night, they recorded video of what they think could be UFO's.

They're not alone.

There are reports that several people saw something in the sky over Texas.

It's a bird, It's a plane...

"I believe they were UFO's," says Rachel Jensen, witness.

Jensen says it was an impressive show in the sky over East Austin.

"By the time they actually got here, it's like they went up and then took off. The speed of them was so fast," says Jensen.

On Monday night her roommate noticed three lights coming at him. They were somewhat in a triangle formation. He called Jensen outside to check it out.

"Just as I stepped out, I looked to the sky and saw the triangle. Just as it was separating into three. Well there was one in the front and two behind it. They were bright orange, glowing, almost fiery," says Jensen.

At one point they saw a fourth light. They say it was moving back-and-forth erratically. Jensen made sure to grab her phone and capture as much of it on camera.

When it was over, she called Austin 311 to report it.

The American Meteor Society also received sighting reports Monday night. They say a fireball was seen by at least five people over Louisiana and Texas.

Photographer Christopher Sherman from Over Austin, captured this stunning photoIt shows Downtown Austin, but if you look closely you can see a long curved light-streak passing through the tree and another smaller streak to the left.

It was also captured around the same time Jensen saw lights in the sky.

"You know sometimes you see things and you're like, what was it? Well this time it was like, somebody else saw it. Like I said, I'm excited to see what it was," says Jensen.

For now, it's a mystery.

Thanks to: http://www.ufosightingsdaily.com/



Huge Mystery Blue Beam Type Object Appears Above Israel

Daboo77 states: "The guy who caught the object does not have a history of putting out anything fake or crazy like this. He was filming a friend reading scriptures when they noticed the object out the window."

UFO News - Triangle UFO Spotted In Austin, Texas and MORE Mystery%2BBlue%2BBeam%2BType%2BObject%2B%2BIsrael

"I have passed this along to several UFO Experts and No one has yet to find anything as far footage manipulation. Which then raises the question as to what could it be??"

"I'm sure there will be tons of ideas and theories. But before I write this off as fake or CGI, I want to see the proof showing that."

"If this is a Blue Beam type of tech, it will be hard to prove that! This could also be secret tech being used by the Mossad or Israeli Military. Or it could be something else."

Daboo77: “If you look into the history of this man you can see he does not post anything like on a regular basis and his words to me in the email was that it looked like someone riding a horse or a snake! Then he asked, "Is this Apollo?"

Regardless, the footage is interesting and so far checks out to be showing something that was actually in the sky!


Thanks to: http://ufosightingshotspot.blogspot.com



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