Well the only results are who's making the money...Red Panda wrote:Are you aware that Dave Schmidt is talking about what he calls off market gold? The story is that the Anunnaki (an Extra Terrestrial race) developed humans to be their slaves and mine the gold that they needed on their planet. Dave did a series of shows on this in January of 2016. The Anunnaki took advantage of humans, and now they see the errors of their ways and want to help. That is one reason these funds are coming forward. The Anunnaki gave the gold to the Dragon Families for safe keeping and they have been guardians of it until the Anunnaki return. Dave says they have returned, and the time for financial liberation is at hand. Much of this gold is not known to the rest of the world, that is why there is talk of 'releasing' it. So far, lots of talk, no results.
Dave Schmidt ( The Sedona Connection ) uses his Radio program, FaceBook, YouTube, and the Newsletters to sell seats to his workshops.
Bruce "Dingleberry" Dawson ( The BIG Call ) uses his Radio program to sell his Boomer Products.
Frank26 ( Frank Villa, KTFAlways ) uses his Radio program to sell his MLM Products. He also has a VIP forum that he charges for. He said that he is a broker for Dinar and other currencies.
Kaperoni ( DinarAlert ) has a VIP forum he charges for.
RayRen98 ( Raymond Renfrow, TNTSuperFantastic ) uses his Radio program to beg for Donations and to sell seats for his Wealth Retention Seminars.
TNT Tony ( Anthony Renfrow, TNT Dinar ) begged for Donations on his Radio program before RayRen98 (his brother) took it over when he went to prison for the second time for fraud.
TerryK ( Terrence Keller, The GET Team ) has been charged for his involvement with Sterling Currency Group.
Most Dinar sites that "Recap" or post Dinarian "INTEL" make money from advertising or direct ad placements.
The only people who have made money from this "RV", "GCR", "NESARA", "GESARA", or anything related to the Dinar, ZIM, Dong, Rupiah, or Rial is the dealers and the GURUS selling their wares.
Here's a list from ADMINBILL to Zorra: