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Anna von Reitz - Mr. President…. Mr. President…..Mr. President!!!

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Mr. President…. Mr. President…..Mr. President!!!
by Anna von Reitz

Sec. 2. Policy. It shall be the policy of the executive branch to:
(a) strengthen enforcement of Federal law in order to thwart transnational criminal organizations and subsidiary organizations, including criminal gangs, cartels, racketeering organizations, and other groups engaged in illicit activities that present a threat to public safety and national security and that are related to, for example…..
(ii) corruption, cybercrime, fraud, financial crimes, and intellectual-property theft;….
Cleaning up your own organization and bringing its own slave racketeering to an end should be your very first target.
The plain fact is that the United States of America (Inc.) has been kidnapping, enslaving and trafficking millions of Americans via fraudulent titles, CUSIP bonds, and coerced, undisclosed private contracting processes ever since 1860.
It’s time for these criminal activities to stop and for the Bar Association debt collection agencies masquerading as public courts to be shut down permanently.
We, Americans, are not “United States Citizens” nor are we “citizens of the United States.”
We don’t owe a penny to your organization. In fact, the federal corporations owe us over $18 trillion dollars-worth of National Credit that needs to be accounted for. We are sick of being pillaged, plundered, and abused by organizations that are on our payroll and supposed to be providing us with “essential government services”.
You can start by re-tasking the IRS and the Internal Revenue Service. After that, you can re-instate the Federal Marshals Service to enforce the international land jurisdiction owed to the people and the actual union of states.
You can shut down the disguised debt collection tribunals and arrest the criminally inclined members of the Bar Associations responsible.
And then maybe it will be easier to shut down the other organizations involved in human trafficking---- with a straight face.

Thanks to Anna via facebook



Well that indeed is a plan, and perhaps there is a glimmer of hope... but not holding my breath that it would be done that easily.

3Anna von Reitz - Mr. President…. Mr. President…..Mr. President!!! Empty How to leave the Matix Mon Feb 13, 2017 4:58 pm


Step 1) Get a certified copy of your long form record of being born alive from the department/ministry of vital statics usually.  Note this document was created before the CROWN issued a birth certificate bond (proof that you volunteered to be a slave) to you.  Hence why taxes are voluntary.

Step 2) Have it apostilled/authenticated by your local state/provincial jurisdictional government.  Note govern = Latin for "Control" and Ment = Laten for "Mind", hence government means "mind control".

Step 3) Break all contracts for fraud (there is no statute of limitations) and send all the CROWN's property back, such as you birth certificate, licenses/permits etc.  Remember to render unto Caesar that which belongs to Caesar.

Step 4) After this you will no longer be a 14th amendment corporate citizen of the CROWN owned corporation of the "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA".  From then on you will be sovereign on the land again.  Note you may never use the ALL CAPS name again, for if you do you will voluntarily have recontacted with the CROWN. Furthermore, you must never apply (beg) for any benefits or privileges from the CROWN, nor will you ever be entitled to any.

Step 5) Enjoy life free from bondage and serving the dead (CROWN) entity.  It doesn't matter if it's a statue or a sheet of pulp with sigils on it, serving the dead is idol worship.

Step 6)  Help others.

Finally note this does in fact work.

Essene Rabbi Michael Menehem



Though I can appreciate the info brought forward here as well as the intent to share this information with others, I have to say from my experience and based on things I've been made aware of, there's more to be considered when trying to get out of the 'Matrix'.
  First of all consider what 'Getting Out' actually means. We're completely engulfed by the Matrix, System, Society... so unless you are or can be completely self-sufficient and become an isolationist, your really Not out of the Matrix. So the challenge becomes How to exist in the matrix without interference or being contracted with the matrix / society / system ? 
   Sovereignty in itself is another issue. Certainly we each can consider ourselves independantly sovereign yet if that sovereignty is not recognized by anyone or entity, what does it matter. Though I'm not an authority on the subject, I've been told by a few who claim to be an authority on what is required to have sovereignty recognized by the system, that unless you can show a bloodline from either of your parents to someone who lived in the 13 Colonies in 1792/1793 or was in the millitary (Northern, Blue Coats) when King George granted sovereignty to America, there is No way for you to be a recognized Sovereign. Though I do have this bloodline, I'm not sure exactly what all is necessary in paperwork etc. to have this documented and certified.
   It ultimately comes down to the long hard thought process of, Do I want to get out or How can I rearrange the way I live in the system, on My terms. There is much to be considered as there are many purported means to alter dealing with the system.


Nice observation Marty....The system has taken millions from all of us. The swap they made in 1933ish was we steal your name, we give you social security and medicare.....Leave the system, lost them both...We are locked in the matrix....

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