Nurse Whistleblower: Hospitals Vaccinating Patients by Force Without Their Knowledge or consent
Posted on February 22, 2017 by David RobinsonNurse Whistleblower: Hospitals Vaccinating Patients by Force Without Their Knowledge
NEW Signed Consent for Hospital Services Includes Vaccines – But Patients Unaware They are Granting Such Consent
The bigger headline-making story was made as the nurse whistleblower continued:
When you go to the hospital if you need surgery — say you need a knee replacement surgery — first they’re going to ask you if you’ve had your vaccines. You’re going to say ‘no’. Then they’re going to say you need to sign this consent if you’re going to have surgery…you need to sign a consent. In the consent, there’s a word call ‘biogenics [biologics]’ and if you sign the consent saying ‘I consent for you to give me biogenics [biologics]’ — that basically means that they can give you anything that they deem necessary including vaccines. So if you say that you didn’t get a flu shot and it’s flu season and you sign the consent saying ‘I agree to biogenics [biologics]’, they will give you a vaccine even when you’re under anesthesia because you already signed the consent.
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