Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Tuesday, 28-Feb-2017 19:49:36
Date: Tuesday, 28-Feb-2017 19:49:36
Hi, folks -
Received via e-mail:
From: "The Office of Poofness" <2goforth@humanus.ca>
Date: Tue, February 28, 2017 7:10 pm
Zap Says
Hi All,
Everybody is waiting for the “big” announcement tonight from the Trumpster that the RV/GCR is on. Do not be disappointed when it does not come. The matrix funds have been released, and the RV and GCR are underway quietly in the background, but an announcement right now is premature I was told, so do not be disappointed. Just know it is underway. This came from upstairs for me to say right now before this speech.
On our side, we have received news about an hour ago that the final compliance check will finish tomorrow. It started yesterday, and it was a bit more than they thought in respect of time required, but no flags came up in these 2 days so all is good. No flags means everything is on track for our release, but it is late.
Because it is late, I ask for 3 people to be helped and keep them alive and in shelter and food. I have gone to my extent and gave them my rent money to fill the holes but I have nothing more to give. I am stuck and I just pray the landlord will be compassionate tomorrow on my birthday and give me a bit more time. They need help, I can hang a bit more, and things are bright.
So when tonight comes along and Trump does his speech, do not be surprised that “the” announcement did not quite make it, but also know that all is well and the matrix funds have been released and the redemptions and exchanges are started. We are in the last mile there. Much thanks and much Love.
Love and Light
in Our service
Thank you for your support as we do our best to keep you up to date. We couldn't do this without your Help. Please go to Paypal.com using the account address: goneforthfornow@gmail.com to support the cause. Please remember to click friends and family when sending. If you are not a member of paypal and sending a donation please send an e-mail to goneforthfornow@gmail.com so we can log you in and send you a Thank You. We appreciate all the help you continue to provide in keeping food on people's tables, medical needs met, computers running and shelter .
With Much Gratitude and Appreciation, Susan
Love and Kisses,
"The Office of Poofness"
ZAP, Susan and Staff
Thanks to: http://www.rumormillnews.com