Published on Mar 7, 2017
(UPDATE 2017) PLANET X, PLANET 7X, NIBIRU, NEMESIS, WORMWOOD. Which ever you choose to call the rogue BROWN DWARF STAR. ITS COMING! Some are saying as soon as NOVEMBER 2017 we could actually finally see the proof in the sky for our selves. After over a decade of research from GOVERNMENT OFFICIALS to NASA SCIENTIST they all agree with one thing, ...its coming. Just how soon is the real question.
For those new to the topic, this program from Mashall Masters of offers recent observations of the Planet X system bodies, the Nemesis brown dwarf and its outermost orbital, Planet X. It offers a clear and comprehensive overview of the celestial mechanics involved in the coming pole shift a how these two bodies in space will gain a lithosphere lock on the outer skin of our planet, thereby causing a great tribulation for Earth.
Mashall Masters
If Planet X does make its return this coming November 2017, will you be prepared?