"Cannot Handle it Anymore!" by WHJ - 3.10.17
3/11/2017 12:08:00 AMEntry Submitted by WHJ at 10:58 PM EST on March 10, 2017
Oh wow! What a train ride! So glad to be getting off!
I must leave the DC! Just have been raised in truth and honesty and I find neither - except in the followers of the liars.
As to the regular commentators/gurus the only honest one among you is Patrick the only one that is profiting from your dishonest palaver!
Even the great Ben is being questioned - and why not. Give me ONE, just one, example of where he has been correct. One!
Yosef etc? BSrs personified! —- His name encompasses all of the other so called dreamers —- ‘r gurus! Bottom line, dreamers and spreaders of unfounded excitement!
Someone, anyone, give me an example of where any one of these culprits have told you anything that actually transpired to your benefit. ONE!
Sad that I allowed myself to be drawn into such a lousy bunch of money hungry, dishonest beg for money internet liars. Hey! Take a look at the three (so called from Canada) that run the largest internet scam! Zap = lies and lies and still is able to collect your donations for —Will’s cell phone is going to be shut off — and Jerzy’s we have been so busy with tasks at hand — like writing the BS for your next call????
Floors me how people can be so gullible to total BS and the reasons these guys will ignore this is that they are aware the stupid/gullible public will contuse has always.
Hey! True confession: I was drawn into the Humanis gig at the beginning because of a shill they had on one of their calls professing to be a trustee or trusted mouthpiece for some sort of a trust in the Philippines. Man! That was convincing by turned out to be another one of their lies.
Now! Is there one, just one, guru out there that will give just one source of info? Just one?
Okay, I’ll go to bed now! You followers of the prevaricating gurus enjoy you evening.
Thanks to: http://inteldinarchronicles.blogspot.com
:tup: :tup: :tup: